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Real 9mm.


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The first time I opened Fallout New Vegas and pulled out the 9mm pistol I found myself... irritated. I'm a pretty big gun nut and I've never seen a Nine that looks anything like that. Plus, in game it always reminds me of the 1911 Colt and that added to my irritation. So I'm asking any person who can do a re-skinning of the 9mm pistol to look like... I don't know. a Glock? or an M9? Both look VERY different.
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Obviously not much of a gun nut then. The 9mm in-game is a Browning Hi-Power/P-35. It was the standard sidearm of several NATO countries for a good percentage of the cold war (the Republic of Ireland armed forces still issuing theirs as sidearmas as late as the mid 90s) and was extremely widely produced.


The 9mm cartridge is not new, there's nearly a century's worth if 9mm Parabellum weapons out there, and a huge number of them are weapons like the M1935 rather than Glocks or Berettas.

Edited by Lt Albrecht
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