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Interesting and Very Minor Glitch


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To start, it's not even remotely game breaking. This is more an interesting thing and I'm wondering what could have caused it. I haven't been able to recreate the circumstances.


First, I wanted to take an item that wasn't mine without stealing it. Console command "setownership" etc. Take item, everythings fine. Later on, when I go to my inventory I notice every item is marked as stolen (even gold). Despite being marked as stolen in the inventory the game does not treat it as such (guards don't confiscate it etc.) Everything is just marked stolen. If I drop or store the item and pick it up again the mark goes away and does not come back.


Anyway, I found it interesting and I'm curious as to the nature of this glitch.



One last detail that may be of importance. The original item I changed ownership on, I initially stole the item. Then when in my hearthfire house I dropped it and changed ownership, then picked it up again. But after trying that a second time the glitch did not reproduce.

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give a man a fish and he eats for one meal, teach that man how to use console commands and he screws up his game


LOL just teasing ya :P


I think the problem here is you stole it first THEN changed the ownership for it, had you done it the other way around, i don't think there would have been a problem

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If that were the case it would have been easy to recreate the glitch. As I said, I have not once reproduced the effect, despite deliberate efforts to do so. Anyway, it sure was interesting. If I ever recreate it successfully I'll make note of what I did different.

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