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Non-Thieves Guild Fences question

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I'm trying to set up merchants that buy stolen goods (with low responsibility and all that). However, I would like to make it so that they do not count towards the Independent Thievery quest. What parameters affect this? I know that there are a few merchants in vanilla that buy stolen items but do not count towards the quest, yet if I lower a random merchant's responsibility (I tested this on Thoronir and Shady Sam), this merchant is considered a proper fence by the game.

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What I did was lowering Shady Sam's responsibility to 25 in the CS. I sold him a few items.

I also lowered Thoronir's responsibility to 25 (this time using the console) and also sold him a stolen repair hammer.

Then I started the Thieves Guild and the game said that I'd already sold 53 gold worth of stolen goods. I went to check this again and sold a few expensive stolen books to Thoronir, after which the amount went up to 156.

I know that in the Thieves Den plug-in (which I don't use) Bethesda somehow differentiated between a fence who contributes towards the Independent Thievery quest and a merchant who just buys stolen goods (so one of them is counted, the other is not).

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In the vanilla game Manheim from the Inn of Ill Omen will buy stolen goods and those sales will not count towards your Independent Thievery total. Perhaps you can find some answers by checking out him.
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