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I could be wrong here, but the small abandoned factory Devilman was refeering to *is* Cerulean Robotics. I can't think of any other in the vanilla game.


No, you're right. I was referring to Cerulean Robotics.


I still think that there are manufacturing capabilities within the bunker at Caesar's Fort. The Fallout wiki for the bunker even states:


"After activating the Securitron army, the noise of moving hydraulics will sound throughout the vault, which points to additional robots being assembled in other unseen sections in the vault."


I don't believe that Mr House would have designed the bunker without any means of manufacturing more. I'm sure he realizes that he is bound to lose some Securitrons along the way to lucky wastelanders with pulse grenades. Without the means to make more then the locals will begin to chip away at his army over time. Just because the player has the means to make more robots doesn't necessarily mean the size of the Securitron army will double overnight. If the player wants to have some robot followers there should be a limit to how many the player can take and that the bunker has a steady source of materials (scrap metal, scrap electronics, fission batteries, conducters, etc) coming in.


It's also worth noting that there is also a Securitron plant in Big MT if there's ever a need for more robot factories. I agree with SgtKraigO that Cerulean Robotics would be the perfect choice for setting up an Eyebot factory. I would happily uninstall RobCo Certified for that.

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gotta bust a move if I'm going to get out of here on time, so just a quick reply. The eyebot is or can be the onje out of repconn. The tv is a moot point (although I don't think there's aqnything amazing aboutg the NCR finding a station and getting it working when they have a huge swaqth of CA). But that's not what Im talking about with the eyebot, he'd be recieving signals but it doesn't have to be from a tv station, the same as the securitrons have a wireless network;'


Yeah i don't think cerulean has any production facilities of note, but my memory is worth cr*p, so I'll try and take a look after work.

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I could be wrong here, but the small abandoned factory Devilman was refeering to *is* Cerulean Robotics. I can't think of any other in the vanilla game.


No, you're right. I was referring to Cerulean Robotics.


I still think that there are manufacturing capabilities within the bunker at Caesar's Fort. The Fallout wiki for the bunker even states:


"After activating the Securitron army, the noise of moving hydraulics will sound throughout the vault, which points to additional robots being assembled in other unseen sections in the vault."


I don't believe that Mr House would have designed the bunker without any means of manufacturing more. I'm sure he realizes that he is bound to lose some Securitrons along the way to lucky wastelanders with pulse grenades. Without the means to make more then the locals will begin to chip away at his army over time. Just because the player has the means to make more robots doesn't necessarily mean the size of the Securitron army will double overnight. If the player wants to have some robot followers there should be a limit to how many the player can take and that the bunker has a steady source of materials (scrap metal, scrap electronics, fission batteries, conducters, etc) coming in.


It's also worth noting that there is also a Securitron plant in Big MT if there's ever a need for more robot factories. I agree with SgtKraigO that Cerulean Robotics would be the perfect choice for setting up an Eyebot factory. I would happily uninstall RobCo Certified for that.



Maybe the player could work out a deal with the Crimson Caravan for the building materials and the Gun Runners for ammo and weapons.


I haven't put much thought into this but what if the NCR eyebots used 9 or 10mm smgs instead of the laser. It would make them different than the others.

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Re: TV in the NCR


In Old World Blues the player can threaten his brain with exposure to television followed by an atomic cocktail. This leads me to believe that television may exist within the NCR. However I think it's on a limited scale.


While it may be possible to find some undamaged tv sets, television will most likely be a luxury for the very rich in the NCR. Even if the NCR managed to get an old television station up and running I can't see them having the means to make any new shows and have to make do with reruns of pre-war shows and movies taken from vault archives or the ruins of Hollywood.

Edited by Devilman1975
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I haven't put much thought into this but what if the NCR eyebots used 9 or 10mm smgs instead of the laser. It would make them different than the others.


I would stick with the energy weapon. It would make it easier to believe that the energy weapons power supply can recharged opposed to the eyebots having more storage space for ammo. I know, it is strange to use this as an excuse when the player can ask Ed-E to carry over 100lbs of crap through the companion wheel.


I also think it would be best to limit the eyebot couriers to carrying small packages, letters or audio messages. I don't mind the eyebots having a radio function though. I've got Ed-E playing Radio New Vegas through one of the companion sandbox mods.

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re: packages we could reuse the dufflebag I made in Feb;








Or if you prefer I can rig a smaller bag. There's a little side pack (looks kinda like a purse or fanny pack) on the dead courier? I think it had a NCR emblem on it too.


Re: weapons I should probably tell you guys what I personally can pull off so we have some parameters to work with.


It's no problem to rig a weapon, even a large one like this Gatling gun;








or hand weapons;







But some things break the immersion a bit.


If you want to be able to see the muzzle flash, the weapon should be the same length or shorter than the built in zap gun (because of the projectile node)...or at least not much longer if you have a large muzzle flash.


I can't make a automatic weapon without an attack loop (and the eyebot definitely doesn't have that animation) I can bump up the fire rate to insane speeds, but it's a matter of opinion if that's visually passable.


I can make an automatic feed system via a small nodule replacing a revolvers cylinder and being belt fed.


I havn't figured out a way to make the weapon's reload animation play. I do think it's possible, but I don't know of a way to make the playgroup function target the weapon.


I can simulate holstering via a visController node. It won't have the animation, but the gun will disappear from the grip/arm/claw of the critter and appear at it's side (or where ever said being holsters it's weapon).


There may be other stuff I'v forgotten, but that's some of the limits we have to work in.



Re: weapons it might be good to have the newer divide ed-e's since they have a multitool to hold new weapons. The NCR was there for a (undetermined?) time, so it's possible if they have eyebots they may be from the divide (before the S hit the fan).


EDIT: ooops forgot a spoiler tag

Edited by devinpatterson
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I can't stop laughing at that SS Eyebot... youu should probably just keep the regular laser.


I'm not sure about the bags though. If you do go with a bag, don't use the dufflebag it's too big.

Edited by sgtKraigO
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I can't stop laughing at that SS Eyebot... youu should probably just keep the regular laser.

Careful, Mr. Shooty is sensitive to criticism :wink:


But I don't mind rigging up something new (or at least a new spin on an old bot) as a bit of character. A sort of one off to make a more unique NPC eyebot. I don't think it'd be a bad idea to put a little style on to our mechanical courier....

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Can't imagine why Nash would want the eyebot to carry *less* since the eyebot can obviously carry the weight.....it makes sense to have a big bag for volume. But here is a pic of the dead couriers bag, maybe it's more to your guys liking;







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