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Animated Texture?

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Can anyone tell me how to implement animated texture on a planar mesh in Skyrim, something like the 2D billboard smoke and fire in Oblivion. I have a sequence of textures each containing a frame of the animation.
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Unpossible to do it like such. Flip controller would have been what you wanted, but that controller has been removed from the engine as since after Ob, it's too inefficient so it's no longer supported.


What you can do is make a large texture sheet containing all of the frames, something like what you would see in the effect texture folder, ie fxskinparticledissolveanim01.dds or fxsteamthickanim.dds and so forth. And animate the texture to scoll correctly as such.

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The controller is a BSLightingShaderPropertyFloatController.

You will probably end up hand keying the data in nifskope. I personally would probably reinstall max 8 and animate in that, civ4 can export NiFloatData blocks and that's still what skyrim use so I can animate it in scene and export a nif with the animation data without me having to strain my brain. Search for a nif that uses that controller in game to see how the set up works and get an idea of what numbers you need to input in the data. Be aware that while BSEffectShaderPropertyFloatController is probably not the controller you want, but the float data and hierarchy set up is entirely the same, just substitute one for other depending on if you are using a BSLightingShaderProperty as opposed to a BSEffectShaderProperty.

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