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How to stop clothing from following the body contour.


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I am trying to figure out how to stop clothing from following the body when taking screen captures. I posted a couple of captures in the FO3 image share and I would like to have the dress fall straight down instead of following the legs. It would look more natural even if there was clipping through the legs. The clipping could be hidden by the angle.


If anyone knows if it is possible, please let me know.


Link to image: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/images/45453 and https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout3/images/45454


Thank you in advance for any assistance.

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If you are looking for a simple console command, there isn't one.


The thing in the game that makes clothes follow body parts is called bone weighting, which is a part of the nif. I don't know how familiar you are with 3-d modeling, but bone weighting is created and modified using a 3-d modeling program like blender or 3dsmax. Every vertex on the nif is weighted to the skeleton (aka the armature), so as the various skeleton bones move, the clothing moves with them. If you want a piece of clothing to move with the player/npc's forearm, you weight that section of clothing 100 percent to the forearm bone.


The parts of the dress that you want to hang are obviously weighted to the thigh bones. If you want those parts of the dress to hang, you need to remove their weights from the thigh bones and weight them more heavily to the pelvis. If you weight them 100 percent to the pelvis then they'll just hang. If you weight them heavily to the pelvis but add in a little weight to the thigh bones then they'll move a bit with the legs, which will look more realistic.

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Thanks to madmongo for pointing me in the right direction. Following your advice, I was able to achieve my objective. I wasn't much concerned about clipping since I was only looking for a method to use in screen captures.


I removed all the weight from the thigh bones and assigned everything to the pelvis and I got the results I wanted. New image up in FO3 image share.

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