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show ALL specs for weapons...?


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currently, all we can see is the weight of a weapon, and the damage (oh and the value). How bout a mod that allows us to see ALL the specs? Speed? Critical damage? Stagger chance? Reach? I can't be the only one that would want this. Surprised there's not a mod for this (unless there is, please tell me!)

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This might be exactly what you're looking for and more: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/19250


It looks like it IS! Now the only hangup is that it requires SKSE... I have downloaded skse but I since eliminated it because it seemed like all my frostfall warmth ratings were all screwy when I used it. But it's been a few weeks, maybe I could try it again... Anyways, THANK YOU!


(any idea if this would still work WITHOUT skse? Or is that out of the question?)


Edit- Just downloaded the current skse, and then when tried to run, it said "SKSE64 Loader couldn't find skyrimse.exe" (???)

Edited by tcbflash
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I don't use it, I just happened to see it on the list of recently updated mods since I just updated my spell package today, and remembered seeing your post earlier.

You might have to give it the old college try on this one, but logically I'm guessing to get the data that its displaying it would make sense to require skse and probably inject a dll in as well.

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If you go to the Frostfall page, in the comments, there is a workaround posted. If I've understood this correctly, the issue was that the Oldrim version required SKSE, but nobody knew how long it would be before SKSE64 came out, so Chesko modified it to work without it. Now that SKSE is out, the mod is trying to use it, which is what's causing your warmth rating issues. Chesko is working on it, but the comments seem to indicate success with the workarounds, in the mean time.

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