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Fallout 4 ideas...


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I'm reasonably certain that any new FO game produced by Bethesda will be set in & around Boston and focusing on the "Institute" and the Commonwealth up there. We've had some good indictions that this is the case but at this moment I can't recall any articles to back this up for now.


Personally I'd like to see the next installment set in the mid west and explore what happened with the mid west BoS after their victory over the Calculator. We also get evidence from EDE in Lonesome Road/New Vegas that there is an Enclave base somewhere in the ruins of Chicago so there is plenty of scope for a whole new campaign and storyline to be set there. In addition, I believe the designers/writers should "fill in the gaps" in the FO world and continue the stories that have alreasdy been done through the various game releases including FO:Tactics & Brotherhood of Steel.


Anyway, we'll have to wait until 2013 I think before any new FO game comes out [sigh]

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If you ask me, I'm not really interested in the location, I'm more interested in the protagonist in Fallout 4. Fallout 3 we played as the lone wanderer, fallout new vegas we played as the courier. What next?

Maybe a person in a vault that was one of the vaults like vault 87, or being captured by mutants and trying to escape to find their (second) leader.
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If Fallout 4 ended up being a MP design- and I think that it could be, I think a radical departure from what everyone else is doing should be considered.


If it were me designed the concept, I would place the world in an unnamed American destroyed metropolis, and design the world with the idea that the players themselves band together to build a secure area or town of their own, to try and protect themselves from the super mutants and radiated what-not that is trying to destroy what is left of civilization.


So, instead of a million Lone Wanderers and the illogical stupidity in that approach in a MP game, you have a survival/building cooperative approach.


There can be competitive villages. The players in "Goosetown" are on one side of valuable resources while the players in "Blade VIllage" are on the other, and both sides need to control the power plant between them.


So you have cool PVP mini wars on a large scale with real meaning, because, whomever controls the power plant has lights. The wars, however, won't be just for war's sake....they will happen naturally, with real, meaningful results. The combat will only be half of what there is to do in game. Getting your own house, and block in order, back to a civilized state would be as much fun and important as the fighting aspects of the game. Cities will grow. People be elected to psitions of power, or murder their way into control, if it's some fascist government.


Game resources will be spent building towers, walls, underbround bunkers.....cool stuff for the players to help keep their town safe, and player housing would be a big part of the game, rather than some afterthought. Players would be working to make their home safe from invasion.

Over the long term, towns will rise and fall, and perhaps eventually some take hold to begin the process of civilization again.

This could make sense, after all it is 200 YEARS after the bombs fell. I think humanity should have made quite a bit of progress in civilization building.
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you can't have to much rebuilding or its no longer a post apocalyptic game, there's obviously areas with some civilization.. but the game is gonna have to keep its post apocalyptic feel or its not gonna be fallout...even the name of the game "fallout"...that says post apocalypse, so you can't have it too rebuilt, what makes it fun is it is post apocallyptic, with factions, small pockets of civilization, people struggling to survive, thats the theme, i don't see FO4 being in some rebuilt world where you have people working 9 to 5 jobs and driving home and turning on the tv to watch CNN. Edited by arcanewizard
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I don't really care about what they do with the story or player as long as it is well thought out.

As for location, New York would be fun, but I think Florida would be good with the ruins of Disneyland (Disneyworld? IDK) or if not, I would like to see an area outside of the Divided States of America (as I call the place in Fallout), such as London with the ruins of Legoland Windsor or Buckingham Palace or Westminster or St. Paul's Cathedral or the Natural History Museum with an irradiated London Underground system, the list goes on and on; or Paris with... famous places in Paris like the Eiffel Tower or the Louvre or Disneyland Paris. Basically anywhere with an abandoned theme park!

...but whatever they wan't to do is fine...

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I've had a thought for a new Fallout game:


Fallout: Exodus Route 66


Synopsis - The Year is 2282. Events in the Mojave have thrown the NCR and Legion into turmoil due to New Vegas becoming independant under YesMan and the Courier [it's hinted that this is the canon ending] and as such, the remnants of the West Coast Brotherhood of Steel see this as their opportunity to break out of the Lost Hills bunker complex and flee California along the old highway, Route 66 back to Chicago and reunite with the mid west BoS.


They have finally accepted that by staying within the NCR is goihng to lead to their inevitable demise and have opted to relocate themselves away from the NCr who will eventually overwhelm them.


The games main plot is to successfully make your way back east along route 66, fighting your way through the disintergrating legion territories and the various bands of raiders and mutants that roam all the other regions between California and Chicago. Each chapter would be a new sandbox map of the region in which you have to explore and fight your way across.


I think this would be a good way in which other regions of wastes of the US could be introduced into the Fallout universe. Plus it'd be interesting to see what is in Chicago. we know there is an Enclave base there and we know that the mid west BoS isn't really doing so well either. The way I see it is the West Coast BoS are like the Israelites trying to find their promised land only to discover that there is someone else already there when they arrive at Chicago.

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If only the Enclave had survived.....


Then the NCR and the Enclave could have had a massive battle over who reigns supreme over the USA after they had taken over the West/East respectively.

its gonna be interesting to see, FO4 will be a direct sequel to FO3, not New Vegas, so i'm not expecting FO4 to be a continuation of new vegas, i doubt its gonna be on the west coast, in FO3 the BoS were powerful after the end of the game, and the outcasts were still around, the supermutants were still around and even the enclave were still around after their defeat at adams air base...so not sure if some new factions are gonna be in power, i guess it depends on the exact locatrion, maybe the commonwealth area, so i'm sure some new factions will be introduced, probably another main type enemy like the enclave or some incarnation of them. using thier technology.

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