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Steam Warning


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Today Australian time 7PM clicked to play Skyrim.Steam done an update,not sure what for but when finished I clicked to play and after logo and before load game came on (BINGO) crash to desktop.Contacted Steam and their advice failed (SURPRISE SURPRISE).Looks like game may have to be reinstalled,but wait there's more what if it doe's it again?Being controlled by Steam this way is really neat don't you think?Anyhow watch out for Steam updates..
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Hmmm ... Steam did the same update for me ... Loaded a game From 1.5 = No problem ... Loaded a game saved when I had the 1.6 Beta installed = No problem ... Loaded a game from when I was in the cart at Helgen from Skyrim ver. 1.0 = No problem ...


I'd say you'll need to go through your mod list and look for a culprit

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I agree, 1.6 was the first painless update I've had for this game. It seems like it's actually smoother.


If you use skse make sure you updated and that you have put the files in the correct places. You may need to run BOSS if you haven't already, and go to all of the readme pages for your mods to see if there is a known conflict for the new patch (and maybe a fix). You could try updating any mods that aren't updated. You may end up needing to uninstall all of your mods and then reinstall to find the problem....

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Thanks for the advice,need to try a couple of other things first.If no luck will uninstall all and reinstall,and start with a clean P.C again.
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I just used the 1.6 beta to test mounted combat, and I am delighted because that was my desire since the begin of the game, for have reason to use a horse but then I discover that brooks every mod who starts by a courier, like "Niflheim", "Skyrim Safehouse", or "Much Ado about Snow Elves".


That's why I'm still with Version 1.5 until I comfirm in forums there are no big trouble with new update.

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Skyrim Unplugged and a decent firewall is your friend.


I'm looking forward to mounted combat. I hated having to hop off and then wait for it to stop screwing around with the camera and return control to me just to swat a skeever. I'm keeping it blocked for now though, because I'm in the middle of a game and don't want it patching until I'm done.

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