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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Hooray! Beta's finally up.


Anyway, any progress on making it installable pre-final battle?


While I appreciate your enthusiasm, I only got home about 45 minutes ago and havn't even eaten yet. But no worries, I just need to find a good script var or glob to hang the condition on. It's a simple condition that checks the default for a quest script (every 5 seconds) so it's infinitesimal.


Over the weekend I was looking through some of the developer scripts for playing beyond the battle. They must have made the decision end the game after hoover very early in the development cycle, because what's there is very sparse....almost worthless :( Nothing in there I didn't already know or could have found out somewhere else. One of the scripts is actually empty and another didn't even have a quest to start it.


On a related topic, I do want to trigger the option to light up the strip (unless it's already been done, and I missed it in my search. It was a result of tripping the El Dorodo power station, but was cut. I think that would be cool.



Great Job with the Beta. Right now i'm working on fixing up Camp McCarron and making Freeside cleaned up and in NCR control.


So decided to go with teh NCR faction then? I think that's a wise choice, probably the most popular ending. I'll go dust off the NCR thread.

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I'm having a hard time seeing the Legion making the Courier as Legate of New Vegas as only one person can be a Legate at any time unless Caesar is already dead. Maybe coming up with the title of Senator of New Vegas could work instead but due to the Legion's misogynistic attitudes this might be a problem for female Couriers. The Legion may have minted a coin in the Courier's honor regardless of gender but I suspect that there are limits to the Legion's genorosity.

Oh don't worry I was just trying to convey a flavor to each faction version of the couriers (eventual) control of NV. Don't take it literrally, just as "Boss" isn't the official honorific of the House version. But *do* take away from it that we can have the player shaped by his/her respective faction even if he/she controls NV. For instance the NCR challenges as mayor might have a lot to do with balancing a system full of red tape (and a bit of corruption), balancing the desires of powerful trade houses etc. The House version might resemble a giant crime family, lots of end fighting, occasional hits/assassinations etc.


Essentially conveying the idea that we can have the courier rule NV regardless of what faction they backed and still keep that faction flavor at 100%.


But specifically on the term Legate you could historically have more than one. There was one for each major region back in the Roman empire, and Caesar *should* be aware of this (it's not an obscure fact especially for a anthropologists). So we should keep in mind the possibility of at least a legate for the east where the legion also has an active (if I'v read the wiki correctly) campaign of expansion. They seem to be very busy in the 4 corner states, not sure about the other compass points



In regards to being House's successor I think it's a safe bet that House intends to live for another 200 years and beyond. However the offer to extend the Courier's natural lifespan is hinted at during the main game. In any case House is going to continue being the true boss of New Vegas with the Courier as his right hand man/gal.

Sure that's definitely House's plan, but I think we should have the option open to shift power. It can be as simple as walking in and putting a slug in his head (ala "For the Republic 2") or as complicated as gathering all the crime....errr casino boss's in an Al Capone style coup. Could be a very interesting storyline and quest.


While I think that the Legion and NCR will be consolidating their hold over the Mojave after Hoover Dam

Yeah I *suspect* Oliver won't follow up the momentum of Hoover and will probably consolidate their position. But I think the Legion will go the other way, and will begin aggression toward teh core region much soooner. But that's IMHO.


I do think that we'll we need to see some new world spaces created for this scenario.

If one were to populate honest hearts with a lot more pines, junipers etc you'd have a dang good representation of Sedona AZ (only about 30 miles from Flag, the Legions capital). I'v never tried re-useing/re-purposing a world space but maybe it's easier than making one?


I think there's already a mod which opens up the area beyond the Mojave Outpost which would come in handy. Dry Canyon is another mod which would be perfect for expanding Legion territory.

Can you contact him/her and see about permisions?


In the Independent version securing a small bit of land is one thing but if the player intends to take control of more Legion and/or NCR territory it would be a bad idea for a new nation to rapidly expand it's borders. This would lead to the very same mistakes that the NCR made by expanding too far and too fast.

Yep that's the way I see it too. I'd also like the securitron army to also be somewhat less flexible in military campaigns afar, and more capable in NV's core region.....but that's just a thought.

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Oh, a bit off topic, but I was working on decals so one can use tatoos with the standard races (without having to delve into the dangers of custom races....perk resets etc). And I thought it would be a good idea to give some of the NCR some service related tats (I'd think it would be common among servicemen). It would also be cool for legion to have some tribal (our modern version of tribal the black, vaguely Celtic stuff) ones as well. Here is an example with a early alpha BOS tat (on the third pic the tat can show through on tight fitting clothes).








This mods value is mostly for the player, but it could still add value for NPCs since we wouldn't have to whip up a custom race for each npc that has a different tat. Rather it's a simple item we just pick and choose for each npc.

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@Devin: Looking good, and I'm liking the idea for repurposing Honest Hearts to act as Legion HQ.


They share striking similarity (minus the flora)



Just wondering, though, would you be able to whip up a few more tattoos? Maybe a barcode, and an Enclave insignia?

Definitely :)


I'll see if I can who one up for you. Let me know the position, size, etc of each

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