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Write In Tune


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This Day- Inspired by Sebastian Larsson - Into The Dark

To get a better feel play the song while reading, or before. To get even better affect play Into the Dark, while also in another tab playing RainyMood. (should be the first to come up on youtube.) It captures what I feel of the story perfectly. Enjoy :3



There it was. The gong of the grandfather clock. Telling the people in the crowded foyer that it was time to go. To go say goodbye one last time. To know that its over and done. In suite the men and women flooded out of the old church with their children in hand. Grasping onto what life that they could find in their miserable state. Their heads are low and somber, eyes downcast and shield with unshared tears, the hands of death holding each of them.


Gray clouds cloak the sky, keeping the sun from sharing its warmth and hope. Keeping its life and joy hidden and locked up tight. A cold breeze shocking people, brings them from their deep thoughts, brings them from their tiniest sliver of memories and back into the world. Where reality is all there is. Drops of rain fall from the sky slowly then faster, like the tears that each person wants to shed, buts feels as if it would be wrong and that keeping it in will help make things easier. So the rain runs, down peoples skin and soaking into the black cloth that everyone wore and was burdened with.


Black veils, black gloves, black hats, black dresses and black suites that sadly held drooping black ties. Black trees and black birds. A broken black cobble stone path to a bleak grave site. A black casket on a hill waiting for the crowd of black to come, to send it off into the misery of a dark black hole. Though this is the one day that came every day in everyone's life, whether they wanted it to or not. Whether they forced it to come or if it came like a thief in the night. But it was a day where they did not have to feel alone, but still in some way they did. The feeling of disconnect and lonesomeness. Were fear creeps in and embraces the body holding tight and letting nothing in or out. This is the day were everything is slow and steady, measured; each step forced, each step harder to take.


This is the day were it is painful to look down into the eyes of a new born. Knowing that the innocent twinkle in the eyes will leave and will be replaced with the knowledge of the evils in the world. That these eyes will no longer stare in wonder at someone, but will soon stare in a reflection and wonder why they are not someone else's eyes. Why these eyes are staring into deep blue eyes instead of rich dark brown eyes. And they will wonder why they are alone looking into themselves and not gazing into the eyes of a knight that will save them from hurt and sorrow. But the child is in the state that every man envies. The time where the world is theirs and they have time. They are in an utter bliss, surrounded by ones who say they are perfect, beautiful and will be everything. This child knows nothing of death, and how no mater your looks or wealth or knowledge, it will find you. The child knows not about how it will hunt you down and destroy everything. But it will. And woefully it will know before another man knew; sooner than anyone would wish.








Just messing around with a thought I have been playing in my head. You know how people can look at a piece of art work and come up with a wild crazy story? Well I tried that, and now Im trying something new. Something I have been thinking, and well have always thought. Music. Music is my world and my everything. You know of this idea too, you do it all the time. Put on some music and go into your own world? Well this is what I have done. I have gone into my world and brought out what I could. To share with you. This is to learn about me and my style as I learn and study the art of literature. I believe that when you write it come from within, if it dose not then its not art, its just words typed out or written down. So as I learn more about me, I hope that you also do the same. Find a song that you like and write like crazy. If you would like and if you do do this, do post here.

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Very excellent! Love the imagery and the ideas expressed in your work here, Brittn. :thumbsup:


PS: Please do not forget Zen's Garden! :teehee:

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