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Wierd graphical error that even reinstall wont fix :/


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Hey! So normally I use some texture packs of of nexus and randomly I started getting this wierd graphical Glitch? on the street lamps (Been using the same texture pack for a month). I couldnt find the cause of the problem so I uninstall F04 and Mo2 and then reinstalled.


The error is still there in a fresh install of fallout4... This worries me, as nothing I do seems to make them normal again.




There is a screenie of the error. As you can see it is making the front of the lamp posts asif they have a bit of glass on them, which nothing I have ever used would do that, also why doesn't a reinstalll fix it? . If anyone can help me I will be very gratful because I can not play while I have errors like this in my game :sad:

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