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An independent New Vegas mod.


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We don't really see how big the securitron vault is - for all we know if could be 20 levels deep and 10 football fields wide; have tens of thousands securitrons in storage; and a large assembly line waiting to be used - it's highly unlikely, but as we don't really see what's in it, it does remain a possibility if we need it to be.

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I know exactly the shack you're mentioning. If memory serves me right it had a unique sniper rifle in it too.

Yep that's the one, it was perfect too because the super mutants were wayyyyyy the heck out there, made for some great sport.


As for shacks I'm currently trying to make a Megaton like player house. Its going to end up being bigger than the f3 version to make room for a bathroom and workshop area. Honestly I don't understand why people don't like to put bathrooms in player houses.

Definitely, I appreciate the extra realism. Part of the house/lair aspect is making a additional option for the NCR mod (probably at hoover, but possibly some other NCR held location) and a few options for the independent (in addition to the lucky 38).

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Of course, if you went for a recolor,

I'm actually good with them the standard color, a NCR flag screen & NCR logos. It makes sense to me, and I found a NCR sentry bot and it wasn't retextured. I just left it open for Darkus to submit other resources/looks since he has a problem with them.


the problem of the face screen could be solved by attaching a protective metal chickenwire style mesh over the screen itself, but, i'm sure something like that is far easier said than done.




I have to agree, I don't think brand new securitrons are realistic ...but there's more potential for giving them an extra layer of armor? Like the chickenwire though, I don't know how easy it'd be to implement.

Yeah, I don't see any problem doing that in blender.


The sandcrete is totally workable alongside the "junk wall" type of terrain we see around New Vegas.




Take a look at those two areas specifically, it's not that the whole of Hoover Dam or the Mojave Outpost need to be remade in pristine sandcrete, but rather that a couple of new sandcrete buildings should be added to blend in with the existing uhh... junk :smile: ...just to give it that classic NCR feel. Trust me, people who played Fallout 2 will love it.

Sounds good to me


btw, with Hoover Dam, I'm thinking it'd be easier to give the surface a slight overhaul, adding a couple of buildings, cleaning it up a little bit, adding tent bazaars to the road, but the "city" itself would be prefabricated inside the Dam itself. A little like the oil tanker in Fallout 2 maybe...

I do like the idea of it looking like the Mojave outpost on top, and rivet city inside. I feel like we could get a huge amount of play out of it.


I think this is a interesting spot too....







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There's the Cerulean Robotics Factory in Freeside if you're looking for a factory. However I've heard that the RobCo Certified mod http://newvegas.nexusmods.com/mods/43331//? uses that area. I'll have to take a closer look into that mod when I start a new game.

No worries Devilman, I was just replying to Darkus's post. In essence I was stating that there is no evidence that the securitron vault is a factory.

Edited by devinpatterson
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BTW Lucia, how do you feel about city building and/or handling the population? I mean don't worry about the dialog quests I can put those together for you. But I figured since we we're talking a lot about companions you might want to tackle some personalities in the dam city.
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BTW Lucia, how do you feel about city building and/or handling the population? I mean don't worry about the dialog quests I can put those together for you. But I figured since we we're talking a lot about companions you might want to tackle some personalities in the dam city.


I'm pretty limited in terms of what kind of technical things I can do with the GECK, I'd be happy to write up character outlines for NPCs, and write the dialogue for them, but it'd be in text, and you'd really have to put the conversations into the GECK and create the NPCs in there. But if you send me "blank" NPCs from the character outlines I give you I can take care of tweaking the faces and adding equipment etc, that stuff can be time consuming, but I like I doing it.


I'll focus on Hoover Dam to start with, we need minor NPCs; shopkeepers, workers, troopers, travelers, that kind of thing? Let me know if you've got specific characters in mind, and specific ideas for miniquest types of things like "hey, courier, deliver this parcel to Bob for me".


I'll leave the main quests alone for now since we haven't really gotten a detailed picture together of it yet, and I don't want to rush ahead again.


I do like the idea of it looking like the Mojave outpost on top, and rivet city inside. I feel like we could get a huge amount of play out of it.


I think this is a interesting spot too....


Maybe Gunslinger could start to experiment with the Sandcrete and that Vault City (i forgot it's name, the "Meo" fallout 3 one) building set on the Dam? Were you volunteering to build, Gunslinger? :)

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Or better yet, I'll make them, save them as an .esp, and send that over to you to be scripted;


Here's a tiny taste of what I came up with so far, just dealing with NPCs for the bazaar area of Hoover Dam...




...from the top down we've got an unnamed Gun Runner Merchant who can point the player in the direction to get around the town and tell them about the other NPCs. The next two are "Sergeant Holland" who acts as a "friendly greeter" at the gates to the Dam /Customs Officer, and "Trooper Ramirez" who's dealing Jet under Hollands nose and who the player can help Holland to bust. I thought it might be fun to give Ramirez a promotion in the Independent Ending version, and instead of being a pest, he's one of General Olivers most trusted troopers- reflecting obviously on Olivers terrible judgment.


The next two are "Milko" http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Milko who was taken straight out of Van Buren, and Milkos Wife. The two of them run a "Grab and Gulp" style restaurant.


Below that are Siri and Melody from the Fort... there can be a conversation about them "having their freedom" finally, and they're choosing to stay at Hoover Dam and sell healing powder and tribal medicine...


And finally, my favorite one, an unnamed Souvenir Seller who has a decorated market stall selling Legion equipment he pulled off of the corpses... and to decorate the stall he has to a have a mannequin decked out in centurion armor :smile: It's fun to do because it's such a commercialized sacrilege to the Legion and all it stood for. And, hey, in the Legion Ending, he can be selling NCR equipment instead :wink:



Anyways, that's what I've got so far. Still a load more to do... and obviously all the dialogue to write... but I'm going to enjoy this.



Does anyone else have ideas for NPCs/Miniquests for Hoover Dam?

(edit. I'm saving all of these as NPC Resources.esp and it's using all of the DLCs excluding the Tribal and Classic one)

Edited by LuciaofArroyo
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I like the idea of the souvenier salesman, thats a pretty cool idea actually. I can already imagine the stall, all filled up with Legion/NCR helmets and maybe the occasional weapon. How about adding other types of trinkets and maybe a few static bobbleheads/snowglobes behind him too? Just as a sort've nod to the player that they may not be all that rare after all :tongue:


Having Siri and Melody is a nice touch to see actually, though you're probably going to have to get quite good a mixing dialogue in order to get something workable for when when they talk to you.


If you're looking for ideas I'll chime in. Well it's not really an idea per se, but how about just filling up the new site with a load of generic NPCs? They don't have to have anything to say past the normal smalltalk that most NPCs already do, but it'd help add a bit of life to the area. Plus it kind of makes sense that people would flock to the area, as it's where so much of the local population has been foucsed on for the past 5/6 years it'd only be natural for ti to become a trading/cutural hub imo.

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Securitron re-texture


I think we should keep the default color and maybe just add the shoulder logos. I also feel there's nothing wrong with the default MK II face, but if you want to change it, I think it should remain as a facial image display. I know you said the NCR ranger mask doesn't work well, but perhaps something else NCR related, like maybe Kimball's or better yet, Tandi's face instead?


Some Hoover Dam City Sidequest Ideas


1. "A river runs through it" - apparently some of the new people don't seem to understand what a dam is, and have decided to expand into the walls keeping the water back - stop them before it's too late.

2. "Shades of Nessie" - based off of the Van Buren idea of a monster-filled lake neat the Dam, people have been reporting seeing a monster of some sort swimming near the Dam - investigate these sightings.

3. "Wolf in Sheep"s Clothing" - the commander of Hoover City has been approached by a Legion commander who wishes to establish an "Arizona Outpost" to mark the beginning of Legion territory.

4. "untitled" - would involve bringing in a new Chief Engineer to have the place running better and/or optimizing the Dam yourself.

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