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An independent New Vegas mod.


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AHEM. While this whole project is a wonderful idea, I have but one issue. I'm noticing a alarming amount of erm..."seidtious" speach. Your lack of pro-Enclave discussion is most disturbing.


The forgotten colors of an old world flag that fades into the mists of time. A cancer of corruption and greed that in the end, nearly killed it's own host, the human race.


SO lets talk Enclave remnent shall we?

Lets :smile:


Perhaps after reliving the glory days they seek to restart the Enclave, albeit a much more moderate Enclave in terms of its policies on outsiders, perhaps survivors from DC who have migrated back west would seek to integrate with this new "Nation" and become its elite shock troops. The Enclave becoming a highly elite branch of enforces/soldiers for the Independent Vegas.


Probably unlikely. The NCR Enclave war was brutal in terms of the cost in blood and treasure. I wouldn't expect to see the Enclave openly anywhere near NCR territory. The Enclave forces that didn't flee the region or fly under the radar were treated as war criminals, tried, imprisoned indefinitely or executed. The free trade zone/cit/what have you, of New Vegas is still a small time player among two super powers in the region. The only Enclave I see joining a NV banner are probably remnants that would be very, very motivated to keep their enclave past a long forgotten secret.


Anything PLEASE! I need my Allied Enclave fix... OH! and if you do include it, please dont use the yucky remnent armor, lets use the wonderful Adanced Power Armor MKII eh? finally, a personally question

I would love to do an Enclave based mod. I'd dive deep into the decadent luxuries of the private vault system (semi-lore, one of the FO spin offs), the powerful assets offered by the spearhead facilities and surviving military assets, as well as a reboot and re-initialization of John Henry Eden. All that is possible as the Enclave fled to various locals like the east coast in FO3, but also as close as Nevada, and including Chicago, and many other locations. But, long story short, I don't think the Enclave is itching to be close to their former enemies the NCR (or Legion for that matter).


How would I go about porting the DX armor mods from fallout 3 to NV? If you do decide to assist on this I'm a total noob so be warned, the most I've ever done is try to make a custom radio station.

There's a port for NV called DX Series armors for NV, is that what your looking for?





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Thats actually exactly what I'm looking for, thankyou!


In regards to the Enclave discussion. Eh, I guess thats true, but if NV was also independent, the PC should probably have the choice (if the Enclave did move back west, or atleast a few splinters of it) to eat them up and recruit them in some fashion. Afterall, what rising power wouldnt want already highly trained military leaders to help with the administration, not to mention the tech that comes with the Enclave.




Hm...on one hand, Enclave troops serving NV would deter both Legion and NCR from attacking, after all, Caesar (if hes still alive) is no fool. He has no doubt heard of the Enclave, and Veronica mentions at Helios-1 that for every BOS lost, the NCR lost 10 men. Imagine that number tripled or more considering how effective APA MKII is, not including Tesla and Hellfire, along with Plasma weaponry. The Legion also just lost the dam (possibly) so they would need a looongg while to lick their wounds...Again. NCR would probably not want to engage in another bloody war so soon after coming out of the last one, espacially with the threats of the Legion so fresh on their mind. On the other hand, it might "provoke" NCR to attack, so they can wipe out what they belive to be the last of their hated enemies. Would definately make for a tenious politcal and diplomatic situation.

Edited by LordCybot
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Thats actually exactly what I'm looking for, thankyou!

NP glad it's working for you.


In regards to the Enclave discussion. Eh, I guess thats true, but if NV was also independent, the PC should probably have the choice (if the Enclave did move back west, or atleast a few splinters of it) to eat them up and recruit them in some fashion. After all, what rising power wouldnt want already highly trained military leaders to help with the administration, not to mention the tech that comes with the Enclave.

They moved east......moving west would have put them in the pacific ocean, not prime real estate. Re: teh PC having choice, that logic would apply to all kinds of factions. You could say the same thing about nightkin, the midwestern BOS of steel, the Enlcave etc,......they'r powerful, why wouldn't the player want them. What leads/guides us in regard to how likely a faction or group is to ally with a player? Part of it is lore and history;





"The majority of the Enclave, according to Arcade Gannon, was able to relocate to a wide array of different locations. The most noteworthy examples would be in the Capital Wasteland and according to ED-E, Chicago. Some went rogue, and/or into hiding. The remaining few who were not exposed, arrested/executed, or killed in combat or otherwise, successfully integrated into the NCR.



Remnant Enclave personnel lingering in California that did not relocate with the rest of the Enclave, successfully disappeared, or integrated into the NCR, would ultimately be arrested and tried as war criminals by the NCR, and eventually imprisoned indefinitely, or even executed. Some were able to slip through NCR territory into Nevada."




Keep in mind that was when the NCR was a younger nation, they are now stronger and bigger. They have roughly 3/4 of a million citizens and probably (based on a 10% conscription figure) can field about 75,000 soldiers. The Enclave is weaker than it has ever been after suffering complete defeat on both the west and east coast.


Why would they come back to a region where they suffered such heavy defeat with an enemy that is stronger than ever and after suffering devastating losses to their largest remaining forces on the east coast?


But there's a lot more to it than just that. Do the Enclave strike you as mercenaries? That doesn't seem to be the case to me. So how would the player further the Enclave's ideology and ethos? How would serving the player further the Enclave's purpose? Does taking commands from a wastelander really sound like the Enclave? That doesn't fit the lore of the Enclave as I understand it. Does the player adhere to their methodology, which is what really defines the Enclave?


In addition what would be the logical reason to ally with the player, who is possibly 100s or 1000s of miles away from them? An independent NV is a powerful force in it's locale, but still a very small player among two superpowers (NCR & Legion). New Vegas is not the champion of the Enclave, that will defeat the NCR (and consequently the legion as well), nor is there an alluring reason for the splintered enclave groups to return to the west coast.


But there is very good reason for them to stay under the radar and in hiding. Trying to sell the idea of security in NV, when they're on the doorstep of the nation that virtually wiped them out, is probably going to be a tough trick to pull off. What would the player offer them, that would induce them to leave their current homes? The securitrons? More likely than not the Enclave would far prefer to take control of the bots than server under the courier.


How and where would the courier seek out the fragments of the Enclave? Where are they located? Would s/he go to Chicago? The east coast enclave is virtually wiped out, and may be as extinct on that coast as they are on the west coast.



Hm...on one hand, Enclave troops serving NV would deter both Legion and NCR from attacking,

It didn't deter the NCR from destroying the majority of the Enclave when they were orders of magnitude more dangerous than they are now, and the NCR was smaller.


I could go through and address all of your post, but I think I'v made at least some of the most important points. The real problem here is that you want to involve the Enclave, but your doing it in spite of lore, not in harmony with it.


The Enclave are a excellent story element and a pivotal point of hte fallout world's past. You can easily involved them in some great adventures that will be very compelling by working with their history and ideology, instead of trying to shoehorn them into a plot line that doesn't do them justice. There is plenty of life left in the Enclave, but the Mojave isn't the place to experience those stories. The developers have made it very clear that as far as the west coast, the Enclave's tale has come to a close.


You can always do that yourself if you like, (and many players won't care either way) but I woudln't be interested in doing a mod like your describing. I try to work with the fallout universe's history, especially if I'm working with such a iconic element of the fallout world.


All of the above applies to the Enclave as we know them in FO2 & FO3. If your talking about remnants like the five survivors of the Devil's Brigade, that's a completely different story. They could certainly have turned mercenary and be open to the courier's overtures. But keep in mind their advanced age adn the fact that the wiki lists them as the only survivors in the region;


Wiki Entry;



"The Remnants are what remains of the now defunct Enclave, after the destruction of the Enclave oil rig by the Chosen One in 2242 and the fall of Navarro. Though some of the Enclave went east to find Chicago and the Capital Wasteland, the future Remnants stayed back at the base, but managed to escape before the NCR overran it. By 2281, they are the only surviving Enclave members in the region."




But there could be other surviving remnants that stayed near the four corners states.


And if your interested in a Enclave mod that reflects their current situation in the fallout universe, I'd love to bluesky some ideas for an adventure in another thread.

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Yeah no, I'm perfectly willing to admit I'm grasping at straws, and I'm completely fine with you calling me on it XD. Its late where I am at the time of my writing that, I kinda lose my filter as I get more tired.


So yeah, apologies for going of on the tangent I did, and trust me. If I could do such things, I would lol.


but speaking of Enclave, you ever try the mod "The Eagle Has Landed" for FO3?

Edited by LordCybot
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On a different note, I often wondered what would happen after the 2nd battle of hoover dam, and how would I organize the military. THe securitron are a nice addition, but I wouldn't trust a robot army. I would probably try to organize an army or a militia as well.


Surely, I would try to enlist the help of the super mutants in Jacobstown, they're engineered for war, after all, what's better than an actual super soldier ?


Not sure about the BoS, but I would, most certainly, ask the remnant to train special forces in power armors use and to pilot the vertibird... and I'm fairly sure Daisy Whitman would relish the idea of flying more, even if just for training excercises, and having shocktroopers that can drop, with full power armor and heavy weaponry while the boomers are dropping dead from above... well, that would probably give me an edge.


It's not the Enclave, but the best next thing, from a lore standpoint, IMHO.


I wouldn't trust the Enclave if they showed at my doorstep and ask to join, anyway... I have TTW installed and I'm constantly shooting down vertibird mid-air in DC, uh-hu, no thanks.


That's what I would do, anyway.


Nice idea, anyway, I just found out about this mod, while I was looking for CAGE, but, I'm going to try it out.

Edited by ArtemisAbsinthe
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On a different note, I often wondered what would happen after the 2nd battle of hoover dam, and how would I organize the military. THe securitron are a nice addition, but I wouldn't trust a robot army. I would probably try to organize an army or a militia as well.


Surely, I would try to enlist the help of the super mutants in Jacobstown, they're engineered for war, after all, what's better than an actual super soldier ?


Not sure about the BoS, but I would, most certainly, ask the remnant to train special forces in power armors use and to pilot the vertibird... and I'm fairly sure Daisy Whitman would relish the idea of flying more, even if just for training excercises, and having shocktroopers that can drop, with full power armor and heavy weaponry while the boomers are dropping dead from above... well, that would probably give me an edge.


It's not the Enclave, but the best next thing, from a lore standpoint, IMHO.


I wouldn't trust the Enclave if they showed at my doorstep and ask to join, anyway... I have TTW installed and I'm constantly shooting down vertibird mid-air in DC, uh-hu, no thanks.


That's what I would do, anyway.


Nice idea, anyway, I just found out about this mod, while I was looking for CAGE, but, I'm going to try it out.



What did CAGE do exactly? I've seen it mentioned a few times.

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AHEM. While this whole project is a wonderful idea, I have but one issue. I'm noticing a alarming amount of erm..."seidtious" speach. Your lack of pro-Enclave discussion is most disturbing. SO lets talk Enclave remnent shall we? Perhaps after reliving the glory days they seek to restart the Enclave, albeit a much more moderate Enclave in terms of its policies on outsiders, perhaps survivors from DC who have migrated back west would seek to integrate with this new "Nation" and become its elite shock troops. The Enclave becoming a highly elite branch of enforces/soldiers for the Independent Vegas. Anything PLEASE! I need my Allied Enclave fix... OH! and if you do include it, please dont use the yucky remnent armor, lets use the wonderful Adanced Power Armor MKII eh? finally, a personally question


How would I go about porting the DX armor mods from fallout 3 to NV? If you do decide to assist on this I'm a total noob so be warned, the most I've ever done is try to make a custom radio station.


"For The President"



I do not know how the enclave would work in this situation (even though I would love to see a "cannon/lore-friendly" enclave mod that talks about the current desperate state they are in).


However I do think that the Independent Vegas Project does end up coming into existence, there should be some kind of new faction enemy implemented. I was thinking that NCR Deserters or NCR Fanatics could work as a nice terrorist faction for you to shoot at.

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Its great that people have so many ideas but its pretty much pointless if the mod is never made. I think think that there should be more talk on the mod actually going into development and gathering a team to make the mod.


Just found this thread. I am already in early stages of developing a "Better BOS" mod, so if our goals end up being congruent, I could help with this. I can do pretty mcuh end-to-end mod development, though I don't typically do modeling, I suck at it. I pretty mcuh stop at re-skinning existing assets, when it comes to that sort of thing. I do however do profficient story-boarding, quest and level design, and voice-acting if needed. I did "Desperado Suite", and "Silver Peak Bunker" as well as "The Annex" for FO3.



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Its great that people have so many ideas but its pretty much pointless if the mod is never made. I think think that there should be more talk on the mod actually going into development and gathering a team to make the mod.


Just found this thread. I am already in early stages of developing a "Better BOS" mod, so if our goals end up being congruent, I could help with this. I can do pretty mcuh end-to-end mod development, though I don't typically do modeling, I suck at it. I pretty mcuh stop at re-skinning existing assets, when it comes to that sort of thing. I do however do profficient story-boarding, quest and level design, and voice-acting if needed. I did "Desperado Suite", and "Silver Peak Bunker" as well as "The Annex" for FO3.




Try to get a hold of devinpatterson I think he was the one working on the mod. He may love to here that another experienced mod maker is showing interest in this

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