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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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not so much scared per say but more of desturbed by the Kwama warrior, have you ever noticed the diffrence between the worker and the worrior the worrior has a kwama forager for his head, but the "neck area" on the warrior is the a** of the worker what was a bit unsettling was coming araound a corner and theres a Hulking Fabricant looking back at you
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  • 3 weeks later...


When i first looted a daedric shrine and picked up an emerald,and it popped up behind my back and started hitting me.... That was kinda scary.

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  • 5 weeks later...

It's not quite a monster on morrowind, but whenever i stare into a mirror, instead of seeing a gorgeous man which explains homosexuality, i see his looming great beast of a man, his red eyes piercing through my skin and smashing my nerves inside me. mum has the exact same problem, except it's worse and it only happens when she has only justt gotten out of bed.



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  • 2 months later...
Just give the girl near the dwarf a guarskin drum and they instantly look as if they have just drank 3 pints of jack daniels! My scariest moment on morrowind was whan I was playing around with the console window (namely teleport to akulachans chamber. No kenning or sunder! :rolleyes: ) Then I accidently toggled the world. Everything went red but I was still standing. That made me jump but then Dagoth Ur fell down behind my back and did his *growl* Man. That scared the **** out of me. I looked down and toggled the world back on. Then I laughed cuz he fell in the lava. Damage!!! :laugh2:
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  • 2 months later...

the freakyist thing ive ever seen has 2 be *shiver* it a bit of a long list but i get creeped out by ,

-corpuses, who isnt?

-places with that erie mumuring music

-bonelords, d*m all of a sudden i open a door then this thing in robes come out and its just a skull with sm arms and then i thry to hit it but its not doing nething so im like "AAAHHHHH GET AWAY GET AWAY!!!! GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH"

-trying to run away from a cliffracer then other racers see then they want a piece of your flesh then when you look back theres a horde of em behind you and you stop to defend you self but...its....ho..pless...therte....ever....y....wh..ere ,,po..k..in.g (you die)

-vampire nightmares, *shiver i was hounted for the rest of them day for 1, avoid this 1 if you are eisily spooked by words
















"you remeber playing as a child a game of hide and seek, you hide in the barn certain to 1 can find you, you go in more,,,then a little more...then....you see the corpes' of your parents, there throuts ripped out, ..and they bring you in an embrace............."

it may not be exact but i stoped playing my vamp char because of that

-vampie faces, havnt you evcer seen there ugly mugs?? with this huge white thing of an eye ,and pale face,

Edited by Zolo111
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  • 3 months later...

Hmmmmmm...Its pretty tough to be scared by Morrowind, but I almost had a sh*t in my pants when I opened a door...It was a long, dark, corridir ahead of me...As I was a Khajiit, I could see in the dark... something moved...I toggled back to normal vision and equipped a candlestick...I moved closer to the thing. When I was in close proximity, I put away the candle and went back to seeing in the dark. I drew my weapon, a steel claymore of flame. The thing jumped and before I knew it, a skull in a cloak with 4 arms was floating infront of me. I was really close, so its head, so to speak, took up my entire 1st person view. I started to insanely whack the left mouse key, trying to kill it. As I was only l.3, I barely killed it because of my enchanted claymore. After that, I ran into a few more, and I died. The end. (I died)


I too first made contact with a kwama warrior in close quarters, when I had grabbed some eggs. I didnt find out what it could do, I ran out and ditched the eggs!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I know this thread is old as hell, but I felt it necessary to throw my two cents into the pot.


I honestly have to say I've never thought Morrowind, nor any of its expansions, were ever frightening. Werewolves, corprus beasts, vampires, pff. I never thought they were all that scary. There is, however, one part of Morrowind that was so insanely frightening when I did it, and that was the recapture and destruction of the Ash Statue in Morvayn Manor for one of the latter Redoran quests. I think that quest was the first time I had ever encountered corprus beasts, so I stumbled in there green as a pickle, and all of a sudden there's a dead guy at the bottom of the stairs and I'm surrounded by zombies. Needless to say, I swung my sword quite a few times, ran for my ever loving life, got the ash statue, and got the heck out of there in a hurry.


Wait... does this make me an idiot? :ohmy:

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