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How? The NCR needs more Vertibirds and the Remnants have one that they will never use.

Well they help you out at the dam, I mean that's the only way you can get in right? Then you turn their base over to the NCR, doesn't seem right.



Not sure exactly when but we did discuss the idea of a new settlement in Red Rock Canyon made of refugees from Legion territory and wasteland survivalists.

That sounds pretty good to me, plus maybe some more junk.


I think you also suggested putting in a cazador queen there but I think that a legendary cazador would work just as well.

I do like hte idea of a Cazadore queen along with a whole lot of little babies.....even though the're not hive insects. but then again they do have nests....


Don't know if you guys caught one of the two cazodore threads recently in the forum, but I did a bit of research on them. 1. They actully drink nector and 2. they sometimes drink so much of it/fermented they get so drunk they can't fly. Sohard ot say if the mutant type have this, but I think it's colorful enough to throw in.


So I thought it would be cool to occasionally have drunk ones flying erratically about. And moosehead brewery could start up again, get pretty big and then get an infestation of cazadores as they break in and suck down the new brews. Of course they're unlikley to leave on their own so the player has to clear them out again.

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How? The NCR needs more Vertibirds and the Remnants have one that they will never use.


Even if the player has the Remnants fighting for the NCR I doubt that they would be willing to hand over the keys to the bunker and vertibird. Not unless there were given something important like a presidential pardon.

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4. Dead Money Elijah Ending:


I see what u mean devin, I just mentioned it so you guys could consider it. Thought the idea was interesting.

Yeah it is a interesting idea, it is just so all inclusive, that it's hard to keep it for an extended campaign. Not to mention dialog, patrols, behavior, victims everywehre etc all has to change or it won't seem like a realistic consequence of the toxic cloud.


But I'll try and keep it in mind and take a look a little deeper after work

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How? The NCR needs more Vertibirds and the Remnants have one that they will never use.


Even if the player has the Remnants fighting for the NCR I doubt that they would be willing to hand over the keys to the bunker and vertibird. Not unless there were given something important like a presidential pardon.



I know this is going to sound pretty douchie but the Remnants wouldn't really speak out against the player if the was handed over. After all they kept their old Enclave allegiance a secret. In one ending they get hunted down by rangers even when they support the NCR in the fight and aid in the evacuation.


Plus not everything in Fallout is good, the player chooses good or bad, that said an idea came too me. What if the player goes too each surviving member (I say surviving in case any die during the second battle of hoover dam) and ask them if it would be ok to hand the bunker over too the NCR who can put it to good use. Some will need a speech check while others will be ok with it, this would be the good ending for the quest. Alternatively the player could take the easier way and just hand the bunker over without the Remnants consent, this would be fast and easier but give the player negative karma.

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How? The NCR needs more Vertibirds and the Remnants have one that they will never use.

Well they help you out at the dam, I mean that's the only way you can get in right? Then you turn their base over to the NCR, doesn't seem right.



Not sure exactly when but we did discuss the idea of a new settlement in Red Rock Canyon made of refugees from Legion territory and wasteland survivalists.

That sounds pretty good to me, plus maybe some more junk.


I think you also suggested putting in a cazador queen there but I think that a legendary cazador would work just as well.

I do like hte idea of a Cazadore queen along with a whole lot of little babies.....even though the're not hive insects. but then again they do have nests....


Don't know if you guys caught one of the two cazodore threads recently in the forum, but I did a bit of research on them. 1. They actully drink nector and 2. they sometimes drink so much of it/fermented they get so drunk they can't fly. Sohard ot say if the mutant type have this, but I think it's colorful enough to throw in.


So I thought it would be cool to occasionally have drunk ones flying erratically about. And moosehead brewery could start up again, get pretty big and then get an infestation of cazadores as they break in and suck down the new brews. Of course they're unlikley to leave on their own so the player has to clear them out again.



I made a suggestion earlier to rebuild/repopulate Bonnie Springs, the town south of Red Rock Canyon. Maybe you could have a small side quest where a town member asks the player too kill the cazador queen/Legendary in order too save a Brahmin/Bighorner herd or kill them so they can use the land between Red Rock and Bonnie Springs for the herd without fear of attack.

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I made a suggestion earlier to rebuild/repopulate Bonnie Springs, the town south of Red Rock Canyon. Maybe you could have a small side quest where a town member asks the player too kill the cazador queen/Legendary in order too save a Brahmin/Bighorner herd or kill them so they can use the land between Red Rock and Bonnie Springs for the herd without fear of attack.

Sure I don't see why not

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I was thinking you shouldn't remove the Legion completely from the game, maybe have 1-2 small places that are still held by the legion or a group that has split from the legion. Ranger Station Charlie and the Legion raid camp to the east of Wolf Horn Ranch.


You could make it a side quest where the player has too go and retake Ranger Station Charlie, find out if there are any other Legion bases still in the Mojave, which would lead the player too the Legion Raid Camp. After the NCR sets up a base at Wolf Horn Ranch.

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Uh - I don't know how you guys feel about interaction with other mods, but "The Inheritance" mod has Station Charlie taken back by the NCR.


Wolfhorn Ranch - considering that this was supposed to be Ulysses's ranch, perhaps there could be a secret Frumentarii base underneath?

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Uh - I don't know how you guys feel about interaction with other mods, but "The Inheritance" mod has Station Charlie taken back by the NCR.


Wolfhorn Ranch - considering that this was supposed to be Ulysses's ranch, perhaps there could be a secret Frumentarii base underneath?


I can't really see there being a secret base underneath it, and if there was it would most likely be abandoned.

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This is also in another post I made, but I was directed to repost it here.

Anyways this is going to be a long read, so if you're not interested in helping out or giving some sort of feedback/ideas you should probably stop reading here.

1. Add a quest to take over Ranger Station Echo. It's right next to cottonwood cove, and the rangers there are confident that they are safe. You could either lead a group of legionaries into it, or if that is too hard to make, just a simple quest that Aurelius of Phoenix or Decanus Severus gives you to take it over, which would result in XP, legion fame, and maybe a legion occupation or a greater legion presence in the area.

2. Legion patrolling certain areas. Certain areas that have been taken over by the legion like the Legion Raid Camp should be a little more populated, or at least have more legion patrolling the roads. I love the battle between the legion recruits and some traveling merchants near that camp.

3. Legion merchants. I would really like to see this. Even some traveling merchants in Legion Controlled areas or maybe at Cottonwood Cove or something that help the legion. I hate how all of the traveling merchants are always hostile to legionaries, no matter what.

4. More quests in general. The legion has very few side-quests, and I think there could be some great ones like "help sneak some legionaries into -INSERT NCR CAMP HERE- and help them take over." And then have that camp be occupied.

5. More troops at Nelson. I asked for something like this earlier but got no response so I thought it would just be easier to add more troops to Nelson, or maybe make some sort of assault on Camp Forlorn Hope that you can help out with.

6. More commanders. There is a serious lack of leadership in the legion camps, and I've seen most camps go without any sort of commander or leadership at all. Maybe if you kill a certain leader then legionaries stop respawning at that camp, or visa versa where if you kill an NCR commander, the legion takes over the camp.

7. Helios One. This is a big one for me. After killing the NCR troopers at helios one, the legion sends a mere two soldiers there, and the faction on the main map doesn't change. Realistically control of Helios One would also mean access into Novac (which is guarded in the front by Boone, but the legion can easily slip in the back) and it would mean an easy route through the Scorpion Gulch/Hidden Valley areas. Something as simple as adding more legionaries to Helios One after the takeover or maybe a small assault quest to kill all NCR related citizens in Novac (Boone, Manny Vargas, and Ranger Andy) before having the legion come in for security. This is also where the Legion merchants could come into play as well.

8. Another Camp about halfway up the coast. So the Legion controls lots of areas in the southeast portions of the Mojave, but there are also locations like Ranger Station Charlie and Legion Raid Camp that are closer to the middle of the map, which sort of begs the question. Did they manage to walk all the way from cottonwood cove through the ghouls, Ranger Station Echo, and camp searchlight without any sort of fight along the way? I feel like some sort of camp about halfway up the coast or maybe legionaries walking from Cottonwood cove to the raid camp is needed.

9. Last one! I really want more battles between the factions. Even if it means adding more NCR guards at some outside areas of some bases and just adding a couple of legionaries that are bound to lose, I think it's needed. In the vanilla game there are so many NCR troopers that the NCR could just take all the rangers from, say, three ranger stations and maybe some of the troopers and rangers from Camp Golf and wipe out the entire legion presence in the Mojave. I want to see that the NCR is being pushed, under constant threat from the legion, and struggling just to survive. Obviously the battles would just be at certain areas, but I think there is some way it could be implemented.

If you read through the whole thing, thank you, and if you didn't, I just listed a few things I wanted to see that involved the Legion. I don't know how to mod, but if anyone who does likes these ideas, it would be great to see a couple of them implemented.

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