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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Its great that people have so many ideas but its pretty much pointless if the mod is never made. I think think that there should be more talk on the mod actually going into development and gathering a team to make the mod.

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Its great that people have so many ideas but its pretty much pointless if the mod is never made.

So you'd publish a book before you wrote it, or build a house before you draw up plans? I understand you havn't made a mod, so your workflow may be different, but that just brings up another point. Why would you proffer advice how to make a large, complicated mod, when you have zero mods published?


People can contribute their ideas, at the same time development is going on......it's not one or the other. Everyone has ideas re: NV, and I welcome the input so that peeps can contribute their specific visions of new vegas.


In regard to it never being made, parts of it are already made, and it may never be 100% completed because it is made to evolve....it doesn't have a specific end point.


I think think that there should be more talk on the mod actually going into development and gathering a team to make the mod.


Who would I be talking to about development? Do you realize I do the actual modding myself? I mean if you had advice in regard to story lines, were offering skills, or team members, etc, then there would be some purpose to your post. But all your doing is advising without any knowledge and/or complaining without offering any kind of positive assistance. Seems like a waste of time/bytes.


However there are all kinds of constructive, useful contributions you *could* be making. If you feel a team is necessary, or that development is too slow, feel free to solicit help. Offer to do some voice work. Contribute ideas. Learn to mod and you can contribute in many, many ways. There's an enormous amount you could be doing.



Seconded. We need to actually move forward with development. Otherwise, we're all just wasting our time.


Your under no obligation, it's strictly voluntary if you wish to contribute to the mod......because you have a specific vision of how (post hoover dam battle) NV should be. Feel free to participate or not at your own discretion.


I'm also a little confused on how "We", as in the plural, move forward on development. As far as I'm aware, I don't believe anyone else has developed the mod.


However, I appreciate that Devin's busy at the minute. Therefore, we need to establish a tight work schedule for our different releases.


A work schedule for my releases? Yeah, somehow I don't think that's going to happen. A little strange that you would be telling someone else you need to establish a work schedule for *their* mod. Little reality check here; unless your cutting me a check, your going to be sorely disappointed trying to schedule my releases. But thanks for the laugh.


Devin, how much do you have done on this?


Cleaned up hoover dam battle conditions (mod is available here) and some additional things here and there (in the penthouse and encounters in select locals), as well as started work on the strip.

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Aaaaaaaand this is what happens when I lose a post halfway through and rewrite it, and thusly, forget to mention the goddamned important bit of my post. I am truly, truly sorry for any offence I caused you with my post.


What I was suggesting (that I forget to mention in the version that I posted) is that we get other people on to this. This thread has a large enough following that if you asked, I'm sure a few modders would step up to the plate and offer their skills. 'Many hands make light work' and all - ideally, we'd get one person going sifting through dialogue, one person working on worldspaces, one person working on dialogue, etc.


Anyway, at last check (a few minutes ago), the mod was updated on the 9th of March. Do you have an updated version to hand, perhaps? You mentioned something in the discussion thread about including a few lines of script to render CAGE redundant (always nice for keeping plugin numbers down - I'm proudly sitting at 115 and desperately trying not to go higher).


The thing which I'd really like to see is a cleanup of all the pre-dam dialogue ('NCR and Legion are really going at it', etc.); that'd stop all the massive and continuous post-dam immersion breaks. While quite a simple task, it would also be an extremely time-consuming one.


Therefore, I volunteer to hunt through the game, systematically speaking with every NPC I can find, seeing if they have any dam-related dialogue. As I lack anything but elementary modding skills, I feel that this is the best way I can contribute to the process of the creation of this mod. If you think it'd help, let me know and I'll get started ASAP.


A quick list of the ones I know offhand are in need of dialogue cleanup (question marks indicate that I'm not 100% sure) -


Trudy (Goodsprings)

James + Francine Garrett (Freeside)

Generic Brotherhood Paladins (Brotherhood bunker)

All NCR-faction characters (all over the damn place)

All Legion-faction characters (similarly all over the damn place)

Julie Farkas (Freeside)

Isaac? (Gun Runners)

Generic Kings? (Freeside)

Swank (The Strip)

Generic Gamblers (The Strip)

Marcus (Jacobstown)

Johnson Nash (Primm)

Ruby Nash? (Primm)

All vanilla companions


That's it so far. As I said, if you want me to go for a hunt and search for further instances of this dialogue, I'll be happy to. I really want the next version of this mod released, and I'll do all I can to help it out.

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Sorry I never meant to offend. I thought nobody was actually working on the mod and that this thread was basically just one big idea that wasn't going to happen. As far as helping out the only thing I can do is simple stuff like creating NPC's and editing buildings and stuff like that because I have no knowledge as far scripting goes.

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Aaaaaaaand this is what happens when I lose a post halfway through and rewrite it, and thusly, forget to mention the goddamned important bit of my post. I am truly, truly sorry for any offence I caused you with my post.

Don't sweat it, it was actually kind of funny


What I was suggesting (that I forget to mention in the version that I posted) is that we get other people on to this.

You can give it a shot, I havn't had a lot of luck (gathered a few good peeps, but their not modding anymore).


Anyway, at last check (a few minutes ago), the mod was updated on the 9th of March. Do you have an updated version to hand, perhaps? You mentioned something in the discussion thread about including a few lines of script to render CAGE redundant (always nice for keeping plugin numbers down - I'm proudly sitting at 115 and desperately trying not to go higher).

Nothing I'm ready to put up today, I'm still recovering from my SSD raid crashing, only just got my online drives (google drive, one drive and dropbox) reintegrated with a temporary system partition (and this weekend I'm putting the array together again). But yeah I can add the lines (probably today), there's really not much of anything to it.


The thing which I'd really like to see is a cleanup of all the pre-dam dialogue ('NCR and Legion are really going at it', etc.); that'd stop all the massive and continuous post-dam immersion breaks. While quite a simple task, it would also be an extremely time-consuming one.



sure sounds good. For stuff that is relatively modest in scope and happens just after the battle I'd rather post it in the Independent New Vegas base mod-Viva NV which I'm just starting to get rolling. This mod/thread has a lot of conceptual extensions of NV (especially with House's revenge, a military campign against the legion in Nevada and other states, etc), but the base mod in the link above is just a clean up of post end game, and is more concerned with a much more limited to do list.

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  • 2 weeks later...

How has things been coming along Devin?

Been slammed for a while, havn't had time to work on this or any other projects (or requests). I'd like to finish up; 1. the strip and the interior of hoover for Ind and NCR, 2. yesman (new dialog, commands) and as march mentioned 3. filter out pre-hoover battle dialog, as my priorities.

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AHEM. While this whole project is a wonderful idea, I have but one issue. I'm noticing a alarming amount of erm..."seidtious" speach. Your lack of pro-Enclave discussion is most disturbing. SO lets talk Enclave remnent shall we? Perhaps after reliving the glory days they seek to restart the Enclave, albeit a much more moderate Enclave in terms of its policies on outsiders, perhaps survivors from DC who have migrated back west would seek to integrate with this new "Nation" and become its elite shock troops. The Enclave becoming a highly elite branch of enforces/soldiers for the Independent Vegas. Anything PLEASE! I need my Allied Enclave fix... OH! and if you do include it, please dont use the yucky remnent armor, lets use the wonderful Adanced Power Armor MKII eh? finally, a personally question


How would I go about porting the DX armor mods from fallout 3 to NV? If you do decide to assist on this I'm a total noob so be warned, the most I've ever done is try to make a custom radio station.


"For The President"



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