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Weird Rendering Bug in Nuka-World DLC


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This bug hasn't happened in Far Harbor or any vanilla gameplay, but when I came to Nuka World, it was fine, up to the point where the raiders shoot at you through the ceiling. that room was completely invisible and near impossible to navigate. then, fighting the overboss was fine, and when i left that place, I took this video.


I have no idea what would be causing this

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I'm really liking these shadow settings for a high performance PC shadows set up. Though sometimes I set it much higher & just walk around. What you saw was Pre-Vis/Combined "Culling" Render & Cull. What isn't needed is culled (made to disappear). Now why that is happening right there where you were? It probably shouldn't do that. Could be you have a old save game & it got broken somehow. Roll back to a early save in that set & see if it still happens. It could be you have a mod that is changing that area & they didn't do a good job of setting up or leaving Pre-Vis/Combined alone. Like if you had a mod that places something there, but another mod did too. Then one of the mod's Pre-Vis/Combined was conflicting with the other. Most of that is set up for Consoles though. PC doesn't mind as much if small parts of the Pre-Vis are disabled or don't exist. How hard is it to get to that place & you could get other people to test it on their PC?

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