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Dead Money - Trap Elijah


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When you get to the choice of kill Elijah or trap him, how do you even f**ing trap him? I have tried for over an hour to do this. I have followed several "reliable" strategy guides to no avail. He still sees me. I want to trap him because it is a fitting end for him. Letting him be trapped, knowing what it feels like to be able to never escape, reflecting on his wrongdoings and knowing the world went on without him.

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How is your "sneak" skill? You have to position yourself behind one of the objects (I forget precisely what) near the stairs leading down into the chamber (I used the one on the right as you face the stairs) and as Elijah enters, move around the object keeping it between his "line of sight" and you. This typically means you need to have a high "over the shoulder" view in third person in order to track his movement. You also need to eliminate sounds that might reveal your position. Wait for him to actually enter the "chamber" before making your dash for the exit, but it takes some timing to get it right, as he reacts to the pillaged vault pretty quickly.


If you are over encumbered, then you probably won't make it as it slows you down too much. This is by design. If you try to take all the gold bars, you will typically be over encumbered.



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One way to do it.


As for me, I've always just gone into the console and added 2,000 carry weight solely to steal all the gold bars. Then I loot all of them, use a Stealth Boy, hit some Turbo (I've never started Dead Money any later than level 10 so I don't have Implant GRX by this point), and take the long way past the holograms and other crap. By the time the Turbo chain wears off, I'm already at the door to the elevator with all the gold before Elijah has even reached the vault. Then it's a quick dash to the elevator to get the death collar off me. If I want to unload some gold, I can always use it to buy mods for the Old World Blues and Lonesome Road weapons and the Gun Runner's Arsenal stuff. You can abuse the commissaries in the Divide by plunking down some gold bars for the Red Glare and SMMG mods. Even if you don't use the weapons, it's still good to unload all those kilograms of gold. LAER mods? K9000/FIDO mods? Anti-materiel rifles? Sleepytyme? Embrace of the Mantis King? Two-Step Goodbye? Those weapons would otherwise set you back thousands of caps. Plunk down some gold bars and you can come out ahead in many cases, after factoring in ammo, mods, and your own Barter skill. Cha-ching!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, stealth boy and a very high sneak skill if you're being honest. Console commands if you're not. :tongue:


The extra carry weight is for other DLC items. Even if I don't use them, I still get goodies such as the K9000, Elijah's Tesla cannon, Christine's CoS sniper rifle, the Survivalist's Rifle (which I've only just gotten for the first time), and SMMG. If I don't give those weapons and armors to my companions, I'll sell them for stuff I do need or stash it at the Lucky 38. Even after taking weight-reducing perks, I'm still a hoarder; for RP purposes, it's to ensure the Mojave has enough firepower to stay independent of both the NCR and Legion. An army of Securitrons isn't enough. My favored tribes deserve firepower and aid. They deserve miniguns made with cyber-dog brains. They deserve Tesla cannons that would give a Brotherhood Elder a stiffy. They deserve rocket launchers with sniper scopes (especially the Boomers). They deserve knives and power fists made from the Saturnite alloy found at Big Mountain. They deserve the vending machines and security holograms from the Sierra Madre. All that along with the Brotherhood, Boomers, the Three Families, and strategically placed Securitrons will protect the roads in and around Vegas. They'll protect trade with the Mormons of Utah, sharing the tech from Big Mt. with the tribes of Zion. They'll protect the Followers of the Apocalypse and their mission to rebuild the wastes with that Pre-War knowledge. And the tribes of Vegas will use these weapons to keep the peace.

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  • 3 months later...

Make sure you have a stealth boy, usually find some in Dean's stashes i foud 3 personally. With a fairly high sneak and the stealth boy once he begins to come down, retrace the steps you took into the vault, then pause and wait for him to reach the door of the vault. He sees everything so you have to be real careful at this point, you can either try and creep towards the entrance before he triggers the shields or you can try and book it, i managed to sneak but jut be cautious, dont let the turrets see you or its over, best of luck!

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