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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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Pfft, everyone knows a kwama forager AND scrib is the most scariest monster in Morrowind...


But, anyway seriously.


The water dreughs, sea dreughs, whatever make me feel like NOT using my amulet of seawalking to walk on the sea for no reason, since I'm usually just pressing Q and then thinking about random things while my character does the stupid running motion.


Vivec, since he 1337 pwnt me, and mudcrabs since I always mistake them for rocks if I'm in an area where they blend in.


Cliff racers scared me the first time, but now they're just annoying as hell. I thought it was some kind of... huge... dragon... parasite... flying... thing that would kill me easily.

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  • 6 months later...

I would have to say that greater bonewalkers or dragurs are the scariest. With the greater bonewalkers, they're just plain ugly, strong, and they curse the hell out of your strength and endurance. :ohmy: The dragurs in Bloodmoon are just crazy fast and at level 90 on the xbox, they've got mountains of hitpoints. Just imagine being in a pitch black tomb, swinging Trueflame around wildly against 12 undead nord beseaker/dragur things??? And they're doing back flips and roaring at you the whole time :ohmy:

Being afraid of rats, cliff racers, or Fargoth is just lame. Just get a dwemer crossbow for the cliff racers, a knife for the rats, and a nice battle axe for Fargoth. Problem solved!

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Nix hounds have got to be the first thing's I were scared of. The first time playing Morrowind I ran from Pelagiad to Fort Moonmoth with a Nix Hounds on my butt the entire way because I was so terrified of it.

The first time I saw a scamp was in the Tel Vos tower and that scared the hell out of me too. Probably because it was so weird and I thought I'd be safe from monsters when I was in a populated area. And then coming across the creepy notes in the prison and stumbling across the Atronach. I freaked and ran flat out in the other direction and found the back way out, the whole time convinced it was chasing me, only to run into a Daedroth standing in the corridor leading out. A Daedroth! OMG I just died. Overall, not a good day for the Nerevarine.


That was YEARS ago though and I was playing as a Witchhunter, one of THE worst classes to play as, so you can understand why everything terrified me so much.

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  • 2 weeks later...
id have to say a daedroth.. theyre giant f'ing alligator dudes and they pack a hell of a punch. but whatever u find in those strongholds are usually pretty strong and freaky ^^
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