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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Some ideas.


Nevada Desert Rangers


In the Independent NCR withdrawal and war versions I would like to see as an option to offer amnesty to the original Nevada Desert Rangers. Since they are native to the Mojave area and are considered to be highly trained and experienced I would like to add them into the Mojave Army that the player character is trying to build up. The way I see it when they got absorbed into the NCR Rangers they didn't have much of a choice back then considering that the Legion significantly outnumbered them. It was either join the NCR or end up on a cross.


Lobotomite Army


Just recently I've been running the Robco Certified mod and have been making Lobotomites out of any Legion I kill. This gave me an idea. When the Courier decides to have another big skirmish with the Legion I would like to overrun the Legion with lobotomites. Every victory against the Legion will result in more dead Legionnaires and a lobotomite army that can replenish and increase it's numbers. It's a mad scientist type of evil thing to have but I have to admit that it's very practical if the size of the Mojave army is relatively small. Something like this should require having Old World Blues completed with the Think Tank working for the Courier.

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Some ideas.


Nevada Desert Rangers


In the Independent NCR withdrawal and war versions I would like to see as an option to offer amnesty to the original Nevada Desert Rangers. Since they are native to the Mojave area and are considered to be highly trained and experienced I would like to add them into the Mojave Army that the player character is trying to build up. The way I see it when they got absorbed into the NCR Rangers they didn't have much of a choice back then considering that the Legion significantly outnumbered them. It was either join the NCR or end up on a cross.


One condition was that the NCR had to protect the Mojave, since they failed to do that I could see the Desert Rangers leaving the NCR.



Lobotomite Army


Just recently I've been running the Robco Certified mod and have been making Lobotomites out of any Legion I kill. This gave me an idea. When the Courier decides to have another big skirmish with the Legion I would like to overrun the Legion with lobotomites. Every victory against the Legion will result in more dead Legionnaires and a lobotomite army that can replenish and increase it's numbers. It's a mad scientist type of evil thing to have but I have to admit that it's very practical if the size of the Mojave army is relatively small. Something like this should require having Old World Blues completed with the Think Tank working for the Courier.


That's cool idea, maybe at first you're limited to a handful and after a few battles they soon become the grunts of your army.

Edited by sgtKraigO
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Sorry, been crazy busy. I'm hoping I can catch up a bit on the threads and modding soon. For now just a few haphazard comments until I have the time to address the topics in a more comprehensive manner.


Some ideas.


Nevada Desert Rangers


In the Independent NCR withdrawal and war versions I would like to see as an option to offer amnesty to the original Nevada Desert Rangers. Since they are native to the Mojave area and are considered to be highly trained and experienced I would like to add them into the Mojave Army that the player character is trying to build up. The way I see it when they got absorbed into the NCR Rangers they didn't have much of a choice back then considering that the Legion significantly outnumbered them. It was either join the NCR or end up on a cross.

I don't think you would see a mass exodus (ie a majority) of defections (and that's not a bad thing, as I'll allude to later). The Desert Rangers have been serving for over a decade and are pretty well integrated into the NCR. They'v also been serving a much wider mission arc, in pursuit of NCR interests in many locations, other than just the Mojave. I believe, by now, many share the ideals of the republic.....to at least some degree. There is also the question of honor, especially in the face of military desertion.


But that's not to say that, to a large minority, hoover dam isn't the last straw (pardon the double neg). If the player can protect the region from the legion, or probably better yet, is in pursuit\gunning for Legion forces (as opposed to simply protecting New Vegas *and* the player offers amnesty (or better yet an alliance, primarily shaped by a mutual campaign against the legion), I can certainly see a splinter group of the ranger vets resuming the desert rangers. They would consist of those most disillusioned of the NCR and it's politics. This would allow us to preserve the NCR ranger vets and start up the desert rangers as a second faction.


Lobotomite Army


Just recently I've been running the Robco Certified mod and have been making Lobotomites out of any Legion I kill. This gave me an idea. When the Courier decides to have another big skirmish with the Legion I would like to overrun the Legion with lobotomites. Every victory against the Legion will result in more dead Legionnaires and a lobotomite army that can replenish and increase it's numbers. It's a mad scientist type of evil thing to have but I have to admit that it's very practical if the size of the Mojave army is relatively small. Something like this should require having Old World Blues completed with the Think Tank working for the Courier.

I had the concept of a much smaller scale lobotomite companion(s) based on the star trek episode "Memory Alpha", Spocks brain, and other similar pop culture references, for inclusion in OWB expanded. But I would be reluctant to include any large scale lobotomite forces from recovered foes. Partly because it cheapens the to some degree the uniqueness of OWB, but mostly due to game balance issues.

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I am using three of the above mods (not counting trade center and Run the lucky 38).

Hopefully they won't be invalidated by this mod when it comes out.

That's difficult to say for sure, until I can look them over.


I don't know if I asked this before, but would it be possible to complete the Yes-Man plotline post game completion and have him use the Securitrons for the NCR (or your chosen ally/path) instead of for you alone.


Or is that too complicated given the ending state path?

It's not too difficult on my end, it's more of a problem from the games story line. Essentially it's due to the Rep hit you take by activating the El Dorado substation. It, along with some of the other story events required to activate the securitrons make it difficult to continue working with the NCR and thus accept their end quest (Eureka!).


But we have definitely been discussing including the securitrons (both on the strip and the vault) in the NCR ending.

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I don't think you would see a mass exodus (ie a majority) of defections (and that's not a bad thing, as I'll allude to later). The Desert Rangers have been serving for over a decade and are pretty well integrated into the NCR. They'v also been serving a much wider mission arc, in pursuit of NCR interests in many locations, other than just the Mojave. I believe, by now, many share the ideals of the republic.....to at least some degree. There is also the question of honor, especially in the face of military desertion.


But that's not to say that, to a large minority, hoover dam isn't the last straw (pardon the double neg). If the player can protect the region from the legion, or probably better yet, is in pursuit\gunning for Legion forces (as opposed to simply protecting New Vegas *and* the player offers amnesty (or better yet an alliance, primarily shaped by a mutual campaign against the legion), I can certainly see a splinter group of the ranger vets resuming the desert rangers. They would consist of those most disillusioned of the NCR and it's politics. This would allow us to preserve the NCR ranger vets and start up the desert rangers as a second faction.


I would agree that they maybe some among the Nevada Desert Rangers that have settled into new lives from their time in the NCR (raising families, etc ) but I can't see that many choosing to remain in the NCR. For arguments sake lets say it's a 50/50 split and half of the Nevada Desert Rangers choose to return to the Mojave. In the House version I can't see Mr House willing to make the same offer of amnesty and happy to see them leave with the NCR.


It would be good if the results of the quest Return to Sender factor into this somehow. If Hanlon committed suicide then the Rangers back home in NCR will suffer from lack of public support. If Hanlon was not exposed then his political career back home begins to gain momentum and its worth remembering that that Hanlon owes his success to the player's silence. A recording of a particular conversation sent to an NCR newspaper could be enough to ruin his plans for office.


If you haven't already played it I would recommend giving the Russell companion mod a whirl since it relates to the Nevada Desert Rangers. Ever since I played it I changed my mind about keeping that " NCR d%* waving" Ranger statue around in an Independent Mojave. It has to go. :devil:



But I would be reluctant to include any large scale lobotomite forces from recovered foes. Partly because it cheapens the to some degree the uniqueness of OWB, but mostly due to game balance issues.


Why not? The tech at Big MT is an asset that ends up in the player's hands it wouldn't make sense not to use it. It would keep Dala happy and occupied. However, instead of creating a lobotomite army they can be something that is just considered as a war asset instead to deploy in some other battleground away from the player. If there are plans to involve a military campaign into Legion territory then any human Mojave army raised is going to be too small and inexperienced to deal with the Legion. Fortunately the army is backed by heavily armed securitrons but unless manufacturing facilities are available to produce more then the securitrons will only last so long.


Despite the benefits of having an expendable and self sustaining force, using the lobotomites as an army should carry some consequences like a reputation hit with factions like the Followers of the Apocalypse (can't see them approving of those types of methods) and the NCR (turning even the Legion and Fiends into a zombie robot army may be seen as a step too far to some).


Another idea I wanted to throw in here:


Mojave Express Courier Eyebots


After the events of Lonesome Roads the player is aware that members of the Legion operate undercover as couriers in enemy territory. Basically the mail service in the Mojave (probably NCR too) is compromised and I figured that using eyebots as couriers could be a possible solution. Old Nash wanted to use Ed-E for courier work if he could get him repaired. Eyebots can easily cover more ground if they do not need to stop to sleep or eat. However replacing human workers with robots is likely to cause some dispute from other couriers.

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Someone uploaded a new world space. It's pretty good, needs a tweaks but you could use it for something. http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/55585/?tab=1&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fnewvegas%2Fajax%2Fmoddescription%2F%3Fid%3D55585%26preview%3D&pUp=1




Another idea I wanted to throw in here:


Mojave Express Courier Eyebots


After the events of Lonesome Roads the player is aware that members of the Legion operate undercover as couriers in enemy territory. Basically the mail service in the Mojave (probably NCR too) is compromised and I figured that using eyebots as couriers could be a possible solution. Old Nash wanted to use Ed-E for courier work if he could get him repaired. Eyebots can easily cover more ground if they do not need to stop to sleep or eat. However replacing human workers with robots is likely to cause some dispute from other couriers.



I could see the NCR military using them as couriers as it would be safer and faster. As for civilian use within the NCR I'd imagine they wouldn't be used nearly as much since it would take away a lot of jobs, but that's not to say they wouldn't be used at all.

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Another idea I wanted to throw in here:


Mojave Express Courier Eyebots


After the events of Lonesome Roads the player is aware that members of the Legion operate undercover as couriers in enemy territory. Basically the mail service in the Mojave (probably NCR too) is compromised and I figured that using eyebots as couriers could be a possible solution. Old Nash wanted to use Ed-E for courier work if he could get him repaired. Eyebots can easily cover more ground if they do not need to stop to sleep or eat. However replacing human workers with robots is likely to cause some dispute from other couriers.

I do like the idea of eyebots. Kinda bummed they'r so freak'n rare compared to the capital wastes.....but ED-E's sheer awesomeness balances that out. There were supposed to be some at the Sarsprilla HQ, but they got cut.


And I like the idea of a an eyebot courier.


But with them being so rare it might be best if there was only one. We could treat it as a bit of a zany encounter, name him/her/it courier 0 and have the little guy always racing past the courier, leaving the player way behind in it's dust (if you have the WW trait we could also do a little of the warner bros audio, like the roadrunner sounds). The comical theme here being that the little dude is *everywhere*.


As far as the origin, it could be a roving trader sales a standard eyebot or that Nash or someone gets hold of, and repairs a sunset one. If the player has the bos eyebot army, some may be damage and lost...later showing up on the open market.


I could see the NCR military using them as couriers as it would be safer and faster. As for civilian use within the NCR I'd imagine they wouldn't be used nearly as much since it would take away a lot of jobs, but that's not to say they wouldn't be used at all.

Definitely. The NCR has bots, but they are few and far between (acording to teh whiki), but they do use whatever they can. So starting about page 57 of this thread Luciao and I began discussing a roving trader at hoover city that sold bots, and developed teh idea of some being used by the NCR. I made an antique model and this would play the official NCR radio station (has a lot of news about the president, the senate, border regions and goings ons in the core, public safety announcements, military vicotories and news etc etc).


Here is a pic of the variations (all fully rigged antenna);







I was kind of going of the idea that the NCR would use whatever it could get it's hands on bots wise and that it would have some older models. It would be cool as well for them to have an official military courier too, unless it steps on the toes of Nash's courier bot too much.


On an unrelated note, I'm surprised the Mojave BOS chapter doesn't have some combat bots.

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Oh also a "intercepted" courier eyebot could make for an interesting quest. Recovering a NCR courier eyebot from legion frumentarii, before they can extract the data (also works for a human ranger delivering a msg and having to recover him/her before torture breaks him/her). Same things with Nash's courier eybot, a mysterious individual or force intercepts the bot, and the player must determine what secret message was so valuable and recover it and the bot.
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The bot looks cool but maybe have an armour upgraded ED-E with the large entente instead because the one you're currently using is a prototype tv :P


As for a roaming radio I'm some what against that due to everyone already owning a radio and I'm against the NCR government owning them as this would seem eerily similar to the Enclaves propaganda methods used on the east coast. Maybe instead of the government owning the radio eyebots have a news organization that leases them out to various towns in and around NCR territory. You could have some in Primm, Novac, the Strip, Nipton, and South Vegas (later 2 would depend on whether or not they've been re-populated of course).

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