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Changing Character Voice


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I'm playing using the Elves of Lineage II MOD as a female Elf, and for whatever reason in gameplay all of the voice from swinging swords and everything comes out as a mans voice. I was wondering if anyone could tell me how I can mod it so that it uses a female elf voice. The voice from the cute elf MOD would be perfect. Anyone know how I can do that?
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Open up the .esp in CS, select "character" and then click the "race" after that choose the race you're modifying, in the very first tab there should be a "voice" tab, change the female voice to whatever you want.(IE if your cute elf mod voices[haven't used myself, using the voice package from ren] were set for wood elf, choose wood elf voice.) After you're done with that, click ok to close the tab, save the .esp and see if it worked.
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I can't seem to find it. Which .esp do I need to open to find the character/race? I'm doing this all in TES Construction Set, right?


[EDIT] Ok, I found the characters/race, now I just need to see if I can change the voices...

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And don't forget the mp3 for oblivion have some restrictive dependencies, such as fixed bitrate and values I don't remember at this moment but are covered in the wiki CS documentation.


Edit: I had this issue while making the voices for my quest, maybe those restrictions are only for the lipsynch... need confirmation.

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Only for lipsynch for all I know, I've pretty much had all possible voices on my PC's and they've worked fine, however with npc's there are most likely lots of conflicts due to lipsynch. Anyway since this only changes the sound of power attacks etc. and is for a custom race, there shouldn't be any conflicts.
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Ok, I figured out how to change the voice to any other race. I just had to set both Male and Female to a stock race. BUT I really would like to set it to use the CuteElf11 voice, and can't figure out how to import the voice into the Elves of Lineage II.esp. When I load them both in CS using the Elves of Lineage II as the active file, it will let me select the CuteElf voice, but it doesn't actually save it in the file, it reverts back to some duplicate that doesn't exist. Any help?
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You could copy the cute elf voices to a pre-existing races voice files, if it doesn't bother you too much that their combat sounds will become the same.(for example add the voices and overwrite default combat ones for a redguard)


Another option would be to build another specific folder for your lineage II elves.esp, simply create a folder in the "voice"-folder with the with the exact mod name and ending the name .esp, then go to the folder and make a subfolder with the editor ID of your custom race as the name.(you can see the editor ID from the race menu) then go to there and create another subfolder named 'F' for female('M' for male voices) voices and copy the voice files there. Then you should be able to see the voice possibility popping up when you reload the .esp in CS. This later option has worked for me a couple of times, but it's rather picky about being exact on absolutely everything. I'd go for the first option of simply copying the cute elf voice files to a pre-existing soundset and then setting that soundset as the default for your race. To make it not sound too unreal/whatever I'd replace one of the basic elf soundfiles(dark/wood/high).


The option of replacing the power attack sounds in a pre-existing soundset is easier to do and not as complex. Doing that doesn't affect dialogue or anything, only the combat sounds, so that'd be the only noticeable difference you'd have, npc's of some other race screaming the way you do while fighting.


edit: Alternatively, you could make your sound esp the active file, open up the lineage as secondary, duplicate the races, save, open up only the sound esp as active file, change the voice in the duplicated lineage elf races. The soundsets won't reset this time since you're using the very esp the sounds were made for. Then just rename the races(you don't have to touch the editor ID). This however won't affect any pre-existing savegames and requires you to start a new one with one of the duplicates to work.('different' races the, duplicate is not the same as the original, different editor ID's and if you try to make the ID's same, you'll end up with tons of conflicts.)


edit2: Gonna have to go to bed, got an early morning, if you still haven't gotten this to work when I get home from school tomorrow, I'll download the cute elf soundset & lineage elf mods and create a working .esp for you myself.

Just pm me, if you want me to do it.

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I'll try out the 2nd compicated option after I get back from lunch. If I can't get it working I'll probably just overwrite some other one. Though I've noticed that the stock voice files aren't in the folder. Only dialogue files of NPC's. So maybe I'll have problems with that. But I'll get back to it after lunch and keep you updated. Thanks a ton for helping me!
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Ok so none of that worked. The stock voice files must be in some compressed file because they're not in the voice folder for me to try replacing them with the cuteelf voice. And I made a directory "C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\sound\voice\Elves Of Lineage II.esp\F\RenMysticElfMCOPY0000" and put all the files in there and selected the voice, and tried about a dozen other things with putting the files in all the voice folders with all sorts of names, and when I go in the game and do a power attack or anything else... silence. In CS it will actually let me choose a voice "RenMysticElfMCOPY0000" and another called "RenMysticElfMCOPY0000COPY0000" but they don't have sounds attached so it doesn't play any in gameplay, and I haven't succeeded in making a sound pack through all the previous stuff I stated. Hmmm... :verymad:


So I guess the real question now is: How do you make custom voices for a custom race? The custom CuteElf11.esp voice works for the Cute Elf race, I just can't figure out a way to make a custom voice for the Elves Of Lineage 2.esp race. It's set as High Elf at default. Earlier I stated that all the voice "comes out as a mans voice," though I realized that the High Elf female simply sounds like a man. So how do I make a custom voice for a custom race? It's been done before by others (such as the creator of CuteElf11)...

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