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Fallout 4 ideas...


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I think it would be excellent if there would be a multiplayer option, kind of like what BallsOFyre posted, but much more like the successful mod DayZ for Arma II, but without zombies of course. You would have one chance to survive with your character in some western (deserts and all that) wasteland, if you die, that's it and then you would have to start over.
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I would have the next Fallout take place in the Commonwealth.


Massachusetts and New England would make a great new open world layout and already has existing lore; The Institute. Many have speculated that the Institute is or was, in fact, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and from what we've learned from Fallout 3; this seems like the most logical conclusion. The Institute, of course, is best known for their research into android technology and their ability to make nearly flawless synthetic human beings with real artificial intelligence. This alone could set up the plot of the entire game with factions such as the Synth Retention Bureau; tasked with the apprehension of synthetic humans (Did someone say Blade Runner?) and the Railroad; an underground group dedicated to the liberation of synthetic humans.


The possibilities are endless and the collective knowledge of the Institute would be a clear source of fantastic new content.

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I would have the next Fallout take place in the Commonwealth.


I think there is enough evidence from FO3 that this will be the setting for FO4. We get a fair bit of background about the Institute during the Replicated Man quest and also there are other snippets of info about the place given out during the game. It sounds as though they've created a technocrats paradise based on Android slavery. I'm hoping it won't be too much of a Blade-Runner look alike.

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I would have the next Fallout take place in the Commonwealth.


I think there is enough evidence from FO3 that this will be the setting for FO4. We get a fair bit of background about the Institute during the Replicated Man quest and also there are other snippets of info about the place given out during the game. It sounds as though they've created a technocrats paradise based on Android slavery. I'm hoping it won't be too much of a Blade-Runner look alike.


I agree. While it's safe to say that many video games draw direct influence from movies and pop culture, they always walk a fine line between inspiration and imitation. Thankfully, the Fallout universe is so rich with its own lore and character that this seems unlikely to ever happen. I certainly wouldn't mind a little tip of the hat with this though ;)

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One odd thought I had is for a follow-on to The Pitt.


Consider that Ashur's daughter, Marie, is ... well, unique in terms of her immunity to the medical problems there. If we assume that Werner taking over is the way things are "meant" to happen, then a teen-aged Marie fighting against him could be an interesting way to go. As I said, only a thought.

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you can't have to much rebuilding or its no longer a post apocalyptic game, there's obviously areas with some civilization.. but the game is gonna have to keep its post apocalyptic feel or its not gonna be fallout...even the name of the game "fallout"...that says post apocalypse, so you can't have it too rebuilt, what makes it fun is it is post apocallyptic, with factions, small pockets of civilization, people struggling to survive, thats the theme, i don't see FO4 being in some rebuilt world where you have people working 9 to 5 jobs and driving home and turning on the tv to watch CNN.


With all due respect, fallout has no where else to go but to a rebuilding state. You saying that concept isn't "fallout" material is completely incorrect. Eventually in a post apocalyptic world you're going to have to...ya know....GAIN progress. It's been cool seeing all of the wasteland and areas around the United States dealing with the struggles of everyday life and seeing the inevitable power struggles that would indubitably occur (fallout NV). However I felt like they've explored that aspect of the situation enough, and now it's time to move on to the next step in a post apocalyptic world; rebuilding. You'd be foolish to presume that they'll go right to 9 to 5 jobs and what not right away. That's hundreds of years in the future from the start of the rebuilding process. As of what sorts of obstacles and problems you'll have to face in starting this process, and who you'll even be, is completely up to the developers. Personally if it were me developing the story however, i'd make the location in a populated city (any city will do) that is beaten up and half destroyed, but good to start building up walls and protection in order to clear it out of mutants/baddies and then have a place in order to provide shelter, distribute food, and possibly manufacture weapons/armors. Also making pacts and alliances with other groups (sort of like fallout NV but just a touch of it) could also be incorporated. That to me would be an amazing game concept and would also still have the post apocalyptic vibe. To me seeing a game series transcend and evolve with each new game would be revolutionary in the game industry, and just a fantastic idea all together.

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One odd thought I had is for a follow-on to The Pitt.


Consider that Ashur's daughter, Marie, is ... well, unique in terms of her immunity to the medical problems there. If we assume that Werner taking over is the way things are "meant" to happen, then a teen-aged Marie fighting against him could be an interesting way to go. As I said, only a thought.


That would have been interesting as a part 2 dlc to fallout 3, but for a completely new game? Definitely not i'm afraid :/. If there's one thing you can count on in any Bethesda series, it's that the next game won't have barely anything to do story wise to the previous game, other than the same universe.

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you can't have to much rebuilding or its no longer a post apocalyptic game, there's obviously areas with some civilization.. but the game is gonna have to keep its post apocalyptic feel or its not gonna be fallout...even the name of the game "fallout"...that says post apocalypse, so you can't have it too rebuilt, what makes it fun is it is post apocallyptic, with factions, small pockets of civilization, people struggling to survive, thats the theme, i don't see FO4 being in some rebuilt world where you have people working 9 to 5 jobs and driving home and turning on the tv to watch CNN.


With all due respect, fallout has no where else to go but to a rebuilding state. You saying that concept isn't "fallout" material is completely incorrect. Eventually in a post apocalyptic world you're going to have to...ya know....GAIN progress. It's been cool seeing all of the wasteland and areas around the United States dealing with the struggles of everyday life and seeing the inevitable power struggles that would indubitably occur (fallout NV). However I felt like they've explored that aspect of the situation enough, and now it's time to move on to the next step in a post apocalyptic world; rebuilding. You'd be foolish to presume that they'll go right to 9 to 5 jobs and what not right away. That's hundreds of years in the future from the start of the rebuilding process. As of what sorts of obstacles and problems you'll have to face in starting this process, and who you'll even be, is completely up to the developers. Personally if it were me developing the story however, i'd make the location in a populated city (any city will do) that is beaten up and half destroyed, but good to start building up walls and protection in order to clear it out of mutants/baddies and then have a place in order to provide shelter, distribute food, and possibly manufacture weapons/armors. Also making pacts and alliances with other groups (sort of like fallout NV but just a touch of it) could also be incorporated. That to me would be an amazing game concept and would also still have the post apocalyptic vibe. To me seeing a game series transcend and evolve with each new game would be revolutionary in the game industry, and just a fantastic idea all together.

maybe in some areas there is some rebuilding, but the dc area was pretty messed up, so was the pitt area, and FO4 is gonna be a sequel to FO3, not a sequel to NV...so maybe the next obsidian FO game will focus on the more rebuilt west coast areas...but east coast is pretty devestated still...and besides. no game developer is ever hand tied....the mindset that "oh we have to have it rebuilt" thats an artifical barrier....so i don't see any fallout game being that rebuilt....they're gonna keep basic elements people associate with a "post apocalypse" like pockets of civilization, struggle to survive, exploration, enemies to deal with, various factons battling for power etc...you need enemies like super mutants, raiders, various factions against each other.

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IMO, still a heckuva lot of North America needing major work just to get to the point where they could START rebuilding.


I like the idea of something based around, say, Washington State / British Columbia. A lot happened in that part of the world - there was the Chinese invasion of Alaska (which would surely have meant Chinese infiltrators), there was the US invasion of Canada (meaning US hardware scattered around and, probably, the remnants of Canadian resistance units), and so on. Instead of Regulators, have Mounties.


Could also do something different with the terrain - less of the blasted desert and more like Anchorage, perhaps.

Edited by 7thsealord
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