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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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but ya know whats really scary? the black dart gang. i saw them, and was able to kill 2 of 3. then, one manages to land a hit on me, while im at full health even, and i just watch myself fall! either that or the dark brotherhood when your in thier hideout, unchamoflogued. they all attacked me and i was soon overwhelmed. or when you dont do the puzzle in clockwork city right--the one after the spinning fast blade--and eventually there are millions of venomous fabricants. i might even go as far as to say that blade itself was scary the first time...oh, wait, all those are from tribunal. well, now i know what game i thought was most scary. :blush: and i think that spriggans are :blush: remarkably well endowed for trees :blush:
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  • 2 weeks later...

Corprus Stalkers. The first time I saw one, it scared the restore health potion out of me.


Ok, I'm like lvl 5, and I decide to go see the Ghostgate. So I gear up, buy a few potions, and start wandering through Molag Amur. An ash storm hits. I get ambushed by like 3 cliff racers (man, that was a tough fight!). I decide to go hide in a cave and rest.

Fight music starts immediately, and I hear a slow, zombie like walk, and a humanoid shape coming at me. I get very, very nervous.

I light a torch.


I practically jump out of my seat, and slice it up good. I try to rest again, but there's more enemies around. So I wander around, and nearly get killed by a couple of ash ghouls. I just barely make it back to Balmora.


Oh yeah, werewolves freaked me out. Especially when they ambush you in the quest.

And the first time a dremora teleported right next to me.... oh man..

And the tomb where you get a message that "you feel very cold..." I was like lvl 2 when I was in that tomb, and I got really freaked out, and quickly slaughtered by the skeletons.


I'll be sure to dload Giants, so I can relive your terror.

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I think Lich lords the scariest the first time I saw them. I wasn't sure if I could beat them so I ran to the exit of the sewers and saved. Only after I was certain the game was saved I dared to try to kill them.


It took me a while to beat them, I had a low character at the time.

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adding my two cents.... when I first played Morrowind, I was walking to Caldera and i'm right outside of town and a guard comes running out with his sword drawn. I hit my tab key so I could look behind me and see the huge kaguoti heading right for me... that scared me a lot....


Plus, the music in a lot of areas chills me to the bones....


And I stay out of the water. Slaughterfish are scary looking and annoying.

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the ash zombies scared me a whole lot and the first time I saw one I ran away but then came back and sliced it



one time I was in Kagreacs study and I talked to an ash slave I could because I was invisable and he said:


"STOP!....STOP!....we fix,we grease but they still make noise!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...
Dreugh It has to be Dreugh. My scariest experience in all of Vvardenfell was when I spotted 3 dreugh off the Dagon Fell docks excited I downed an exclusive potion of invisiblity and dived into the water, I was actually swimming with them! It was all fun and games until my potion wore off while I was right next to one of them and then this blood red meathook slams into my shield. The fight was quick I dispatched each of them with a well placed blow from my claymore but I was so terrified that I have been strongly deterred from ever entering water again.
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