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An independent New Vegas mod.


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I would be skeptical about the riots.. particularly the Independent ending with the Securitrons at the Fort activated. Any chaos in the Strip dies out rther quickly and Outer Vegas seems to be getting along fine as a business as usual thing.


Why? It's a established part of the story line (end slides) and it's not hugely intensive work-wise to set up.

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my point was I don't remember anything about riots in Outer Vegas aftster Hoover Dam. In fact Freeside was said to ahve become one of the most stable areas of the Mojave.

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my point was I don't remember anything about riots in Outer Vegas aftster Hoover Dam. In fact Freeside was said to ahve become one of the most stable areas of the Mojave.


from the vault wiki new vegas endings Slide 2: Hoover Dam Victory, Independent


Independent with Mk I securitrons;

"The Courier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the picture, the remaining Securitrons on The Strip were hard-pressed to keep order. Anarchy ruled the streets. When the fires died, New Vegas remained, assuming its position as an independent power in the Mojave"


Independent with Mk II securitrons;

The Courier, with the aid of Yes Man, drove both the Legion and the NCR from Hoover Dam, securing New Vegas' independence from both factions. With Mr. House out of the picture, part of the Securitron army was diverted to The Strip to keep order. Any chaos on the streets was ended, quickly. Chaos became uncertainty, then acceptance, with minimal loss of life. New Vegas assumed its position as an independent power in the Mojave.

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I suspect some good immediate small quests for 3 of the factions will be simply cleaning up pockets of Legion resistance and pushing back any established bases if resources are available. House already has that as his (near) ending in the letter of withdrawal and I'm sure he'd want the courier to assist. NCR should want to continue the momentum while they have the Legion in withdrawel for at least the Mojave area, resources allowing. That's where the courier comes in. Battle fatigued and shoring up defenses will tie up the NCR but a specialist like the courier (and perhaps a handful of vets) can be used to press the fight. The same should hold true for indpendent courier, I don't think he/she wants Legion in his/her back yard. But I'll have to check the slides to be more definitive.

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point I guess your more addieng the option to play out that action. Also sent you a PM in regards to the file.


The idea is to make the end slides (aka canon endings) all possible if the player chooses that direction (makes those choices), but *not* require it as the only possible outcome. In the same way as all the fallout series had a canon ending, but every player could have a different ending.

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Good call, I have to ask though. How are you going about these things? Are you doing it like. Everything for Independent, then everything for NCR, everythign for House, everything for Caesar? Or are you doing it more by aspect such as The Strip for independent then for House then NCR then Legion.

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Are you doing it like. Everything for Independent, then everything for NCR, everythign for House, everything for Caesar? Or are you doing it more by aspect such as The Strip for independent then for House then NCR then Legion.


Well the base mod will clear out battle conditions, leave the strip as is and leave NCR in the dam. So faction endings will alter a lot of areas, but primarily I'll work on the strip and dam at first, whether I do only independent (because you have the option with independent to keep the new vegas treaty & thus the NCR or to boot them out of hoover, McCarren & the strip) or work on all 3 faction endings at the same time. I also want to throw in some immediate quests with cleaning up legion, nothing huge, but just to give the feeling of a real aftermath to the battle.


Fujikid believes we should do the independent first then work on the rest and there is a lot of merit to that idea. But a lot of the quests can be recycled through each faction ending, so it's not a huge amount more work (in theory) to do the other faction endings. For example, even the Revenge of house can (as Devilman alluded to) be recycled into a House faction ending if Anthony or a surviving Benny can get hold of, and compromise Yesman. Legion stuff works for all the other 3 factions. Many of the smaller details like vault cleared & re inhabited are fairly unaffected by which faction wins (at least in the begining).


What do you guys think?


I'd also like to hear opinions on the legion ending. I'm not a fan per se, because it will require the most changes/work, but it is a grim, dystopian future NV that will appeal to a darker side.

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