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An independent New Vegas mod.


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My personnel request would be to make 'good' weapons scarce and very expensive, and elaborate / force both player and NPC to manufacture their own, making material savaging / repair far more important, this would open a new and realistic survivalist world as was intended, were your forced to kill with what you got, rather than choice.

Oh..one can dream...


Well that can be a little tricky since it relies on fairly subjective matters. There is probably a wide spectrum of what people consider a good weapon, expensive, scarce etc. We're not really looking to re-tool the game's balance but to extend the game past it's end, with new quests and consequential changes arising from the Couriers actions.

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@ devinpatterson


I was having a look on the internet and I came across a page with unused audio files from New Vegas. I'm not sure if these audio files still exist within the game but I thought it might pass it along your way if it helps with things. Here's the link http://tcrf.net/Fallout:_New_Vegas/Unused_Dialog


Nice, looks like a lot of post game references, taht will be especially handy :thumbsup:

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I have to admit that I have never played the Legion path in the original game but I would imagine that if there is to be a Legion version of this mod I would expect to see more crucified people, Legion flags and heads on pikes.

Yeah definitely, probably de-forest the northern Mojave with all the crucifixions coming up. With nearly all of hte end game points you list the outcome is the same, a faction disappears :( There are possible exceptions like the boomers, but they seem rare. It just seems like the Legion version is so threadbare. Other than the Legion itself, very little appears to be left in the Mojave. There probably won't be gambling, drinking or whoring. Drinking & drugs aren't tolerated in teh legion. Woman are like livestock and are simply taken. I'm not sure about gambling, but I was under the impression it isn't tolerated either.


Honestly if the Legion ending is that empty of everyone/thing except the legion, I'd rather spend the time making a new worldspace in AZ (rather then just removing everything about the Mojave that makes it interesting). Maybe a town on the way to Flaggstaff, like Prescott or something. It would have the same dark legion rule, but could be used as a central location in the other three factions battles against the Legion. It would have the same character, ie all legion, slaves etc, which is IMHO rather one dimensional, but still retain the wealth of a melting pot that is the Mojave.


What about the Yuma Ghost Warrior thread? I was kind of figuring an NCR/Legion throwdown anyway, and given all of the projects why not condense into fewer mods?



The Remnants - Caesar will order his troops to leave them alone. Lanius on the other hand will have them chased into Arizona and lose hundreds of men in the process without being able to kill a single remnant.

So I guess this is a good example of the Legates rule (along with what he would do to the followers). At least it gives us a standard to hold his rule by, a whole new level of ferocity compared to Caesar.


Regardless of which faction the player follows in the game I think that the Lucky 38 should remain as the player's home. I can imagine that Caesar or Lanius would make the Ultra Luxe their main palace.

Yeah, it seems to be the case with the House and Independent endings as well. No clue on the NCR....although as a hero, I could see them rewarding the player with the Lucky38 if s/he pressed for it (unless they need the 38's mainframe, then maybe just the presidential suites?). Otherwise I'd guess they open if up for business.


One thing I'm very curious about in re: to hte NCR ending (and that we need to figure out pretty quickly) is the securitrons. Do you guys see the NCR co-opting them and tehir tech (via the lucky 38 mainframe), re-branding them as they did power armor? I think a NCR victory is very unlikely (without cheating) if the securitron army was activated (just flipping the El Dorado Substation switch, which IIRC is one of the things needed to activate the army, has a huge hit to your NCR rep). So we're talking about just the strip securitrons being re-tooled.


I don't think it'd be too tough to slap some NCR textures on them, and add some dialog to complete the effect.


One other (less critical, at the moment) point is if there is a NCR ending and the bots in the securitron vault havn't been destoryed, is there a loose end to tie up? For instance the possibility that the NCR could get their hands on them? A possible quest? Or should we just leave it as it is in the vanilla game, where once the vault closes (even if the bots are still intact) you can't get back in? We don't want to tip the balance too far in teh NCR's favor, militarily speaking, but it doesn't make a lot of sense that the player can't get back into the securitron vault if s/he has the platinum chip.


The Brotherhood would definitely be very interested in getting their hands on a Securitron or several hundred... which would probably be very bad in the long run. Speaking of which House/Anthony might try to open the vault if it was sealed.

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Hey brother, how's school going?


What about the Yuma Ghost Warrior thread? I was kind of figuring an NCR/Legion throwdown anyway, and given all of the projects why not condense into fewer mods?

I do like the idea. Both components tie in well (the tribals revolt against Caesar) and the conflict in Yuma. Large enough to be major quest lines. Although I'm lazy as far as making a new world space. But yeah I think there is a lot of potential in the idea. Any idea on Legion numbers/prescence there?


Also would you happen to have any idea on the Rangers chasing ghosts thing? I mean is it strictly Oliver just giving them busywork or have you seen anything genuinely intersting that drew them down there.....seems like a huge waste.


I want to revamp the rangers and use this concept art for them;









The Brotherhood would definitely be very interested in getting their hands on a Securitron or several hundred... which would probably be very bad in the long run. Speaking of which House/Anthony might try to open the vault if it was sealed.

Yeah the I'm sure the BOS would love that, but they'd have to have the chip and the knowledge that it exists, so it's a tough call. Or alternately if we really wanted to make a questline to put some serious hurt on a NCR faction ending, we could say they could hack it some way (I think it's very, very unlikely, but for the sake of a quest line), then then you and the NCR would have some serious bots that are potentially/possibly aggressive.


But as far as House, I think it's fairly likely that you have to have the bot army mobilized already to do the House faction ending, otherwise he has no army to face down the Legion and NCR. I could be wrong and it may be possible to finish hoover without the securitron army, for House, but I doubt it.


Yeah if Anthony can get hold of the chip he could do that. So either him or the BOS could make a fight for the NCR (& Legion). Although I doubt teh BOS could pull it off without the chip, and even less so Anthony......

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One thing I'm very curious about in re: to hte NCR ending (and that we need to figure out pretty quickly) is the securitrons. Do you guys see the NCR co-opting them and tehir tech (via the lucky 38 mainframe), re-branding them as they did power armor?

I don't think it'd be too tough to slap some NCR textures on them, and add some dialog to complete the effect.


I can imagine that the NCR have been using old pre war robots for decades so I can easily see them wanting to reprogram the securitrons for their own purposes. However I'm not too keen on sharing my Lucky 38 penthouse with NCR engineers.

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My personnel request would be to make 'good' weapons scarce and very expensive, and elaborate / force both player and NPC to manufacture their own, making material savaging / repair far more important, this would open a new and realistic survivalist world as was intended, were your forced to kill with what you got, rather than choice.

Oh..one can dream...


Well that can be a little tricky since it relies on fairly subjective matters. There is probably a wide spectrum of what people consider a good weapon, expensive, scarce etc. We're not really looking to re-tool the game's balance but to extend the game past it's end, with new quests and consequential changes arising from the Couriers actions.


Thats a fair point, by 'good' i meant professionally manufactured i.e an AK47 is a professional tool, unlike a straped together home-made weapon. Scarce meaning Gun-runners / perhaps NCR having access to professional arms, why the common layman / Fiends etc need to make theirs from scraps.. and expensive meaning minimum 5K for the fore mentioned weapons..of course you could loot body's, but heavily restrict what is found in containers.


I realise its a tall order and would not please some, but you have to admit it would fit with the game scenario, and make savaging and crafting far more important / rewarding. Imagine finally finding that last piece needed to craft your first SMG and the distinct advantage that would give you.


I guess its prob a bit much to add into the mod, im sure you have enough on your plate as is.. after all the dynamic of the game would change as a consequence.

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I guess its prob a bit much to add into the mod, im sure you have enough on your plate as is.. after all the dynamic of the game would change as a consequence.

Yeah we're really just focused on extending the current game, it's not really within the scope we have in mind, and we do have plenty to do as is.

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I can imagine that the NCR have been using old pre war robots for decades so I can easily see them wanting to reprogram the securitrons for their own purposes.

Turns out there isn't much usable space for logos, so I just threw the NCR power armor logo on their shoulders;








Securitrons have human faces (or stylized human faces, like Yesman) for their screens, but a iconic face of the NCR doesn't really jump out at me. Kimball doesn't seem right. A ranger facemask/helmet sort of fits the policeman and army man theme, but Oliver would never go for that (with his prejudice against CA's finest). A bear and star seems redundant, as does a flag, with the logo already on the shoulders.


There is a little bit of a technical problem with the new look as well. I'd like to have the logo's appear after the player (or NCR/followers rep) reprograms the securitrons. But there aren't a lot of commonly used ways to change a texture without changing a critters ID & changing the ID means some extra work of copying all the securitrons, tying the duplicates into scripts, patrols etc. Then setting them disabled until the reprogramming.


There are niVisability nodes that allow me to make meshes like a decal appear on or off via script, but I havn't got a handle on them (yet). There is also animated textures that would allow one to switch out the logo, but I don't have a practical/working knowledge of them (yet).


So in the interest of time/laziness, the NCR vivaNV will probably just automatically add the logos, this means the screen we choose (and which can be easily changed) becomes even more important to show the players (or NCR/followers) reprogramming of the securitrons.


However I'm not too keen on sharing my Lucky 38 penthouse with NCR engineers.

Hmmmm well lets see what we can figure out....


If the player has high Science, then the NCR will probably come to the courier first, for the reprogramming. That should give the player a bit of leverage (not to mention being a national hero), so maybe a speech check to have the mainframe moved down to the basement? A decent repair or science or jury rigging perk could allow the option.


Or I'm open to any ideas you have on the subject.


This would also be the time for the player to put in a backdoor similar to "1C 3C R34 M" (icecream), but with more extensive abilities to influence the securitrons. If the courier has a high Science skill and a wary nature this should probably be an option. A evil karma penalty/choice could even hold the lockout codes for the mainframe adn extort caps for it.


A bit off topic, but I noticed one group of ranger vets has a weird command, that I can't find any info on, when they spawn at hoover;


	LegateCampRangerOliverGuard01REF.sifh 1
if anyone could keep their eyes open for "sifh" I'd like to know what it is.
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Hey brother, how's school going?


Finished the first year in May, loved it.


I do like the idea. Both components tie in well (the tribals revolt against Caesar) and the conflict in Yuma. Large enough to be major quest lines. Although I'm lazy as far as making a new world space. But yeah I think there is a lot of potential in the idea. Any idea on Legion numbers/prescence therdevinpatterson, on 29 Jun 2013 - 4:34 PM, said:


Not really, I made a rough plot of the major cities/locations of the Legion, NCR, and New Vegas on google Earth. Yuma is more or less equally between the Legion in Arizona, the NCR in southern California, New Vegas, and Baja. Their numbers could be... really anything. I imagine that both sides would want it as a crossroads for a potential attack on the other side, and the NCR would also need it as the waypoint between the Baja and New Vegas... hence its importance as a potential staging point between the three powers.

Also would you happen to have any idea on the Rangers chasing ghosts thing? I mean is it strictly Oliver just giving them busywork or have you seen anything genuinely intersting that drew them down there.....seems like a huge waste.
Yeah, that always tickled my imagination... the only thing I could find was that NCR settlers founded a village that Hanlon and six other rangers were sent to investigate raider activity, which turned out to be an internecine conflict over the sole well in the village; the survivors were persuaded to leave after the Rangers spread a rumor about a massive raider gang incoming.

Other than that and the vague comment about "chasing ghosts" and that the NCR "took over but didn't have the strength to annex" it, there's nothing, although the boneyard (LA's ruins IIRC) seems to be tied up in it, having lobbied the President into sending rangers down there.

The only things the Baja has (that I could find from a bit of googling) is basically beaches, marine life in the Baja (bioresearch?) and urban/suburban retreats just south of LA; so my immediate thoughts were either some rich pre-war city dwellers (and/or post-war bigwigs) building/buying villas or survival shelters, or bio-research companies; or else some generic research firm or military stash, as the lower baja seems like a decent place for a pre-war conspiracy to stash stuff, as it's close enough to have relatively easy access to pre/post war US industry and remote enough to ride out the apocalypse relatively unscathed...


But as far as House, I think it's fairly likely that you have to have the bot army mobilized already to do the House faction ending, otherwise he has no army to face down the Legion and NCR. I could be wrong and it may be possible to finish hoover without the securitron army, for House, but I doubt it.

Yeah if Anthony can get hold of the chip he could do that. So either him or the BOS could make a fight for the NCR (& Legion). Although I doubt teh BOS could pull it off without the chip, and even less so Anthony......

I figure that they could express interest, but I doubt anyone would give them one. That is to say the Courier, House, or the NCR would shoot that idea down quite quickly.


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You could try contacting the mastermind behind " beyond bolder dome" i suggest you have a play through of that mod because the creators seem like pros try speaking to them about your truly fantastic idea which I love and would love to see become a reality


Run that one by me again brother, because I'm not really making the link between boulder dome and an independent New Vegas.


i mean you could contact the creator of the mod : beyond bolder dome, because they would be one of the best people to help you make your mod a reality

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