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What am I doing wrong ?!?!


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Okay so im new to modding my games and started using nexus mod manager because I was told it makes everything simpliler. I have down a lot of mods but very few of them actually show in game. One example is when I download something like more hair sttyles it will say I have it installed but i wont see the hair styles in the game when i go to make a new character. I have another issue with the grey warden armor to. Duncan keeps showing up naked or his body will be all yellow with big letters on it!!! Im trying DAO mad manager but im not having any luck with that either But it actually show which mod are ACTULLY WORKINg anmd it not as many as I thought. out of the 20+ plus I downlaod only like 5 of them are in the game working properly. I thought if i used Nexus MM everything will be as simple as me downloaading and installing. Please, can some educate me on what im doing wrong? Sorry for any typos, this was typed in haste and I didn't have my glasses on!

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Nexus Mod Manager is a poor choice for installing/managing DAO mods; many are not packaged to be installed via that method. (A 'Download with NMM' button on a mod page is not an indication that it actually can or should be installed that way, as some mods predate NMM, and have never been revisited by the modder... it is generally best to follow the installation instructions given by the modder.)


DAO-Mod Manager is what I recommend for managing DAzips. (Or the native DAupdater utility, though that can only install, making uninstalling mods a bit of a chore.)


Manual overrides are a drag-and-drop install, no manager required.


Using cosmetic mods in the Character Creator (like hair styles) requires adding information to the chargenmorphcfg.xml file.


Some info I compiled re mod installation... hopefully the links still work, since I posted it a good while ago *fingers crossed*:

kh mods her game: DAO, Part 0 - The Basics… installation tips, utility things, and console stuff


There is more detailed and coherent information on installing the various types of DAO mods linked at the very end of that mess, under the 'Recommended Reading' header.

Edited by theskymoves
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[EDIT: Started this, got distracted, tsm summarized things pretty well above.]


Ok... Lot going on there, and the Bottom Line Up Front (BLUF) answer is you're going to need to start over.


1. NMM is *not* a very good mod manager for the Dragon Age games. There are several very different sorts of mods for DA, and NMM can only handle some of them. I've been modding DAO since release (creating and using) and can say that there is no "one-size-fits-all" manager. Each of them can do certain things well, but none of them can do everything.


2. Appearance mods for your character (at the "Character Creator" stage) require two pieces: the assets themselves, and the "chargenmorpcfg.xml" file to map those assets to the sliders. Editing that file ("cgmc.xml" for short) can be done manually, but that's tedious and highly error-prone. Better to use the CharGenMorph Compiler utility to do the job for you.


3. Recommend reading this article; Using Dragon Age Mods for Dummies, to get a better sense of how to employ DA mods in general. Then come back with any specific questions about particular mods.


Happy (modded) gaming! :thumbsup:

Edited by Thandal
Ninja'd by theskymoves
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say I have similar problem. Most mods (dazips and not) works fine. However appearance mods doesn't want to - both if installed using NMM or copy/paste. Chargemorpcfg is the one from the zip with mod so it should be fine, but still there is nothing available in the game.


I removed all other mods - ALL - and still no change. Made Steam to recheck files, removed MyDocuments folder so the game could recreate it and nothing...


I played this game with both mods I want to use (More Hairstyles and Pineappletree's one) and both worked fine. But it was before and now neither works - together with compatibility charemorpcfg or on it's own with it's own xml file...

Edited by ch3mn3y
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I have to say I have similar problem. Most mods (dazips and not) works fine. However appearance mods doesn't want to - both if installed using NMM or copy/paste. Chargemorpcfg is the one from the zip with mod so it should be fine, but still there is nothing available in the game.


I removed all other mods - ALL - and still no change. Made Steam to recheck files, removed MyDocuments folder so the game could recreate it and nothing...


I played this game with both mods I want to use (More Hairstyles and Pineappletree's one) and both worked fine. But it was before and now neither works - together with compatibility charemorpcfg or on it's own with it's own xml file...


you can only have one changemorpcfg.xml in the overrides folder. make sure you don't have more than one. if you do, then you can either manually edit the file or make it easy on yourself and download the chargen compiler Thandal linked to in the previous post....I would also read over the other link about using dragon age mods for dummies. it's very informative.

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