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Skyrim Crash when going Outside


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Hello Everyone !


Sorry to bother you with what seems to be a pretty simple issue, but I've been stuck with it for month now...

Okay, so basicaly, my game works perfectly fine in interiors cells (I use Alternate Start, the game start correctly, and if I choose a start that leads me into in interrior cell, it work, i.e: chosing I own a property). But as soon as I try to go outside, the game CTD...


I used to sort my mods in "categories" found in this guide, and be sure to order them, after enabeling them in MO, in WryeBash, checking for dependencies. And it gave me the same results.

Now, I just installer all my mods without checking the enabeling order, and sorting them in LOOT. And same problem.


I join you my modwat.ch for you to look at it and see if you can tell me some incompatibilities / problems.


Thank you very much for any help the could come !


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In wrye do you have any orange or red mods? if so you need to fix them


Orange - sort the master for each one in Xedit

red - you're missing a needed file




NONE of these should be loading before the unofficial patch, it states that on the patch description page

  • *ApachiiHairFemales.esmesm
  • *ApachiiHair.esmesm
  • *ApachiiHairMales.esmesm
  • *Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp



swap these, male and female version should load AFTER the main file


  • *ApachiiHairFemales.esmesm
  • *ApachiiHair.esmesm

These belong directly above the bashed patch, once again, it states that on the description page

  • *Alternate Start - Live Another Life.espesp
  • *Alternate Start -- New Beginnings.esp

And if those are 2 DIFFERENT alternate start mods, um, no, pick ONE

Edited by gromulos
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UPDATE: After Sorting my masters, puting everything as you said, I have now progressed.


Eveyrthing in WryeBash is now green ! I used to have file with unsorted masters, and it's now corrected, but !

The problem is still here. I can't go outside. So this reduce the issue to one or two mods conflicting with each others, and modifying the exteriors.


I'm digging into this right now.


Thanks for your help and your time !

Edited by Hazolp
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And I may add another problem ^^' My game crash if I switch to female during character creation.


I tried to deactivate every mod that I thought could affect the external cells, but my game kept crashing. Anyone can help me ?


Thanks !

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Reinstalled Apachii Hairs, Reinstalled manually, player without... Nothing changes... Still crashing when chosing female or going outside.

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Yeah, XPMSSE, HDT option. Nothing else. You think it could also make me crash outside since women are being loaded ?


Again thanks for taking time to help me !

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i would try a new play through with out any mods that affect your character or NPC's


IF it doesn't crash, enable one mod at a time until it does, and then you will have the culprit

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Okay, I'll try this.


EDIT #01: Tried this, tried deactivating all NPC Physical Mods, Additions to NPC, Skeleton alterations, AI for NPC, still crashed. I'll deactivate category by category and see where it come from.

Edited by Hazolp
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