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First time installer (I'm also an idiot)


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I've downloaded both the old mod manager and the new vortex FILES. They both end with extension .124. This is the very first time I've tried to mod skyrim. I've searched online, using google, the forums here, youtube..etc. They are all .exe files and you simply click them. Am I doing something wrong? Is there a special place within the game that I need to put a .124 file?


Thanks for all the help.



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I don't know if this will help, but I went to download the newest (testing version) file at GitHub and it is the .exe file. It is the second file down named vortex-setup-0.15.7.exe located here https://github.com/Nexus-Mods/Vortex/releases/tag/v0.15.7 . Good luck! I hope that helps.


Also, I just also downloaded the one_click file on nexus and it gave me an exe file, as well. Perhaps you had a corrupt download? I am trying to reproduce what happend to you . If I can, I will let you know.


Edit: The files for nexus mod manager (old mod manager) are named 0.65.2. Perhaps the computer is appending numbers to distinguish multiple downloads? In any case, If you are ok with using the auto-install location of C;/Program files, you should be able to go here: https://www.nexusmods.com/site/mods/1?tab=files . Scroll down to the first manual download button. It should have "One-click installer. This is the preferred way of installing Vortex" right above the manual download button. If you click on that button and choose run in the windows dialog box, it should install and run automatically.

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I downloaded the vortex file named: .65.2-4-0-65-2.124 That is the EXACT file name. I had to add an .exe extension on the end of it so it would execute. Same thing with the old mod manager file.

This is puzzling. There is no Vortex file named ".65.2-4-0-65.2." That is the name of the Nexus Mod Manger file available for download on the NexusMods site. Furthermore, when one manually downloads the NMM file from NexusMods, it downloads with the ".exe" extension, not with a ".124" extension (which is not a valid extension). The same is true for Vortex, whose latest stable version is 0.15.7. Whether one downloads it from the NexusMods site or from Github, the file downloads with an ".exe" extension. Which leads me to ask, what was your download source for these files? Did you use a source(s) other than NexusMods and/or Github?


Anyway, hippitywho has given good advice and instructions about where to obtain the two mod managers for download and installation.

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Interesting. I'm having the exact same problem that Kidfierce1640 is having only my downloaded files are file extension .62. Was trying to download the latest version of NMM and notice the new Vortex manager. However both NMM and Vortex download incorrectly. I just added ".exe" to the end of the file name and it worked correctly.

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To add to the already mentioned points, it is also a commonly known issue of certain (versions of) browsers to just "remove" specific file extensions during or after download (could also be an OS thing). I've even had people report their browsers "renaming" the file extensions to something ZIP or the like, which of course also broke the files, until they simply renamed them back and fixed the damage their browser/OS had caused.


Especially if one part of people reports the downloads as working fine, while another part of people reports the mistakes, always check your browsers/settings/OS and try with different ones first of all.

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