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If you are asking whether this will run skyrim the answer is yes. At 30 fps? No. On lowest settings? Yes, and only lowest.


Since the integrated graphics isn't specified either I would have to take the above with a grain of salt. There is no guarantee the laptop will be able to render skyrim at all.


Furthermore even if you aren't a "hardcore" gamer, playing any games on any type of laptop even a so called "gaming laptop" is silly. They overheat for one, cannot be upgraded for another, and your battery will last about thirty minutes playing even the simplest 3d games.


I really have to recommend you either buy a console or a desktop if you want to play a few games on your PC. Theres just too many downsides to playing any type of 3d games on any type of laptop even if you are the most casual player. You will be killing your laptop and cutting the lifetime of all its components in half...


I really recommend you read my posts before giving advice. I have a desktop computer for gaming.


Look. Let me clear up some confusion here on the gaming thing.


Maybe I'm wrong, but I never considered Skyrim to fall under a hardcore gaming type of game. It doesn't require a major FPS, there's no multiplayer, aside from the civil war quests there's nowhere you're going to encounter tons of enemies at one time. Granted Bethesda isn't going to get any awards for memory optimization, but whatever.


I don't require a "gaming laptop". I would like to get a new laptop because my current one is an old celeron 540 that won't even run morrowind, and I would like to be able to run Skyrim on it so I have something to do when I go somewhere else.


I asked a simple question. You guys gave me the answer I needed, but not without injecting your own personal prejudices into the argument. I think it was a little uncalled for.


The deciding point that you guys brought up is the horrible onboard video they're packaging with most laptops. There's no denying the i7 is a nice chip and the ram and hard drive space are sufficient, but clearly the video can't handle it based on the link that was posted.


Thank you for your suggestions.

I read your post. I am simply suggesting you can get more for your money with a desktop.

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I understand your problem you want to do some gaming on the go the problem is you play the game on your desktop you will get annoyed with a very low quality on a laptop.


Then look for a dual core with a separate graphics card like the gt540


You should also look into getting a ssd.


The quality isn't a huge issue for me as long as it doesn't have intense slowdown (poor FPS), but $750 was about the limit I wanted to spend on a laptop.

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"Thoughts", "decently", and "think" receive "prejudiced" answers.


I don't believe that to be the case. It's quite possible to answer "will this play skyrim" without going on a rant about how dumb it is to play games on a laptop.

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Well, you did ask if it will run Skyrim decently. And I said that this thing isn't for games. Not the biggest fan of Skyrim here, but even so it's still a game.


How will it run?


Look for HD3000, that's the onboard video you're getting with it.


If I didn't say so before, thank you for posting that link.


I'm going to use newegg's filter to try and see what laptops are available by video card. That seems to be the weak link nowadays with everyone putting the load on the gpu.

Edited by Stemin
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Does anyone know what the laptop equivalent of a GTX 550 ti would be? I wish that site had benchmarks for that model to compare. I'm really happy with that one on my desktop even though I know it's only a step above average. I would be happy with something comparable in a laptop to run skyrim.


Most of the high end ones on that benchmark page are around $1500 @ newegg.

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With the HD3000 you will have low FPS at the lowest settings.


Ah, it's HD3000. Yeah, Skyrim won't run too well on that. I've seen some videos of people playing it on low/medium low at like 720p or something, I'm even surprised that it runs at all. Morrowind would run like a dream on it though. I was playing that on a Pentium 4 2.4GHz, 1GB RAM, some crappy Intel integrated graphics, and perhaps the worst integrated sound ever created. Made the old laptop heat up quite fast, but it played ;)


That laptop is more meant for business/general Internet stuff. Something that could play Skyrim reasonably would cost you $1000-1500. It's not a high end game graphically, but it's still quite taxing on both CPU and GPU.

Edited by Illiad86
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