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SWTOR Exploded


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I have hated this game since it came out. I don't even really like Star Wars. I like guns, kung fu, or anything from Japan. I tried 16 of the 123+ SWTOR servers 2-3 characters each all ending in failure. 3 seperate attempts after 14 days it just got boring among many other problems. I re-re-re-re-re-rerolled over an over. It wasn't just me either. Look on the net it's flamed an trolled everywhere, you can't even really talk about it.


Something like 100 of these servers were just not fun places to be in. Mostly all of them died. Then eventually everybody else, re-rolled to the severs left over. It really depends on the type of person, but 1 or 2 servers are many times more fun than the rest. Not just the amount of people but the type as well. After that it was just a matter of learning that the game only looks good with 16x texture filtering, because it's a ugly game without it.


About a month ago I found the answer here, but the thread got locked. That happeneds everywhere. It's really hard to find an answer for anything. I bounced across the web for a month looking. The only thing helpful I found was talking to a player here that said find a better server with more people. Then GameBreaker TV's The Republic Show cleared up all the I hate this game. I then stumbled upon 16x AF from it being so ugly.


Only a moron would go to that much trouble to find out why a game wasn't fun. So yeah that's me. They are patching it into a better game, but it's already many times better than launch. I don't really care what they do to it. The spark we were all looking for is there. Some moron gamer isn't going to find that out of 123+ choices, ever. I know it's stupid to sub to this game, but I will be subbing anyway. It's that good.

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sooo....your saying the new Allies Patch helped SWTOR? because most of the comment was just complaining with the last line praising. so im just a little confused lol


i was waiting for Allies to come out cause it seemed like it had some good changes coming. so if you say its a good patch, i might have to look back into SWOTR

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Grinded-I gotta say it, I told you so! :biggrin: And I agree, it's come a long way, and it's supposedly got a long way yet to go before year's end.
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Character transfer are now available thought you guys want to know, so here is the link http://www.swtor.com/blog/character-transfer-server-populations-and-you


This is the link for the list of qualified servers you can choose from http://www.swtor.com/transfer

Edited by spets21
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soo. my question still isnt really answered. is SWTOR worth going back to now? was this update good?


In my opinion? hell yeah. Just try it. You'll love it or you'll hate it, and there's no way to know other than to try.

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soo. my question still isnt really answered. is SWTOR worth going back to now? was this update good?


If your post is referring to the update 1.2 legacy system then my answer is yes its worth it.I just cant say the same on update 1.3 util its out and have tested it for my self, since its only available at the PTS at the moment. guess will have to wait and see although update 1.3 is lookin very promising.

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ahhh thats what i was assuming he was talking about, 1.3 ive played since 1.2. legacy stuff doesnt affect me cause i only have a lvl 19. but if i can switch servers then i may go back. i was on an empty server and it was just boring as hell.
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RP, PVE, an PVP are all going to be a different experience. Though you won't know which you prefer until you are already bored. The game only uses very low texture filtering even on highest settings. This is why it looks the way it does. Force 8x or 16x on a high performance profile on the actual grapics card instead. If you're a stickler you can also edit the config, but I opt-out of that. Multisampling can also be enabled on the card which will AA any transparent textures such as holo's. You could think TOR looks like the best game you ever saw, then enabling the texture filtering you would be blown a way with detail. Texture filtering itself doesn't cost a lot of performance unlike AA. The game is designed to take advantage of this. For Nvidia you do this in a global profile on the Nvidia control panel. Setting use my 3D settings, instead of image preview. Then switch it back on some other games to application controlled.
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