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[HELP] SSE SkyUI 5_2 Special Edition Not Working


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Hi guys,


I've been modding (troubleshooting and editing mods) for a while, and i'm stuck.


A few of my mods requiers MCM managing, MCM being a part of SkyUI, if SkyUI doesn't works, MCM eiter.


Well, my version of SKSE is 2.0.7, so i'm clearly updated, in game, when i check SkyUI in " Mods " and reload the game, all works fine, i can even play without any bugs but even if one of my mods says " SkyUI installation decteded">


I don't have the MCM ANYWHERE, and even the HUD of SkyUI isn't here, its like my SkyUI isn't installed (nothing changes from vanilla) but it is installed!


How can i fix this? How can i make SkyUI works (in game HUD changements + MCM)

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