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Mephala's Quest broken after applying Purists morrowind fix


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So I made the mistake of installing a mod in the middle of a playthru and it ends up corrupting my save file and i have cleaned it up with wyre bash but apparently its no use. For one reason or another, Balyn Omavel is either disabled or killed by my little lack of precaution and when i go to Morag Tong HQ to talk to the Mephala priest, he doesnt not give me the proper greeting that triggers "sensitive matters" topic, and uses the greeting normally for grandmaster level members (i am still associate in the Tong). I tried adding the topic via console, but then he would say i have killed Balyn Omavel without Mephala's intervention. And apparently even if i reinstate another Balyn Omavel in his place in Balmora with placeatme command, it does the same. The original has disappeared entirely and i cant move him to balmora no matter what i try (no response from the console window and he does not appear in balmora). and i checked cs, then it seems that the dialogue for mephala's quest branches off to the failed path when the game checks that death count of Balyn Omavel is more than 0, and I have been searching all over the net for a way to reset the death count but i cant find one. And in deed i have resurrected balyn omavel but it still checks up as if he is dead. i have no idea what to do next, and i have been spending over 100 hours on this save and i really dont want it to be ruined by my stupidity. What should i do next?


I installed purists morrowind fix, a patch project branches from the original MPP, and a mod that restores bethesdas voiced greeting lines that were cut from the game.

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