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RAM allocation?


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As the title suggest, I've basically got too much RAM (well, 32GB honestly isn't that much lol) to spare into the game.

So long story short: My Fallout 4 installation REFUSES to utilize more than 4GB of my RAM and unfortunately suffers from terrible lag in big settlements due to my SSD's "not-high-enough IOPS" being the bottleneck. Oh yes: Once it does converge to 4GB RAM usage it would choose to crash itself, despite being a 64 bit executable, which is bound to trigger my OCD.


Hence my question: Does anybody know how to allocate as much RAM into the game as the gamer desires?

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how much Vram (Graphics Card Video Memory) is the game using ? (because the game will use this first. if you run out of Vram, then the game will start using more System Ram - as system ram is just that, random access memory, meaning it is only used to temporary store data, which in gaming will be used last, after the Vram has exceeded its limits.)


and are we definitely talking about system ram here, and not video ram. 4 gb is pretty ridiculous, as windows already uses 3 - 4gb ram and that is before even running game, so you are only left with 1 gigabyte of ram which is nothing.


their is absolutely no reason why fallout 4 should be limiting the ram to 4gb, as you said it is a 64bit program, and as such has a practically unlimited memory support.


are you definitely on windows 64bit. because windows would be the thing that implements memory limits, not so much applications. windows 32 bit will implement a 4gb ram limit to all apps.


if this is a Vram Limitation then their is a simple but effective solution, however if this is indeed a system ram limitation, then the solution is not quite so simple.


are you running windows 10 by any chance ?

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Run the fallout performance montior https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/1762 to see how much CPU, RAM and VRAM the game engine actually uses.


From A LOT of performance profiling, the platform will happily choke and CTD with plenty of spare CPU cores/cycles, system RAM and VRAM to hand, so it is clearly capped. Have a read of the bottom section of this to learn more https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28837

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Sounds like something may be wrong if it crashes when trying to use more than 4GB, on my system the Fallout4.exe process can use anything from 4 to around 8GB RAM (usually maxes out at around 7.5GB with my current setup).

This is with Win10 x64, 32GB RAM, and using Windows Performance Monitor to check the "Working Set - Private" counter for Fallout4.exe.


I have not done anything special settings wise (afaik).

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  • 2 years later...

Im having the Same / A similar problem, I used the Fallout performance monitor and fallout 4 is limiting itself to using only 4 gb of ram and I have 16 gb total, is there a way of manually increasing the amount of ram Fallout 4 can use and if there is how??? please tell me im stuck running at a god awful 50 fps because it wont let me use more ram

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