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LOL at the link theres no info actually, so it have a ibm cpu wich one? the 8088? btw if this gonna have the same quality that the other systems i dont c how can nintendo get more players.


Also if the software/hardware work similar to the wii, theres the posibility that this can be emulated like the wii, that would be bad for nintendo.

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Another concern is the use of DVD again, they keep going on about 1080p but where are going to store all those lovely hi-res textures? it's not like there's a hard drive to install them to.
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Ya i am having second thoughts about the wii u. the graphics chips is based on the 700xx chip, which is based on the 4000 series cards..


GX2 is a 3D graphics API for the Nintendo Wii U system (also known as Cafe). The API is designed to be as efficient as GX(1) from the Nintendo GameCube and Wii systems. Current features are modeled after OpenGL and the AMD r7xx series of graphics processors. Wii U's graphics processor is referred to as GPU7.




Although it has a lot of ram for a console though...

Edited by Thor.
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I lol'ed at this pick, and i am not getting this console after all.






The psvita is more powerful :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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The Wii U seems pretty cool. I'll be buying one as soon as it comes out, perhaps with two or three games, seeing as how I'll need a new console to keep up with the new non-portable games and what not.
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I am looking out though to see what comes out for it.. Not getting it day one though.. Edited by Thor.
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I lol'ed at this pick, and i am not getting this console after all.






The psvita is more powerful :teehee:


Yeah I laughed at that. I don't see how it could work, these moderators would all have to be multilingual for start, it's no good just employing people who speak the native tongue of the country they're moderating, what happens when two Chinese people living in the U.S want to talk each other and they do it in Chinese?

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