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PC Players Letdown?


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@Brandy_123 - as usual you put it so well... it's like you took the words right out of my mouth. I'm actually tired of bashing Skyrim and Steam but I have to say that issues such as the menu are hardly a "letdown" or "petty gripe". The sloppy menu has caused me a lot of aggravation... click one option, NPC responds with the wrong dialog.. takes forever to sort... etc. And that's just the tip of the iceberg... don't even get me started on my long list of reasonable disappointments. (Steam tops the list)


All that said, I have without question got my moneys worth and I'm not even done with it yet. What really bothers me is that I hope that this isn't a sign of things to come in the pc gaming world. This game was just plain sloppy and in my mind it is unreasonable to dispute that. I'll repeat. Bethesda gave pc gamers a kick in the nuts. That's my opinion and no one's gonna change it. :armscrossed:

Edited by Sergeant Rock
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This console game we all play is truly just that. The use of STEAMYpile is just another slap in the face. The forced updates and intrusiveness of what it takes to play the game you purchased is nothing but absurd. You have to go way out of your way to get this game presentable and it buries most systems once you do.

How is the fact that this game comes with regular updates facilitated by a download network a bad thing? Seriously, most developers make a game and then forget about it and move on to other projects. At least this one is still receiving more polish. Oh lordy lordy no... you poor thing... you have to put up with "intrusive" boosts that might upset minor elements of your game. The fact that you paid for this game once and have all this still coming to you is a blessing in a market full of companies that foist crap on buyers that takes them 8 hours to finish (MW3), has no replayability and no modability, and never gets updated. Honestly, this system is comparatively fantastic.


I've never had any problems with Steam whatsoever. I find the complainers to be full of nonsense because they had to juggle or turn off certain mods after some of the updates or had to wait for SKSE to update. Poor you. Sorry, but in this current market of companies like EA, you should thank your lucky stars this series is even still going. I get more out of these games for 1 payment than I do from any other titles. Pisses me off a bit when I see this kind of post. It's like, dude, have you played anything else lately? Do you have any clue how solid it is to have a game this massive that you can mod as much as you like in the first place?




Yeah, seems like a bit of a reactionary post, right? Well, it's supposed to be one. I've played too many "What you get is in the package, so go eff yourself customer" games lately, and returning to this series was refreshing. Oh... they're still doing things with this game. Oh... the modders are out in force and look at all this new stuff that's come out in the last 3 months. Oh damn... what the hell have I been doing out there in the lameness? Hell, I just fired up New Vegas and it still looks, plays and feels better than anything else I made the mistake of playing lately. Perhaps I have just spent so much time lately playing EA games that it shocks me a bit that anyone here would have anything to complain about.

Edited by Orsimon
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Orsimon, people like you escape my understanding.


As for intrusive, start perusing your registry and see for yourself how integrated STEAMYpile is. Then un-install it and see how much doesn't get removed. Granted, other packages do similar garbage piling, but the depth STEAMypile goes and that active lingering software is almost impossible to find, locate and eradicate.


You said updates are good. if the user can select them, the consequences lie with the user. When the user has say/input and a known good loaded set of options, mods or configurations is working without too many issues then there is no problem. When the update is forced upon you, even if you have opted to not receive them, then yes, i call that unwanted, intrusive, evasive and misrepresented. I can only say that I believe people like you who stand behind STEAMYpile either come from a console background, purchase your hardware at someones suggestion, have no real building or modding (software or hardware) experience or work for a subsidiary of the STEAMYpilage. The "ease of use", the "can download it anywhere I go", the " I don't need the disks" is all superficial nonsense.


The Ease of use : you need to have a fast connection and better then average gear. STEAMYpile eats up resources as seen in FPS loss. try it. see for yourself, that is if you know what your even looking for or at.

Download anywhere: try downloading it from a wireless connection at any hotel while on a business trip or vacation. You won't be playing that game.

Don't need the disk : If I could use the disks ( i purchased), i would have ease of use, and i could download it anywhere. I could also play within minutes as apposed to hours and not have to lose resources or have my system raped by the vile binary beast they unleash on it.


It has nothing to do with convenience for the end user. It has to do with control of an industry and marketing your online statistics, resources and or lifestyle profile.


People who want STEAMYpile, congratulations, you got it. I prefer to think for myself, control what little of this data flow I can and enjoy my entertainment how I want to, under my ideals of what i find pleasant and synergy in using. I have found nothing appealing or enjoyable with anything STEAMYpile is involved with. The end!

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Steam is just trying to "consolize" the PC experience. They may have saved PC gaming, but they are turning it into something most old school PC gamers never want to see. It's being streamlined for the lowest lowest common denominator aka less tech savvy people.


Newer games themselves are adding more and more mindless mechanics that make it easier for everyone. Take Skyrim for example, it was streamlined for people who would have been intimidated by Morrowind and even Oblivion. Fans of The Legend of Zelda saw this happen as well, Skyward Sword seemed to try and hold your hand through EVERY single obstacle. Why are game developers targeting people who want games to be simple and easy? I'm not asking for extreme challenges, but the new trend in games seems to be click here to win. I have honestly not felt truly challenged in vanilla Skyrim or in newer games.


Sadly, the reason for all of this is pretty obvious. In the famous words of the Wu-Tang Clan, "CASH RULES EVERYTHING AROUND ME, C.R.E.A.M. GET THE MONEY, DOLLAR DOLLAR BILL Y'ALL".

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For anyone interested, here are links to a lengthy 2-part article by Dean Takahashi (lead writer for GamesBeat at VentureBeat)

about the 'The making of the Xbox' (November 14, 2011).

Although the content has little/nothing to say about PC gaming or Skyrim, the narrative does provide a lot of insight into the evolution of the

console gaming industry which has directly influenced what we are now seeing in new games like Skyrim.



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I would just like to say that people defending or justifying what corporations do to make money are contemptible, and attacking people for their dislike of something is moronic especitally when it's rational.


This wasn't a game that was made for desktop pc's it's just avalible on one. I remeber feeling disapointed when running this on ultra and seeing how unattractive everything was from the textures to the shadows and lighting. I remember thinking the sword play is no where near as imersive as Oblivions, and the world just seemed too empty as far as non hostiles goes. And mod'ed my game as soon as it accured to me to do so. And stopped playing soon after... Started playing again a month ago and it would be hard not to feel let down, expecially after seeing what they can do in a week when just screwin around. But my game looks good and if I could optimise my ini's to sustain more than 30 fps at all times I would be slightly greatful to Bethsoft, but if it wasn't for the modders the game would just be a joke in a box for pc owners... And I don't think any of us poor little consumers asked for steam and it's "conveniences", we just put up with it.

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Orsimon, people like you escape my understanding.

And people like you who take themselves and all this rinky-dink stuff so seriously aggravate me to no end.


As for intrusive, start perusing your registry and see for yourself how integrated STEAMYpile is. Then un-install it and see how much doesn't get removed. Granted, other packages do similar garbage piling, but the depth STEAMypile goes and that active lingering software is almost impossible to find, locate and eradicate.

Do you have any idea how much unwanted crap has built up in your system over the years from countless sources? I suggest getting over it.


You said updates are good. if the user can select them, the consequences lie with the user. When the user has say/input and a known good loaded set of options, mods or configurations is working without too many issues then there is no problem. When the update is forced upon you, even if you have opted to not receive them, then yes, i call that unwanted, intrusive, evasive and misrepresented.

You received an update that meddled with a mod or two. Um... suck it up?


I can only say that I believe people like you who stand behind STEAMYpile either come from a console background, purchase your hardware at someones suggestion, have no real building or modding (software or hardware) experience or work for a subsidiary of the STEAMYpilage. The "ease of use", the "can download it anywhere I go", the " I don't need the disks" is all superficial nonsense.

Ah yes, the old "You must be an idiot or ONE OF THEM!" bit. I like that one. Yeah, you're right "Brandy", I must be in league with these evil people who are conspiring to screw you. You. Personally. Oh, and everyone else who plays these games. Also, I'm clueless because I don't give a crap about these minor inconveniences that send you ragescrambling up with walls.


The Ease of use : you need to have a fast connection and better then average gear. STEAMYpile eats up resources as seen in FPS loss. try it. see for yourself, that is if you know what your even looking for or at.


Download anywhere: try downloading it from a wireless connection at any hotel while on a business trip or vacation. You won't be playing that game.


Don't need the disk : If I could use the disks ( i purchased), i would have ease of use, and i could download it anywhere. I could also play within minutes as apposed to hours and not have to lose resources or have my system raped by the vile binary beast they unleash on it.

I don't give a crap about any of this. Steam is just an imperfect network, yet somehow it has penetrated your darkest dreams and has enslaved you to the notion that because you can't use the network effectively on a crap machine with a crap connection, they are somehow pulling the wool over your eyes.


It has nothing to do with convenience for the end user. It has to do with control of an industry and marketing your online statistics, resources and or lifestyle profile.

They can collect as much information as they like. Why are you so threatened by this?


I prefer to think for myself, control what little of this data flow I can and enjoy my entertainment how I want to, under my ideals of what i find pleasant and synergy in using

Seriously? Get over yourself. We're talking about a silly little fantasy game and a dinky little network they use for downloads and updates. Making it a full-blown Jihad against your precious personal preferences is, well, it's beyond petty and silly. I have zero issues with Steam. Oh, an update borked mounted combat? Turned off one animation mod... all good... didn't ruin my life or anything.

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Warms my heart to know that the Beth Defense League is still alive and doing well. As for me, my first major disappointment came with the announcement of Steam affiliation. This was closely followed by merging of attributes, the elimination of birthsigns, elimination of weapon and armor degradation (makes the smithing skill seem irrelevant), nerfing of magic, claiming dual wielding as a major enhancement (still can only cast one spell type at a time), bundling weapon skills into 1-hand or 2-hand, perks, on and on and on. Lord what is this game, Dungeon Seige Enhanced? Got so bad I loaded up and started playing Daggerfall (DOSbox and all), the last true PC Elder Scrolls roll playing game.
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What I can not seem to figure out is why so many people that obviously have a major problem with the game and "can't play it anymore" still come to the forums at all. Discussion (civilized discussion) is one thing and there are plenty of little flaws to talk about, but if it's that bad and so personal for you it seems as though you should remove yourself from all things Skyrim and do/talk about something you do enjoy ( it's better for your mental health).


Still this thread was an entertaining read.

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So, when does skyrim get an xbox kinect body controller, playstation vita handheld port, or nintendo wii motion-control lol.


A statement from game director Todd Howard (April 2011): "90 per cent of our audience is on the consoles,"

he says, speaking about the possibility of bringing modding to the Xbox 360 and PS3,

"So 90 per cent of our audience can't even see this thing. So if we can solve that we'd like to.”

(that 90% figure is debatable and probably inaccurate..)


I wish Bethesda had time/$ to release a PC only version of Skyrim; specifically, with DirectX 11 support and better

performance, shaders and tessellation (rendering)/etc; but, at this point I'm just happy Skyrim didn't turn into another

'really bad console port' that modders couldn't somewhat fix.

I was not letdown too much by Skyrim (after all the media hype), its still beautiful to look at most of the time (given Skyrim's terrain)

and I was expecting the same kind of shallow open world Oblivion style RPG anyway knowing it was unfortunately developed for

the console gamers.

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