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Broken Dialogue - Check My Load Order?


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Started a new game from scratch (been a long while) and now have a problem with the cinematic dialogue (which had not occurred before).


No problems leaving 101. First happened with the Simms-Burke confrontation (which I hoped might be a one-off glitch), and now with Roy at Tenpenny Towers. In both cases, the dialogue starts normally but then, at some stage (not always the same point), the talking will stop and those involved will simply stand there. In the case of Roy / Tempenny, I can't use the Intercom because I get a message that the item is in use by someone else, and talking to Roy only gets the response that he is busy talking to someone else.


Yes, I could go through everything mod by mod by mod on the off chance I can find a culprit, but that approach has very little appeal, strangely enough.


Anticipating some possible responses, I don't use BOSS because of a bad experience with it, but here is the load order, for which there is undoubtedly a great deal that could be done better. Most of these mods have been used in prior games without trouble of this kind.








Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esm


20th Century Weapons.esm



* The Librarian.esm


Sydney Follower.esp


* Vault 101 Revisited.esm

Abbreviated Effects.esm

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Operation Anchorage.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - The Pitt.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Point Lookout.esp

Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Mothership Zeta.esp

Fallin3 SouthEast Wasteland.esp

The Pitt Crash Fix.esp

Better Wasteland Clipboards.esp


* Northern Enclave Base.esp

CEI - CaesarrulezExcessiveInteriorsEN.esp

Dree Perks.esp

WEP Pack 1.esp

WEP Pack 2.esp

Not alone in the Wasteland anymore.esp


Tailor Maid.esp

Tailor Maid PITT.esp

Tailor Maid Brokensteel.esp

Tailor Maid Black Retex.esp

Rivet City CLEANED.esp

Rivet City Merchants With Point Lookout.esp


All Anchorage Armors Usable.esp

New Paradise Falls NPC's.esp




Despicable Dashwood v2.esp















Haldurs Improved Workbench.esp





Gauss Rifle boost.esp

700NE rifle.esp





Attentater's Wasteland Economy.esp

* colossus T51c.esp

* GhostArmor HGEC - Conversion.esp

* GhostArmor HGEC - Conversion FN92 VATSCAM.esp


BS Eye Pack V.1.esp



Sgt. Rock.esp

Better Caravans.esp

Better Companions Ess.esp

Better Companions Clover Ess.esp





Wasteland Weather Overhaul .9 (no interiors).esp

2.5X Missle Damage.esp

reduced karma loss for Stealing.esp

I'll Touch What I Want.esp


Moira 100 Repair.esp

* BM19DisablePipBoyGlove.esp

Slower Degradation (-50%).esp

Reduced Dust Particles.esp


no blur on hit.esp

Timescale 8.esp




Sydney Follower - Load Order Fix.esp

Merged Patch.esp

Fallout 3 Master Fix.esp

Fallout 3 Master Fix - Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch.esp



* = Most recent additions.


Advice for fixing the dialogue problem and improving the load order would be appreciated. Thanking all in advance.

Edited by 7thsealord
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Unless you have done a MasterUpDate, you need to move the .esp's you have mixed in with the .esm. I'm not sure of the load order for Master Fix, but a merged patch should always load last. If you made the patch with FO3Edit, than use that to check for conflicts with the other mods.
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Thanks for replying.


Wouldn't recognize a MasterUpdate if it was painted dayglo orange. Or know how to do it. FOMM has certain ESP files tagged as ESM files (as mentioned in a previous thread) and I don't have the slightest idea how or if I should even try to change them otherwise.


Forgive my ignorance - would shifting those ESP/ESM files so that they are below all the "genuine" ESPs be a step in the right direction?


As I understood the instructions for Master Fix (and correct me if I'm wrong, anybody), they are supposed to kept out of the Merged Patch and go in Load Order AFTER it.


I put the Auto-Purge file there as a kind of experiment some time ago, and stability seemed to improve.

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Since the .esp is tagged as an .esm, than just leave them were they are. If you don't have it, I suggest that you get FO3Edit and the training manual. Available here: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/637 and here: http://fallout3.nexusmods.com/mods/8629. I have the manual on my desktop and open it along with the FO3Edit and read along as I do the work.
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As I understood the instructions for Master Fix (and correct me if I'm wrong, anybody), they are supposed to kept out of the Merged Patch and go in Load Order AFTER it.



Master Fix is a rather old mod though. Why not try it's successor instead: Fallout Remastered (same rules about merged patches apply to that one too btw)


Where are all the plugins from the 20th century mod by the way? The master file alone is quite useless, I'd say.


"Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro.esp" <-- What does this do? Is it another on of those automatic "purge cell buffer" plugins? Not a clue what's in there, but as a rule of thumb one should never load any other mods behind Master Fix.

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As I understood the instructions for Master Fix (and correct me if I'm wrong, anybody), they are supposed to kept out of the Merged Patch and go in Load Order AFTER it.



Master Fix is a rather old mod though. Why not try it's successor instead: Fallout Remastered (same rules about merged patches apply to that one too btw)


Where are all the plugins from the 20th century mod by the way? The master file alone is quite useless, I'd say.


"Zan_AutoPurge_SmartAgro.esp" <-- What does this do? Is it another on of those automatic "purge cell buffer" plugins? Not a clue what's in there, but as a rule of thumb one should never load any other mods behind Master Fix.


THanks for that, BR. Yeah, Zan-Autopurge does purge cell buffers. Looks like further changes are in order, which I'll get onto tonight. Further thoughts welcomed from all.

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Ran the newest FO3Edit, removed MasterFix and now using FalloutRemastered, shifted Zan-Autopurge up the list, shifted things around so all the ESPs that come up on FOMM as ESMs are all below the "genuine" ESMs. Game seems OK, but the dialogue is still broken.


Noting also that when I fast travel away and fast travel back, Roy is walking away from the intercom and things can proceed normally.

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Yes, I could go through everything mod by mod by mod on the off chance I can find a culprit, but that approach has very little appeal, strangely enough.

It's beginning to sound that you may be forced to do this after all.


There are, of course a number of mods that are more likely then others to be the culprit. Focus your search initially on mods that change or add NPC's and/or companions.



Sydney Follower.esp

These 2 mods are sitting right in between the .esm's (master files) in the load order you provided in your first post by the way. That's a bad idea regardless of whether they were masterupdated or not.

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There are, of course a number of mods that are more likely then others to be the culprit. Focus your search initially on mods that change or add NPC's and/or companions.



Sydney Follower.esp

These 2 mods are sitting right in between the .esm's (master files) in the load order you provided in your first post by the way. That's a bad idea regardless of whether they were masterupdated or not.


As was said, these mods are tagged as ESMs by FOMM, but have now been moved to the bottom of ESM order. Don't know what else I can do there.


BTW, worth noting my daughter just spent a big chunk of the day playing through Orion's Gate with zero problems.

Edited by 7thsealord
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