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Music stuttering in game after 10 minutes of play


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I have a really odd problem right now, as the title says, after 10 minutes of flawless normal play in oblivion, my music starts to stutter, beep and pop. I googled it and I found others had the same problem, but among all the suggestions, nothing seems to be working. I have tried editing the .ini file with suggestions made by people in the recent past on the internet. But again nothing seems to work.


It's worth mentioning this is not a mod issue, as I have zero mods installed, this is 100% vanilla. I am running the game on steam with the GOTYE which includes all the dlc and expansions.


I have a modern computer and all my other games do not have this problem, except for morrowind! (I noticed the sound popping on that yesterday as well)



The only way I can make it stop right now is to close the game, and open it again. Then that buys me 10 more minutes of peace with the music playing normally.


It seems to be just the music which is is displaying the issue, the other sounds like character noise, weapons, magic and npc dialog sounds are fine.


Hoping others have had the problem and worked out a fix. Please share what you know or any ideas that might help me solve this!


Thank you.



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