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[PROJECT] Wars in Skyrim V


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Returning to Skyrim after a break, and WTF!?!?! one of my favorite mods is gone?! I played a while without it, but realized, I needed it - the world is so dead without this mod.

Good to see this picked up again.


PS: Anyone know how to manually increase spawn rate or a mod that does so?

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Giving some news to the Team...


My work on the next version of Duel progress significantly. I'm changing the main engine to better fit WISV.

I plan to release a stable and optimized version in 1-2 week(s).


When releasing Duel v5, I'll need your help to test it in WISV and tell me if everything goes well. I'll keep you informed about date of release.


Duel v5's new features :


- More A.I. tweak for opponents; now they'll be more effective against the player:

+ They'll have a better understanding of timing so they'll be able to stagger the player properly (with a purpose);

+ They'll know how to fight in a team: for example, with a team of 2 fighters and 1 archer, a typical attack could be that the first fighter try to stagger the player, the second one try to flank him and land a critical hit, and the archer try to shoot at the player at the same time.

- Give more power to weapons so blocking or dodging should be more vital than ever;

- Wearing better armors help to prevent staggering: for example, it is easier to stagger someone that worn only cloths than someone that have an ebony armor set;

- Weapon type get more signioficance when it comes to stagger opponents: War Hammer have better chances to stagger than a sword;

- Optimized engine: Duel v5 will support very large scale battlefield without lags;

- Badly hurts enemies wil ltry to flee and save their lives;

- And many more great features...


Keep in touch,


- LogRaam

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I think we have found some decent forum for us. A test of it will commence this weekend and if that will satisfy all our needs we are good to go :)

Fingers crossed



I wish you good luck :D

me too ;)

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