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PC Players Letdown?


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But with the changes in the Mod communities I think there is a good chance that PC gaming could create/expand what will be a new genre of gaming in the future. It is in it's infancy now but is certainly growing, evident in the numbers of console gamers returning to PC gaming (Modding in-particular).


I used to be a strict console player a few years ago, then when i saw how awesome fallout 3 was on pc with mods and how great the community was i went out and bought my first gaming pc, that was five years ago and i havent looked back, havent bought any console games since then and played my xbox maybe a month out of those 5 years. And i know that im not the only one to do that, pc gaming is coming back, slowly but surely affordable rigs are beginning to surface and people become more and more fed up with the garbage that is being fed to them by console companies more and more will turn to back to pc

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I feel as though the significant other went out for lunch with a friend one day and ended up dumping us for them.

They put all of this great attention and effort into the modding community and the tools for them. They pay so much attention and add so much to the game and construction set for the modding community, but they built a game for the 360 controller that I don't think the majority of the PC community uses. They read the forums and they download and play the mods, created a game they enjoy with a lot of shout outs to the community. They just didn't build a game for the mouse and keyboard people.

I believe they started using the 360 around the Oblivion era because it was really easy to show demos on, plug in a hard drive with your game and the save data and just go. I don't know why the focus as a whole seemed to shift.

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I hate the way that the menus in Skyrim on the PC don't work very well. The program can't accurately sense where your mouse cursor is, and you can click on the wrong thing.
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I don't feel let down at all. I think Skyrim delivers (yes, on the PC) in much the same way all the ES and Fallout titles have delivered.


I heavily mod my game, and once heavily modded, Skyrim is an absolute gem. Then again, I'm not the "I finished the whole damn thing in 13 hours!" kinda guy. I have racked up 280 hours and I still have not completed the main quest. I'm a total immersionist, and no other title out there allows this level of immersion. Period.


Frankly, if menus is your biggest problem with this game, I'd hardly consider that a "letdown". That's more like a minor, petty gripe with one small aspect of the title.

Edited by Orsimon
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The problem isn't the graphics or the menus.


The real problem is how painfully limited the PC version is because it was held back for a focus on console versions. Honestly, it doesn't matter how much we mod the game to make it better, the base code of the game is still made for consoles.


Why do you think the menus are clunky? Because they were designed for consoles.


Why do you think character creation is so slow and often CTDs or freezes with any added hair mods, custom races, etc? Because it was designed for consoles.


Why is it taking so damn long to update the Creation Kit and fix many serious bugs? Because all that matters is the console market.


Designing the game around consoles has put up walls that very few modders will find reliable ladders to climb over with. You might get over the top once and a while, but more often then not the ladder will break before you're half way up.

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Why do you think character creation is so slow and often CTDs or freezes with any added hair mods, custom races, etc? Because it was designed for consoles.

I have never had any of these problems, and I have countless facial texture mods, hair mods, race mods... I never CTD. Ever. Which is why I think some of the blame for this kind of issue rests with individual systems. Granted, my system is brand new and custom built with a special motherboard, tons of ram and a face melting graphics card, but about 90% of my problems with Skyrim evaporated when I started playing it with a much stronger machine.

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Why do you think character creation is so slow and often CTDs or freezes with any added hair mods, custom races, etc? Because it was designed for consoles.

I have never had any of these problems, and I have countless facial texture mods, hair mods, race mods... I never CTD. Ever. Which is why I think some of the blame for this kind of issue rests with individual systems. Granted, my system is brand new and custom built with a special motherboard, tons of ram and a face melting graphics card, but about 90% of my problems with Skyrim evaporated when I started playing it with a much stronger machine.



I have a very modest machine and I've only had a 2-3 CTDs. I keep my computer up to date and clean though, plus I read up on my mods before installing them.

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Skyrim is basically half vanilla + half mods. Without mods it's just half a game. That alone makes PC infinitely better than console versions. I can't imagine how anyone can play Skyrim or Oblivion without mods. I mean how ugly the vanilla characters look alone is enough to make me turn off the TV. Then add in the ultra-long list of bugs...
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Skyrim is basically half vanilla + half mods. Without mods it's just half a game. That alone makes PC infinitely better than console versions. I can't imagine how anyone can play Skyrim or Oblivion without mods. I mean how ugly the vanilla characters look alone is enough to make me turn off the TV.

QTF. I don't mean to insult anyone, but if you're the type of person who burns through the main quest with a vanilla game and then sit there wondering why Skyrim wasn't more epic, well, you're doing it wrong. These games were made to be modded. I can't imagine playing the game without IMAGINATOR and ENB, or without JaySuS Swords or AOF hair, or without the option to put Skyrim's dungeons and quests aside for a while and hit up Moonpath to Elsweyr, or with no SkyUI to make inventories so much smoother.


Similar situation in FNV. I squeezed months out of that game with added player content alone, some of which was spectacular quality. And despite all the gripes about how Skyrim wasn't optimized for the PC, it sure looks and plays as though it was, once again thanks to the awesome creativity of our mod community.

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This console game we all play is truly just that. The use of STEAMYpile is just another slap in the face. The forced updates and intrusiveness of what it takes to play the game you purchased is nothing but absurd. You have to go way out of your way to get this game presentable and it buries most systems once you do. It was rendered for graphics on a game box 10 years old. We have graphic cards worth 2+ times that whole system cost that still struggle to keep up. We have upward of 12+GB of memory - barely 1/4 usable.. with mods, quad (8 core) CPU's that rip through clock cycles like STEAMYpile through your registry, and enough HD space to store everything ever printed.... twice. Yet, we still have trouble with a game, written for a kids toy computer circa 2002.


It's DirectX 9 API is stamped all over everything, with 2D graphics plastered on a flat surface overlay with periodic objects in low rendered 3d placed throughout. I loved the game when it was released. it was new and fresh. It is long since that release date and we still complain about the same flaws, the same lack of support, and the same non-existent replies to our concerns as PC hardware enthusiasts.


It is playable in vanilla and has some amazing content. The work to design and code the game , another feather for Bethesda's cap. PC support and concern for our game play, investment and game flaws/bugs/ graphic issues and overall I/O interaction is ridiculous and insulting. Then to top all that off, we have no option on upgrades, no input into what STEAMYpile does to our system, the software intrusively required to play this game (even though some of us purchased the DVD) is nothing short of sickening.


To say letdown is somewhat of an under statement.

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