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4 Ideas for Infrastructure in Boston


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I`ll startet large settlement building some time ago.

But every settlement is on its own. What i miss, is Infrastructure like power distribution, water, streets or railways.

One settlement provide power the other water. You can distribute it all over the Boston area.

Building powerlines from one settlement to an other is no problem with mods. I disilke this small stock powerpoles. I´ve found some poles

like the standing or overturned ones on the map. But they are damaged and could connect only one wire.

Found even on Model of the large steel ones but no connection possible. Building some with other parts is possible but complicated.


Here are the ideas:



How about some type larger than the woden pole but not that big like the steel type. 2 or 4 conections?



Possible to use pipes for distributing water between the settlements?



Found some Parts but whole placeable streets/roads with snap and slope for high differences would be nice.



Placeable tracks for usable Trains similar to the one in Nuka world.



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I can think of examples of all of these available on Nexus already. Did you try searching first?


Off the top of my head, the trains/tracks are available through the Warehouse Extensions mod, as well as a few others. Another mod called Choo Choo something...


Water pipes as static decorations are available through everything from greebles mods to mods by Wasteland Woody I think. If you want them as functionable, there is a mod that might do that but I can't remember it's name at the moment.


Streets are available from Greekrage. I don't think anybody creates snappable streets because most streets won't be on level planes. You'll need to use Place Everywhere for placement and sloping.


I think mods like Homemaker might include large power poles or lines. But you may need to manually add conduits to them to make them actually carry power.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I checked the suggestions mentioned above. Found some nice things but not all what i searched for.

For now I build the power poles with industrial frame parts from warehouse extendet.

The only Roads i find are in the geeks mod. They are the sanctuary type. Took me 2 hours to built them from sanctuary to red rocket. Looks nice but much work.


Near Concord i`ve the problem with the Sanctuary roads. They are to broad and have no junktion types. With place anywhere i found the old damaged road parts.

Have someone created new ones?


Found an useable mono rail like Nuka world, but its finished and can`t be changed in building mode.


Got little trouble with finding the searched mods, because the are packed in some larger ones.

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You could try sim settlements maybe it has what your looking for? Also Scrap Everything allows you to clean up some of the settlements, but be careful not to scrap important things (like buildings or roadways that hold stuff up in the world).

Edited by Undeadbob666
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I empathise with VanguardAscendant's sentiments in Post #2,


I recommend different stuff by Cypher2012, BlahblahDEEblahblah, Pra, Massigest etc


Me? I didn't make any resource sharing mods.


To expand upon Undeadbob666's suggestion with SimSettlements: IDEK's Logistics Station is a must. You don't even need to have food and water everywhere, if other settlements produce enough for everybody.

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