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[LE] Stopping horse from following


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If you created a holding cell that you can't fast travel from and put a horse in it then had some spell that set last ridden horse to that horse would it prevent your real last ridden horse from following you when you fast travel?

Or just setting the global variable to 0?

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I'm guessing you could do it via a quest reference script to flag on when you own the horse, and then have a quest stage that if you are riding a different horse, your own horse would activate an AI travel package that could either stay where it is (by using an xmarker to mark the location) or travel to a stable or such of your choosing.


Otherwise you could make a holding cell and a spell to send your horse to it, and then a secondary spell to summon it back. Honestly I have a couple spells like that planned myself but not just limited to horses, but haven't got it it as of yet.

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I bought and rode a horse from Riften. I also Have frost stashed near the entrance to Whiterun. I really wish they would just stay at wherever you dismounted, not fast travel to you or go back to their stable. To get Frost to stay put I had to walk all the way back to Riften after stashing Frost then get on/off my Riften horse to make Frost stay where I put him (hopefully). What good is a horse that runs loose all over the country instead of staying where you put it? I might have to kill my Riften horse so IT won't follow me.


If you had a spell with a script lastriddenhorse = 0 would the game think that you never rode a horse so none of your horses would follow you until you did ride one?

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You need to make a travel package for the horses and set the defaultmasterpackagelist to none. Add a travel package and set place to travel to self as destination with radius 512 or if you like to let them move around a bit, to 1024. Put conditions on this package: If it's a unique mount:

GetIsID = YourHorse run on subject AND IsRidingMount = 0 run on player AND IsPlayersLastRiddenMount = 0 If you want to set this for all horses, not only unique ones use GetIsRace = HorseRace instead of GetIsID.


This way horse should not fast travel with you and stay where you have left it if you ride another mount. No need for scripting.

Edited by Tasheni
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