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What Morrowind monster is scariest?


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For me, it would probably be the Ascended Sleepers, although Lame Corpruses come pretty close. They don't really scare me anymore, but they're still creepy, even after all this time.
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I have a pretty definitive answer... Almalexia.


She comes out in the Clockwork City looking like a Voodoo tribal war-demon god, and shoots like... 8 spells of 3 (shock fire and frost) in a few seconds. As if that isn't bad enough, she has the flaming sword from Hell to slice you open like scrib jelly.


Other than that... Ash ghouls.


Those things make my skin crawl, making me feel like MY soul is being sucked out.

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  • 4 weeks later...


During the main quest, you can see one trying to come out of a door in that tomb place.

I wanted to curl up in a ball with a blanket. That scared the s*** out of me.

Why must their bones stick out?!

Also Ash Zombies scare me, especially when your sleeping and they come out of nowhere.

None of the other ash creatures really scare me though. Don't know why. Maybe it's because they don't have a gaint hole in their head.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ordinators. Has to be the Ordinators. I'm tossing my penny into the Ordinator hat.


Werewolves? I ain't afraid of no wolves. I like them, really. They're probably nice once you get to know them. At least you know where you stand with a werewolf. Nice predator-prey relationship, it works out, but in the end... fluffy, it's not you, it's me. And I'm fleeing on the back of my rapidly trotting guar. Same for most of the aggressive critters, really.


And werewolves are fun to go hand-to-hand with. Not killing 'em, just knocking them out and running like hell.


Why do Ordinators bother me?


*Ordinator magically appears.*

"We're watching you... SSSCUM."

"How--you--I... I WAS IN A CORNER. How are you behind me?! How did you make no noise? What this?! This isn't a lockpick!!! Hahaha... haaa... I'll be going now."



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Well for me the corprus monsters, the deformed things that run after you, yeah those. They freak me out so much i won't even let one touch me, thank god for bows and arrows. Its arm will get me :sick:, i think they are creepy stuff.
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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Every Ash creature scares the bejeezus outta me. Escpeially the Lame Corpus. :facepalm:
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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw a corprus and I was like 'what da heck?! They move so slow!' so I just attacked then jumped back, attack, jump back. Died in no time. :)


Scariest? I dunno. I don't like Ogrims, not because they are scary, but when I was level 1 and one attacked me I freaked out and charged... out the door!

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  • 2 months later...

For me, It's not a Cliff Racer, Those ARE The Most ANNOYING Creature in Morrowind,


For me the SCARIEST is a Hunger, most of my deaths came from Hungers, and those necromancers, fff.. I mean, they just backstab you in the back and you are paralyzed. I just run with my khajiit if i ran into some Hungers.

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