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problem with reinstalling

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Firstly my system specs are above and beyond

for the game even at its highest setting with modifications such as beautiful people and hi resolution textures and it didnt seem to slow an inch


secondly it is not a hacked version of the game


thirdly i tried the following solutions

bbens wonderful guide(even though it didn't work it was still well thought out and carefully constructed)

registry cleaning

deep system hunting for any and all things Bethesda and oblivion related

installing outside default

using install as admin while admin

various other online solutions which are more or less the same as above


*fourhtly this is the error i get "Feature transfer error Access is Denied"*


the one thing i haven't tried yet is a complete system wipe out which i wont do as i have lots of games and important stuff i need so unless i get infected with a catastrophic system failure this option will never be used.\


the main reason i think i have trouble reinstalling is A(99.9% certain):i deleted data folder stupidly B(.2% certain) it was over modded unlikely C(unrealistic %): the all system itself rejects the idea of having oblivion on it despite morrowind and skyrim working on it.



so if anyoen has ever had trouble like mine and managed to get it to work with out the "Dreaded Final Resort" option can you please explain to me how pretty please and tyhank you for replying if you do.

Edited by vermillionplauge
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What exactly is the problem? When you try to re-install what are the error messages, if any? Before you ran through Bben46's tutorial was the old install acting up and if so how?


I can't see why deleting your Data folder would prevent re-installing if you were able to get the uninstall to run. Have a look in your Control Panel list of installed apps and see if Oblivion is still showing up there ... if it's not then uninstall must have worked. Having a ton of mods in your old install shouldn't affect whether or not you can re-install. I have no idea what your are referring to with this:

C(unrealistic %): the all system itself rejects the idea of having no 4 on it despite 3 and 5 working on it.

What are no. 4, 3 and 5 referring to?

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What exactly is the problem? When you try to re-install what are the error messages, if any? Before you ran through Bben46's tutorial was the old install acting up and if so how?


I can't see why deleting your Data folder would prevent re-installing if you were able to get the uninstall to run. Have a look in your Control Panel list of installed apps and see if Oblivion is still showing up there ... if it's not then uninstall must have worked. Having a ton of mods in your old install shouldn't affect whether or not you can re-install. I have no idea what your are referring to with this:

C(unrealistic %): the all system itself rejects the idea of having no 4 on it despite 3 and 5 working on it.

What are no. 4, 3 and 5 referring to?

they referenced each elder scroll game just didnt want to type them was being lazy


But it says FEature transfer error Access is Denied and no it is not on list of active application in the uninstall list

Edited by vermillionplauge
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You already said you are trying to install using an administer account so I don't see that being an issue. When I'm installing a game I usually change my everyday account to an administrator account temporarily while doing the install and first run rather than trying to install in my regular account from the administrator account. Do you use more than one account similar to what I'm describing (i.e. an regular non-administrator account for everyday use and a separate administrator account for administrative tasks)?
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You already said you are trying to install using an administer account so I don't see that being an issue. When I'm installing a game I usually change my everyday account to an administrator account temporarily while doing the install and first run rather than trying to install in my regular account from the administrator account. Do you use more than one account similar to what I'm describing (i.e. an regular non-administrator account for everyday use and a separate administrator account for administrative tasks)?


yes 1 admin account and 1 quest account( technically a user account but its basically for the rest of the people in my house) and my standard use account

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So when you say "using install as admin while admin" you are changing your standard user account to an administrator account, installing the game and then trying to get it to start, correct (assuming you wish to run the game under your standard account)?


Also what operating system are you running?

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first off no the game does not install it starts install until it hits the file installation phase with the phone picture and "Access is denied" but i do switch form user to admin


secondly my Os is window 7

processor: intell® core2 quad CPU Q4800 @2.66GHz 2.67GHz


system type: 64 bit

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I would suspect a permission for a folder is set to read only. Set the permissions to give admin access and take control of them.

if no access is specifically granted or denied, then the user is denied access.


Here is a write up on folder permissions: http://www.addictivetips.com/windows-tips/windows-7-access-denied-permission-ownership/

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hmmm never thought of that bben another reaso to disliek windows :P despite it being a nice os. when i get around to ti ill see fi it works if not ill post back here bwt what folders specificly? or would changing the programfiles(x86)/program files and normal windows folder change everything in them?
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hmmm never thought of that bben another reaso to disliek windows :P despite it being a nice os. when i get around to ti ill see fi it works if not ill post back here bwt what folders specificly? or would changing the programfiles(x86)/program files and normal windows folder change everything in them?


Don't install to program files. Create a new folder C:\Games\Oblivion, and install the game there.

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