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Game Crashes Every Twenty Minutes Of Gameplay Or Less


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This is most likely just the obvious memory issue that Skyrim has. Outstyling, if you don't use ENB binarys with the correct memory tweaks and/or the mod crashfixes you will have these crashes since the memory issue is still present without any fixes to it. Your load order shouldn't cause these problems, but your problems fit the memory issue perfectly.


@Gromulos SkyRe files don't need to be put in the order you mention. They are fine pretty much anywhere. You just gotta consider which mods you want to have priority over the changes made in the skyre files. And what makes you think that using a bashed patch is a must in this case? A bashed patch wouldn't fix the crashing issues here.


No, it is more than just memory, outstyling has 268 plugins (over the 255 limit ) and was missing multiple files he needed which would just have raised his plugin amount


SKYre is an overhaul, they should be at the bottom, PERIOD. And I will tell you why. Spread out like LOOT puts them, is the wrong order, you don't want them in a position in the load order where another plugin "could" over write them. Having them at the bottom ensures that they will NOT be over written.


A Bashed patch is going to fix a LOT of issues, maybe, just maybe, if you read my guide for yourself you might learn something. A Bashed patch fixes a lot more than people realize. Two of the main contributors to Wrye are specifically quoted in my guide ( with permission ) and explain why a bashed patch is not only needed, but what it specifically does.


i just love how "SOME" people will just jump into a thread and not bother reading the previous posts, sheesh.


OH!, and btw, the SKSE memory fix is in my guide, you would have known that had you taken 5 minutes to read it.

Edited by gromulos
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He obviously didn't have more than 255 plugins active at once since he isn't complaining about his game refusing to load or crashing instantly at main menu. You think it is more than a memory issue? Well, you just said you have no idea what you're talking about since you don't know that you cannot play the game with more than 255 plugins enabled. You're spreading bad advice about load orders by suggesting that overhaul mods should be at the bottom, "PERIOD". You can't generalise load orders like that. There are tons of variables when making sure your load order is what you want it to be, now for a new modder yeah sure, you can use "rules" like that but they certainly aren't perfect.

"A Bashed patch is going to fix a LOT of issues, maybe, just maybe, if you read my guide for yourself you might learn something."

Why should I read your guide? I don't need to read it. I'm not in need of your opinion on how I should mod my game, I was simply telling the OP and you that some of your advice is not very good. I'm not arguing a bashed patch not fixing many issues - I'm saying that it won't fix OP's crashing issues.



"i just love how "SOME" people will just jump into a thread and not bother reading the previous posts, sheesh."

I read all the posts here, so you're immidiately wrong in that statement.


"OH!, and btw, the SKSE memory fix is in my guide, you would have known that had you taken 5 minutes to read it."

I'm not new to modding, I don't need to read your guide to see that you recommended SKSE memory fix. Crashfixes and ENB binary with the right configuration is a great advice to use in this situation, since they fix the memory issue that OP is having. What makes you think that some unforwarded records in a non existant bashed patch is making OP crash randomly when walking around Skyrim? Tell me what in his load order is causing these random crashes, and tell me why you don't think the memory issue that Skyrim has is the problem here?


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I was referring to the multiple posts that he was missing certain mods and or support plugins for some of his mods and no where did the OP ever say that any of those plugins were not loaded, so not having that information = 268 plugins


I specifically said earlier in the thread for him to get his load order to "254 or less plugins"


and as for SKYre, my reasoning still stands, you want it loaded lower in the load order so that other mods don't make any over writes, specially considering how many mods the OP has in that list, putting the SKYre files at the bottom ENSURES they will not get over written

Edited by gromulos
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This is most likely just the obvious memory issue that Skyrim has. Outstyling, if you don't use ENB binarys with the correct memory tweaks and/or the mod crashfixes you will have these crashes since the memory issue is still present without any fixes to it. Your load order shouldn't cause these problems, but your problems fit the memory issue perfectly.


@Gromulos SkyRe files don't need to be put in the order you mention. They are fine pretty much anywhere. You just gotta consider which mods you want to have priority over the changes made in the skyre files. And what makes you think that using a bashed patch is a must in this case? A bashed patch wouldn't fix the crashing issues here.

I have crash fix mods downloaded to help n it doesn't seem to help

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I was referring to the multiple posts that he was missing certain mods and or support plugins for some of his mods and no where did the OP ever say that any of those plugins were not loaded, so not having that information = 268 plugins


I specifically said earlier in the thread for him to get his load order to "254 or less plugins"


and as for SKYre, my reasoning still stands, you want it loaded lower in the load order so that other mods don't make any over writes, specially considering how many mods the OP has in that list, putting the SKYre files at the bottom ENSURES they will not get over written

i've fixed it a bit and do you think it could just be my save is broken since its the same one I used on my other pc with around the same amount of mods

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if they are not the same EXACT mods, yes, essentially you would have to use the same exact mods or it's basically the same thing as removing a mod, which you aren't supposed to do unless starting a new game


basically your saves are broken with those missing mods

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