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Hard to find good male follower mods, sexy OR practical


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I noticed a thread that was posted about a year ago and rather than necrobump that one, I have decided to create another.


This is the thread in question: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5947808-wheres-hoth-male-followersbros-site-flooded-with-girl-mods/page-3


I am not going to insult the female companion mods or insist that those who make them start concentrating their talents anywhere they don't want to concentrate them, but I was just wondering if anybody knew of any mods that weren't mentioned in that thread or may have popped up new since then.


I do have Kaidan 2 and am looking forward to playing with that mod, but I was wondering if there were any others? And handsome guys who are marriageable wouldn't hurt.


I have tried wading through all the companion mods and I think 15 pages in I found maybe 4 male followers. I wish Nexus hadn't gotten rid of its tag search feature. Used to be so easy to find exactly the kind of mod I was looking for.


There used to be a decent amount for Oldrim. Nowhere near as many females but at least there were enough males to make me happy. I wish they would get ported. I seem to suck at doing it myself.

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Click on the nexus mods tab, select Skyrim Special Edition, and hover over the Mods tab. There should be a drop down with "Mod Categories" and "Mods with no tags" as options.


Click on Mod Categories, then scroll down and click "Followers and Companions." Once you do that, right under the page number block, there should be a blurb about whether/how many mods were filtered out, a clear filters option, and then a down arrow at the right side. Click on that arrow, and it should give you an option to check/uncheck certain attributes, and to type in tags you want to include in, or exclude from, your search.

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Click on the nexus mods tab, select Skyrim Special Edition, and hover over the Mods tab. There should be a drop down with "Mod Categories" and "Mods with no tags" as options.


Click on Mod Categories, then scroll down and click "Followers and Companions." Once you do that, right under the page number block, there should be a blurb about whether/how many mods were filtered out, a clear filters option, and then a down arrow at the right side. Click on that arrow, and it should give you an option to check/uncheck certain attributes, and to type in tags you want to include in, or exclude from, your search.


Thanks. Seems like a great many more steps than the plain tag search used to be but I will give it a try. I just don't get why they got rid of the user-friendliness of the old site. Plus the the new site's thin font has me squinting at the pages even with my glasses on.


@QuagaarWarrior, Yes, I do have Hoth and Doon, as they were mentioned in the previous thread. Indigo as well. I appreciate the suggestions however.


Well, so much for my hope that this would start a discussion like the previous thread did. At any rate, thanks for the suggestions and help, QuagaarWarrior and thumbincubation.


Edit: Gave the filter a try and got this (I so give up):





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Sadly, the filters are absolutely useless, because there's no 'only female/male followers' option. 'For male characters' just means exactly that, not that it is a male character. You couldn't even limit the search to just male followers in the old site, so you were forced to go through the 9001 waifus just to find the handful of decent followers/companions. Thankfully it isn't as bad in SSE yet, although that may just be due to me author-blocking the main couple of users who do nothing but port those mods.


I think the list I made is pretty much the only almost-complete one around. Here's it again with some SSE followers added, although incomplete for SSE as I haven't checked more than a few mod names so far. Sadly still waiting for that elusive non-vanilla romanceable Dunmer male, though.

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Found the Teldryn mods and am giving them a try. The backstory expansion and the marriage mod are both by the same author, so I am *assuming* they are compatible.

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They are compatible. The author recommends playing the back story quest before you marry him just for better story flow. Guess that makes sense


Definitely does. Thanks again!

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