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Fallout 4 ideas...


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One odd thought I had is for a follow-on to The Pitt.


Consider that Ashur's daughter, Marie, is ... well, unique in terms of her immunity to the medical problems there. If we assume that Werner taking over is the way things are "meant" to happen, then a teen-aged Marie fighting against him could be an interesting way to go. As I said, only a thought.


It's a good thought 7thSealord :thumbsup: And I think it has potential. Marie would also no doubt be seeking vengeance on the Lone Wanderer as well for his/her part in her parents deaths. There are a whole range of possibilities that could be explored in a FO game set around the region of Pennsylvania.

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I want to know what everyone thinks should be the plot, setting, ect for Fallout 4.


Well, as a Fallout purist I would vote for the southwest, maybe a visit to the Boneyard / Glow / Metropolis again and of course San Francisco. I love this setting and despite many people bashing F:NV I liked it very much because it had this "Fallout" feeling while Fallout 3 reminded me of a FP shooter with almost no choices for the main story.


But I fear that Bethesda will continue jumping on the console train and produce another clicky-pointy-autopilot shooter. Therefore - guessing that it will come down to close quarters combat - I would like to have the Boston / MIT setting and a continuation of the Zimmer / Harkness issue. This would even have some taste of BLADE RUNNER! You could choose to hunt down the "replicants" - or help them flee... :thumbsup:

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I want to know what everyone thinks should be the plot, setting, ect for Fallout 4.


Well, as a Fallout purist I would vote for the southwest, maybe a visit to the Boneyard / Glow / Metropolis again and of course San Francisco. I love this setting and despite many people bashing F:NV I liked it very much because it had this "Fallout" feeling while Fallout 3 reminded me of a FP shooter with almost no choices for the main story.


But I fear that Bethesda will continue jumping on the console train and produce another clicky-pointy-autopilot shooter. Therefore - guessing that it will come down to close quarters combat - I would like to have the Boston / MIT setting and a continuation of the Zimmer / Harkness issue. This would even have some taste of BLADE RUNNER! You could choose to hunt down the "replicants" - or help them flee... :thumbsup:

the problem many people had with new vegas was a lack of exploration and interesting locations, a lack of human enemies, no good battlezones or tactical areas, no random encounters, nothing random ever happened...the same 3 bark scorpions spawn near the BoS bunker etc...it was a static gameworld...you show up in nipton, ceasers legion leaves and thats it for nipton...maybe the best town in the game..no raiders show up later, no powder gangers take it over.

new vegas had a lot of weapons, mods, good perks, good npc development etc..it had a lot going for it...but its like it was an unfinished game. it had 3 huge dry lake beds and they took up like 1/3 of the map and nothing was in em except a few ants and scorpions. they needed to be more creative with the gameworld environment. most of the locations were a few tents or maybe a shack. and most of the enemies were creaatures..human enemies are always more interesting to fight...and you need tactical locations to battle it out in...FO3 had 100 times better locations for sneaking around and exploring.

Edited by arcanewizard
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Dunno if any of this was said, or if I've even replied here before (I'm so smart XD) This is just an idea, not a demand, no matter how much i may accidentally make it sound like one XD


One good place? A hellish wasteland, with charred, black earth and craters everywhere. The Capital Wasteland had been hit, obviously, but life still persisted there. I'm talking a place that was completely wiped off the map, similar to the divide, but more open. Some dude in Junktown in Fallout 1 mentions a man in black leather (Mad Max reference.) That came from some sort of "Badlands." In FNV, and probably FO3, you had more than enough food to survive, if you stocked up. In this land, food is scarce, water is irradiated, all that stuff. a bit more of a cliche wasteland than all the others, even FO1, with just barely any settlements out there in the wastes. You'd have to make many morally gray choices, often just to survive. Similar to FNV, your character wouldn't have much of a background, leaving you free to make up your own. (of course, mentioning things in-game about your background should be more abundant.) It would be quite difficult to play a non-combat character out there, unless you were a sneak. For hardcore mode, you'd have all the features of hardcore mode in FNV, but with a few more to make it more realistic. (Hopefully you'd be able to customize it, to fit how you play.) Realistic carrying weight, items would take up space as well as weight, cool stuff like that. Guns and ammo would be scarce, even more so in hardcore mode, so unarmed or melee fighting would be common, but guns would be more powerful.


Just some ideas melded into a big one. Hopefully Hardcore mode would be cutomizable, so that it could still exist but be more or less intense than the hardcore mode in FNV.

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i'm looking forward to the next fallout game...its been 4 years almost since FO3 came out...i'm fairly sure its gonna be out next year...FO3 was out 2 years after oblivion and skyrim was out last year, and they only have 2 franchises they actually develop themselves so its gonna be interesting to see what happens.
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  • 2 months later...

Don't really know much about Fallout Universe so I'll just put my idea on this.


Alaska, or somewhere in Alaska

Better Weapon Animation, just didn't feel right in FO3 and FONV

Dual Wielding

More Weapon Mods, felt FONV didn't do good with Weapon Mods


List goes on.

Edited by DaburuO
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I like your ( topic creator ) idea of placing it in Hong Kong. Perhaps the story could be about an information hub and telecommunications center that, after uncovering what China was up to, went rogue and tried to stop doomsday. We already know the outcome of the bombs for the US, so it would be a heroic effort of keeping sensitive data safe and leading up to an opportunity to stop the inevitable by establishing trust with the US while holding off an ever increasingly agitated and paranoid China Republic and their undercover agents. Perhaps the US or UK has a secret base nearby ( I don't know... mobile underwater fleet ) that sends over their best covert ops to aid and defend the rogue faction when the situation becomes critical. It could focus on how each important character dies or is caught and put on trial by the Republic. A Project Valkyrie set in Hong Kong. Edited by nenina
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  • 8 months later...

Well think of some good post apocalyptic movies to get ideals from. I remember a movie where the sky was red during the day because the nukes had burned away most of atmosphere similar to that of Mars.

Weather effects: Acid rain weather systems - Green clouds that slowly move around showering areas with steamy acid that can harm you and enemies alike ,whereas you would have to take shelter for awhile.

Days: dusty\red. HD lighting would be nice.
Nights: would be dark at times foggy.

Skyscrapers half blown away that you can go inside and get a great view looking down from say a 70 story floor with no exterior walls. a lot of breakable glass.

Radiation suits: Would be worn for outdoors with the exception of indoors or underground environments- Outside if suits not worn then you would become a mutant. Choose your character as a radiation resistant(mutant) or totally immune(robot or cyborg\half human).

Weapons: Lasers burn steamy red hot holes through walls,objects,NPCs.
Flame throwers that charcoalize critters into bone piles with a some black smoke eminating.

Damage Modeling: included with the usual FO style gore and dismemberment would be an added damage modeling to characters - bullet wounds,wall splattering,(destructable buildings,walls and doors).

Dismembered mutant zombies and robots that still keep fighting.
Large groups: Hordes of mutant zombies,nocturnal mutants,packs of mutated animals

Flyable Vertibirds,tanks and futuristic motorcycles all destructable.

Vehicle and motorcycle bandits. New and old factions battling one another.

Flash lights,night vision. Give the game some horror. Half eaten corpses. Human cannibals. Skeletons,human,animal bones littering the wasteland. A Russian or Chinese invasion or two. And please keep it a 1st person shooter!!! ...with the option to switch to 3rd person,maybe some VATS action too. Oh and i like the giant cockroaches because its just fun to splat those!

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Something to consider is multiple options for the origins of one's character, with altered quests and dialogue based on what you are. I recall once seeing a You-Tube video of a Mod that added something like this to FO3. I think the idea there was that you had escaped the Vault and already spent a little time in the Wastes, long enough to join one of the factions - so you began as a BOS, Outcast, Regulator, Talon, Raider or Slaver (possibly others as well), with varying wardrobe and starting equipment based on what you were.


In FO4's case, possibly add Android (or even a couple of differing Android sub-types) to the choice list.


A big advantage is that something like this, if adequately done, would add a lot to the game's replayability.

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ANOTHER thought for character options / origins is to go the 'Buck Rogers' route - ie. someone from the Pre-War world who awakens from suspended animation to find themselves in the FO world. Thinking of it as a series of short introductory scenes set Pre-War, vaguely like what we see in FO3 and the LW's life in the Vault. Then the War starts, and the character has to get to a specific locale whilst all hell is breaking loose. S / he climbs into the sleep chamber (or whatever), and the next scene is waking up a couple of centuries later.


Guessing this particular intro might take up too much resources compared to the rest of the game. An interesting idea though.

Edited by 7thsealord
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