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Mods wo't turn off

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hey guys, ran into a bit of a bug, I disabled a few mods cause I messed up on enchating (these mods in question are weapon mods) but when I loaded my save up the modded weapons I disabled remain as if I never disabled them in the first place.


I tried disabling other mods and dlc but the modded weapons remained (the other mods I have including Deadly Reflex 5, Mighty Magic, Midas Magic, OOO, and others deactivated as normal)


I'm just about frustrated with this so any help would be appreciated

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I suspect what's happening is that when you enchant an item, it creates a completely new item whose stats are saved in your savegame. It's no longer an item from the mod, so disabling the mod won't remove it.


Whether that's the case or not, sell the item to a vendor or place it in a respawning chest. Go to a different cell and wait for 73 hours and then those items should be gone permanently.

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