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NoMerge tag


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nope, anything in the box where the check mark would be means it was included, UNLESS the box turns red or orange


here you go, just to put your mind at ease, everything explained for you :)



Edited by gromulos
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Okay, that's helpful! I just want to be sure I understand the difference between "merged" and "imported." "Merged" I get means that everything about it is included in the Bashed Patch, so if it's merged and the Bashed Patch is active, it's fully part of the game. So how is "imported" different?

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"MOST" of the time an imported plugin uses assets from the main files, unless these assets are altered they are skipped since they are already included.


An imported plugin included, by Wrye and the bashed patch, will only include what the bashed patch needs from it. In this case Wrye actually stops redundant files from being included, which is VERY good for your game :smile:


A merged plugin will have everything included in it into the bashed patch

Edited by gromulos
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The only time load order maters is if an author states "this mod should be loaded _____ " or when it comes to overhauls and followers i'll give you an example below




The Skyre files are all part of an overhaul ( skyrim redone ). I have them loaded above the followers because you always want to load followers last so that other mods don't interfere with their scripts pathfinding, and AI. The reproccer files are a special case and HAVE to be loaded where they are otherwise they don't work correctly, as per the authors instructions. The MAIN reason why the skyre files are loaded so late in the load order is simply because the mod is an overhaul, you don't want anything below the skyre files, except followers, that would over write part of the overhaul

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Load order is the primary tool determining which records the game uses when it runs. Bash tags allow a method to let A.esp to load higher in the load order than B.esp and still have records that are changed by both A.esp and B.esp win at game run ... providing both A.esp and B.esp don't use the same bash tags.


When two or more mods use the exact same bash tag then load order determines the winner.

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