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An independent New Vegas mod.


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Oh, just the idea the different versions of the same NPCs might sometimes deliberately appear in different versions of the Ending; one lowlife NCR soldier with a minor role who's pushing Jet in the NCR Ending ends up being one of Olivers elite troops with a bigger role in the Independent Ending, it reflect on the poor judgment of Oliver, that kind of thing.


I'm not sure which character you are referring to. Is it Sgt Contreas the shady NCR merchant at Camp McCarren (he was my only source for ultrajet for a time) or Tyrone the shady NCR soldier stationed at Primm who sold chemicals for the Great Khans? These mentioned characters could be shopped to the NCR authorities during the main game and I find it hard to believe that a disgraced general could get either of these characters an out of jail card.

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I posted an idea somewhere else in the forum and someone directed me here, I'll just copy/paste it and sorry if something in it has already been mentioned in here as I haven't read through all of it yet.


Why hasn't someone created a mod that cleans up Nipton, adds/rebuilds some buildings in the town, and adds NPCs (I'm not talking about the Bonsters Nipton Rebuilt mod)? I hate how the town is abandoned after the Legions attack since it would make sense the NCR, travelers or even the Legion rebuild the town since it's on a trading route and has some strategic value after Camp Searchlight was attacked.


I can't be the only one here that thinks Nipton would be a great place to change and since I have no clue how to mod I can't do it. If someone decides to mod Nipton you can get some ideas from http://forums.nexusm...-rebuilt/page-2 post #12 is a really good idea for a quest line but I would be happy with or without a questline.

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I'm not sure which character you are referring to.

I was just talking about an NPC i completely made up and posted as part of the line up for the NPCs at the Bazaar :)


I can't be the only one here that thinks Nipton would be a great place to change and since I have no clue how to mod I can't do it. If someone decides to mod Nipton you can get some ideas from http://forums.nexusm...-rebuilt/page-2 post #12 is a really good idea for a quest line but I would be happy with or without a questline.


That's not a bad idea... i mean, having Nipton reemerge at a proper town. There's some good ideas in that thread too, it might not be a stretch to have the player do something to rebuild the place as an NCR or an Independent township.


Although it's kind of out of the way, and everybody's pretty much dead to the east of Nipton, and the main trade routes from Hoover to Vegas to the Mojave Outpost don't go anywhere near it but... I mean, if it's just a cleaning up of the town (how long have those fires been burning? lol) and adding a few settlers there that you're wanting, then that's easy enough to do.


Maybe the player could go to war with the NCR if he/she did not end things peacefully with the general. I personally had yes man throw him off the dam like joshua graham.


We've got something like that going on here; the working concept is that General Oliver and his Troopers are pushed back from the Dam and Oliver takes it upon himself to continue the fight, despite NCR wanting to end the war entirely.

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@devilman1975 - if I'm not mistaken, LuciaofArroyo meant a hypothetical NPC, let's call him John Smith, would be present in several of the endings - remaining mostly the same guy, but with some minor differences in each alternate reality. As in the example Lucia gave, John Smith would be a mid-level NCR trooper who secretly deals drugs in the NCR ending; a part of the Rangers in the Independent ending (recent heavy losses forced the recruitment of less than honorable people); and maybe a gung-ho revenge seeker in the Legion version - all the same guy, but different shades.

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Pie Baker does have a point, General Oliver can be killed that way - is there an alternate that could be used if that did happen? Would be pretty weird to have Oliver show up when he was supposed to be doing a flesh-pancake impression...

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Sorry for the late response, flu/cold thing going on :sad:

Speaking of Kimball will it be possible to see the results of what would happen in all versions of the mod if Kimball was assassinated in the main game?

I havn't given it any thought, but your right we definitely should. I look at the timeline and search the wiki to see if we can get any info on his successor.

The results of Kimball's death could result in a trade embargo against New Vegas while Kimball is made a martyr and possibly a war as Mr House had predicted. The same would hold true in the Independent version but I'm not sure how things would pan out in the NCR version of the mod. Kimball memorial at the dam maybe?

I thought (and I could be 100% wrong about this) that the war House refereed to was an escalation of hostilities between NCR and Legion, not that the blame would be hung on NV/House. Let me see if I can find the dialog and get a better read on it.

On the other hand if Kimball survives his visit to Hoover Dam it would be good to hear about his gradual fall from office. This could be done through npcs on the Strip discussing Kimball's fate, a news report on the radio or clicking on some kind of NCR newspaper.

Yeah definitely something we can we can play up. I wasn't going to spend a lot of effort on it, but it is a major news story and he is the figure of one of two super powers so more effort should probably go into his impeachment.

Since I've mentioned radio I thought that some new radio stations added into the mod would also be a welcome addition.

Absolutely, I'v got a little message a few pages back about tying in the NCR radio quest to a military band, but we should have a NCR civilian station in the NCR mod and the NCR friendly independent.

NCR Radio Vegas, Independent Vegas Radio and House Radio are the only names I can think of right now and I have to admit that they don't sound too great.

Interesting point on this one, Radio New Vegas *is* House's. Mr. New Vegas is actually a A.I. programmed by House. So in theory Radio New Vegas can be both the House and Indpendent ending station. I say in theory because it's hard to imagine we can get a voice actor that will do it justice. But the Independent mod is all about choice, so the player will have the option of 1. shutting down Mr. New Vegas (can't see any reason to unless your starting up your own station, but the option is there), 2. Using/keeping Radio New Vegas. And/or 3. opening up a new station.

Those are 3 very broad/general choices for hte Ind. mod, but I'm trying not to complicate that mod with a whole screen of choices for every decision.

*************************** off topic/tangent****************************
That reminds me, I'm not sure if I ever answered Darkus's question re: micromanaging. This thread is so big and far reaching a lot of stuff gets swallowed up. But in re: to his question, when I meant micromanaging I was just referring to swamping the player with too many options. Ie we were talking in re: to signing the treaty and possibly forcing some additional concessions from the NCR in re: to it. I was a little wary about having too many choices (say speech check 100% for NCR to continue their duties under the treaty but only receive 60% of the dam's output, speech check 90% for 75% of output etc) partly because I didn't want to set a precedent for too much micro managing by the player (since it's a lot of choices) but also a lot of variables I have to plug in (read work).

But that was probably the wrong tact to take and your probably right Darkus, we should have as much choice as is practical without over balancing the workload.

It would be great to hear news reports about the player's actions in the mod. Finding music shouldn't be a problem as there is plenty of royalty free songs out there that are perfect for Fallout.

Definitely, it's an important aspect of the game and should be in the post game too.

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Just a model....I didn't mean to imply that we should restore those locations, rather that a good little plot point for missions would involve using the boat model....But these locations would be isolated like the Legion camp, only accessible from the boat.....This method would work for vertibirds too, now that I think about it.



Also do you guys remember the special/random encounters for fast travel in the older games (well I say remember but, like me you may not have played FO1/2/BOS)? What do you guys think about that for our mod. It won't happen frequently, but now and then when you fast travel somewhere, there is a little "hiccup" in the trip. It can be bad, it can be good, or it can just be....weird. They are tiny things, just a single encounter, in a small bounded space. It could be a simple as a strange alien crash, a raving and violent madman, or a giant godzilla sized footprint. We can go off the old systems that had categories; coast, mountain, city, etc but ours would be different (wasteland, legion territory, NCR territory. Or desert, mountainous etc). And we could have different categories for boat encounters, vertibird and on foot. I'm sure we can hook a script in there.


It's a chance to shake things up a bit and make each players game different. Just curious what your guys opinion is?


This could be used for exploring old world rural villages, or a science station, those of kind things. I figure for NCR this is a great way to give the impression that they're expanding their territory without having to construct vast new open areas.

That sounds excellent, I'd like to see the mod evolve in other areas rather than *just* expanding on existing story lines.


It doesn't really make much of a difference to the exterior, except that without the ability to enlarge the interior of the buildings by giving the impression that they extend inside the Dam, then we're limited on building space again. It's not a big deal though, we can expand the buildings onto the top side of the Dam and put people where they need to be.

That is great to hear, that solves a lot of problems on my side, and it will definitely be a plus to have it in all three mods.


So... what were you planning to do with the Office section of the Dam? It's used for NCR troops in the vanilla, but there's a ton of space that isn't being used for much of anything.

Yeah keep it military in the NCR, Securitron in the House/Ind version. It streamlines things for me considerably, and allays several story inconsistencies with House as well as Ind. choices.


Any luck finding that TES program btw?

I havn't found the post as of yet, to be honest this weekend is probably going to be a wash :sad: I hope to get some stuff done, but I'm not optimistic about it.

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I posted an idea somewhere else in the forum and someone directed me here, I'll just copy/paste it and sorry if something in it has already been mentioned in here as I haven't read through all of it yet.

Yep that was I, it's important to tie up loose ends and Nipton definitely qualifies.


Maybe the player could go to war with the NCR if he/she did not end things peacefully with the general. I personally had yes man throw him off the dam like joshua graham.

Yes Sir, you do have that option. In the Ind. mod you can choose between continuing the treaty, ordering a letter of withdrawal or a declaration of war. Keep in mind though that war with the NCR precludes the caps for selling water and juice to them from the dam. The Legion won't buy it, so it would be throwing away a substantial fortune. But if you toss Oliver over, it may end in war anyway.


EDIT: yes, I don't want to forget about Oliver going rogue. That is a aspect of a very low rep with the NCR combined with the order of withdrawal. The NCR proper may not declare war but Oliver can't let it go and some troops loyal to him don't withdraw from the field, and instead stand at their general's side.

Edited by devinpatterson
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@devinpatterson - feel better soon - I usually drink lots of tea with lemon and eat chicken soup - doesn't help much, but tastes pretty good... :laugh:



Just wanted to say - in the NCR ending, Kimball probably wouldn't be impeached. The Courier basically saves Kimball's behind by helping to defeat the Legion and effectively conquering the Mojave. If the consensus is that he should be impeached, then we could make that a common variable by having Hanlon or maybe the brahmin barons forcing the impeachment as well.



BTW, I read this somewhere on the Fallout wiki, but basically the President before the Great War was impeached for jaywalking of all things. Here's the snippet from the Canada article (this info originated from one of the Fallout Bible articles so I'm not sure if it's canon or not):



February 15 (2057): The House of Representatives and Congress both voted unanimously to impeach the President for jaywalking. Both houses stated that the President is not above the law and should have known better than to jaywalk. Both sides deny this had anything to do with the recent annexation of Canada.



I'm pretty sure it was because he was against it, and the warhawks wanted to do it anyway - but it's been a while since I read the bibles and I can't find the exact part it was in to refresh my memory.

Edited by darkus37
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